What To Do Between the New Moon & Full Moon

Here’s a simple manifesting technique you can use each month between the New Moon and Full Moon. This 2 and a half week cycle has building energy that will help you take action on your goals. In the most basic terms, you can start your project on the New Moon and expect some results on the Full Moon.

The cycle of the Moon has predictable effects on human consciousness. Because the Moon makes a full circle around the Earth every month, we have noticed over time how we experience certain cycles of feelings which each transit. The New Moon makes us introverted and creative and the Full Moon makes us extroverted and sometimes temperamental.

These cycles contain creative energy swings we can harness to bring our goals to the next level. It’s not just about hustling when it comes to using the Moon cycles, it’s just as much about visualizing, asking your spirit guides to help you, and keeping that connection to your intuition strong so you can be guided to use your energy efficiently.

Here are the steps to take between the New and Full Moon to manifest your heart’s desires!

Step 1: Meditate

Take time in quiet meditation to ask your intuition what is best for you to start or what goal you’d like to work towards. Do this on the day of the New Moon because the veil is thin between you and the spirit world during this time. There is ample creative energy and ideas ready for you to access.

Step 2: Vision Board

Once you’ve meditated and gotten clear on what to focus on (keep it to just a few things), you can create a vision board that shows your goals with pictures and words. Place the vision board where you’ll see it morning and night to get you excited about this goal. Or, try creating monthly Moon vision boards on Pinterest (and be sure to follow us!).

Step 3: Gratitude

Write down gratitudes every single morning and every single night between the New Moon and Full Moon. Doing this affirms the positive energies of what is already in your life and keeps your vibrations high. Write down what you think you’ll be grateful for once you’ve achieved the goal. Write, “thank you for _____,” filling in the blank of whatever it is that you truly want to manifest. Doing this communicates with the Universe on an energetic level, sending a message that you believe you have what you need to manifest your goal already and you’re open to this new reality.

This is quite simple and very effective. Sometimes you can work on something for 6 months or a year if there are other things that come up first, so just trust that the process will work and keep at it. I’ve manifested very specific things in 1 month, a few months, and even over the course of years – but they always come!

Step 4: Visualize

As you write your gratitude in the morning and night take time to visualize having your goals in your life. Be as specific as you can with how you feel and really allow yourself to daydream! This sends out a very strong signal to the Universe that will help bring those daydreams into your reality. Even if you’ve never manifested before, visualization is powerful and only gets more powerful with each successful experience.

Step 5: Take Action!

Take action on what you are working towards. Do you need to call someone? Do you need to meet someone in person? Do you need to get an outfit, a suitcase, a book? What is going to get you towards the end goal with your actual efforts? Even if you don’t know exactly what the best approach is, cook the spaghetti, throw it against the wall and see what sticks. You’ll often get more than you asked for once the Full Moon comes around.

A good example of taking action is someone who wants a partner. They set their intention at the New Moon and they actively pursue dating while taking care of their own mind, body, and spirit balance; they work on being the type of person they want to attract. They go on dates and they enjoy themselves! This is taking action instead of just waiting around for your visualization to show up, which isn’t nearly as effective for the multidimensional reality we are co-creating.

Concluding Thoughts…

The more practice you get with this, the more excited you will get with each New Moon and Full Moon because it really works! You can manifest specific things like roses or emotions and spiritual gifts. Maybe you want to manifest a feeling like compassion or calmness. You can use this formula that is time-tested to change your life!

The purer your intention, the more powerful your manifesting will be. This is because positive emotions literally have a stronger frequency than negative emotions. If we are manifesting something because we are insecure or afraid, it won’t manifest as easily as something that will empower and heal others.

Related Article: What To Do Between The Full and New Moon

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. You can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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