Ask Charla: Life Decisions Won’t be so Hard if You Use These Stones

Welcome, everyone! Welcome to another instalment of ‘Ask Charla.’ It’s been truly fascinating to read your questions and know what the readers of Astrology Answers want to learn about. Today we are exploring the question:

I love this question, mainly because talking about stones and I love to use and talk about them! You know, stones and crystals are so amazing in many areas of our lives, and using them to help you make decisions is no exception.There are many stones that are appropriate to use, each one bringing a slightly different energy to the situation.

Stones can help with everything from bringing out your inner child to cleansing or protecting yourself from harm. Stones have an incredible capacity to help you heal and bring peace in many different situations. When used as a divination tool, you can to ask pertinent questions about something you’re struggling with, ultimately finding clarity. I will highlight some of the best stones to use when you need some assistance in making decisions and finding your life path.

Stones That Will Help With Clarity & Insight

  • Amethyst is a wonderfully spiritual stone and works with your third eye chakra to help you to see what you need to do.
  • Azurite helps you put the pain of the past behind you so that you can find your forward momentum again.
  • Carnelian attracts good fortune. It clears away the cobwebs so that you can use your creativity.
  • Citrine brings out your inner child. Remember how if felt to be free from worry, to just enjoy your life and go where it took you? Citrine encourages you to live in the now.
  • Fluorite enhances your intuition. Sometimes you just need to go with your gut and trust that your higher self is leading the way. Fluorite will also help you to be impartial, and to work through things objectively.
  • Quartz, the clear variety, brings clarity. Lemurian quartz will point you to your destiny, while dragon’s egg quartz will provide you with a snapshot of what you need to do now.
  • Smoky quartz is protective. It will reflect negative energy away from you, so you feel more freedom to make appropriate choices.
  • Sodalite is cleansing. It helps you clear what’s standing in your way, enabling you to see the right choice.
  • Turquoise helps you to give voice to your hopes and aspirations. When you find your words and speak your desires into being, you create a matrix of potential energy, waiting to help you achieve your goals.

Stones Can Help Forecast What to do

It’s very easy to put together a simple divination set to help with decisions and life path choices. The following stones work very well indeed and are neither hard to find nor expensive. They’ve been chosen because of their specific vibration, and the way that they’ll guide you through your current situation.

  • Amethyst will show you that you’re fulfilling your spirit’s requests through the choices you’re making and the path you’re walking at the moment.
  • Carnelian brings you energy. If you’ve been dragging your feet or feeling jaded in some way or avoiding making a decision because you fear it might upset someone, carnelian is telling you to suck it up and face the music.
  • Citrine is a very good stone when determining what to do. It’s reassuring you that you’re on the right path. It’s encouraging you to communicate your plans and ideas with others and suggests that learning and travel may not be out of the question.
  • Green agate is a warning. When this stone appears in your reading, it’s not the time to move forward. You’re too emotionally involved and need to take a step back and reevaluate things before making a final decision.
  • Hematite is very grounding. It’s asking you to blend logic and reason as you move forward with your ideas. You’re unlikely to get caught up in a wild goose chase when this stone appears.
  • Moonstone is a milky white stone that connects you with your higher self and the Ascended Masters. In a forecast, it’s telling you to seek spiritual guidance on the situation and to trust the information you intuitively receive.
  • Rose quartz reminds you to love yourself. You might with making decisions about your own life because you are too much of a people-pleaser, rose quartz reminds you of your personal empowerment and to start doing what’s right for you.
  • Sodalite is cleansing. When it appears in your reading, it’s telling you to get rid of whatever’s standing in your way. It could be physical clutter, emotional baggage, a relationship that is no longer benefiting you, or ideas that you’ve outgrown.
  • Yellow jasper is your final answer. This stone says that the answer isn’t just yes, it’s a big whoopee yes. You’re on the right track, so just keep going.

To use your divination stones, put them in a cloth or leather bag so you can’t see what you’re choosing. Focus on your question, really concentrate on what you want to know, and then draw out a stone. I like to write down the questions and the answers, so I can look back over time at how things unfolded.

Related Article: Ask Charla: 11 Amazing Stones for Protection & Repelling Negative Energy

Questions the Stones Can Answer

When you are working with stones. They can be effective divination tools. They can answer the questions that you want to know the answers and reveal what you should do. Be prepared that the stone you choose might prompt another question, too!

It might go something like this: You have a situation in your life and you’re unsure of the right path, you consult the stones for answers, you draw a stone out of your bag, write down what you draw (when I’m doing my crystal divination, I write absolute reams down in my journal), then you can use your knowledge of the energy of the stones to determine what they are telling you.

  • Question: What’s standing in my way of getting a new job?
  • Answer: Sodalite, something needs clearing out to make way for it.
  • Question: What needs clearing away?
  • Answer: Moonstone, you’re not on the right path.
  • Question: What does the Universe want me to do?
  • Answer: Carnelian, confront whatever or whoever is holding you back.
  • Question: Won’t that be uncomfortable, won’t it create more problems?
  • Answer: Citrine, no, it will put you on the right path, and open doors for you.
  • Question: Will that lead me to a new job?
  • Answer: Hematite, yes, it will enable you to be more grounded and to make progress toward your goal.

Let it be a conversation—and don’t hesitate to chuck the stones you’ve drawn back into the bag between questions, either! If the same stone keeps coming out again, again, and again, it’s yelling at you, and you need to pay attention to its meaning!

Stones Can Help Align Your Chakras

Sometimes the reason you can’t see the right way forward, or you’re uncertain of what choice to make, is because there’s a chakra that needs a tune up. Working with the above stones helps you to clear blockages and get those energy centers functioning optimally, so you know what to do and when to do it! Of course, if you already have our reiki healing stones, you can use those, too!

  • Hematite: Hematite is a root chakra stone. When this appears in your crystals, it’s telling you that your root chakra may be under or over-active, and need a bit of a tune up. Your root chakra governs what your body needs to survive. Wear red, make sure you’re looking after your body’s physical needs, and maybe even try some reflexology to bring this chakra back into balance.
  • Carnelian: This is a sacral chakra stone. When it comes to talk to you, it’s an indication that maybe your sacral chakra needs some alignment. It’s reminding you not to use people as stepping stones to get where you want to be in your life. To bring it back into balance, think about wearing orange, and maybe adding some orange colored natural foods into your diet.
  • Citrine: This stone works with your solar plexus chakra. It’s helping you to understand there’s a new beginning in every breath, you just have to see it, and then act on it. Meditate on the color yellow—you can focus on the citrine stone if you like, or maybe on the burning flame of a yellow candle. Bringing this chakra into balance is essential to remove all uncertainty when making decisions about your life.
  • Rose Quartz: This is the love stone and works on your heart chakra. If you’ve been feeling dissatisfied with your life, or have forgotten to count your blessings, if you’ve fallen out with a friend or you’re suffering from some kind of sadness or heartache, this is the chakra that needs your attention. Envision yourself surrounded in a gentle pink bubble that reflects all negativity away from you, and let the healing begin!
  • Sodalite: Sodalite is so cleansing, and it will work with your throat chakra so that you only say what you mean and clear out unwanted thoughts from your vocabulary and your life. To balance this energy center, chant or sing to the key of G, and surround yourself in calm and cleansing blue by wearing either blue clothing or blue jewelry.
  • Amethyst: This is a very uplifting and spiritual stone. Its power and strength are in its gentleness, and it resonates with your third eye chakra. When this area is out of balance, you’ll have trouble feeling your way forward. If you’ve drawn this stone, it’s telling you that you need to do things to enhance your own intuition. Wearing indigo, wearing amethyst jewelry, and keeping a journal of your thoughts and dreams will all help you to bring this chakra back into balance.
  • Clear Quartz: This stone has so much potential because it’s possible to program it to do so many different things! If it comes to you as a chakra stone, it’s showing you that your crown chakra needs a tune up. You need to connect with your higher self. Did you get caught in the trap of thinking you knew the way forward, and then something challenged you? Prayer and meditation are the best ways to bring this chakra back into balance.


There you have it! Three very different ways you can use crystals and stones to help you with your decisions and your life choices, and three very different ways of working with them! If you need guidance to make a decision in your life, stones can be a very effective divination tool.

I hope this has helped you to find your way forward and as you continue to work with stones and crystals you’ll find even more ways they will enhance your life and lead you to personal empowerment. Always bear in mind, though, that the magic isn’t in the stone; it’s in you!

Related Article: Rock These Lucky Stones for Your Zodiac Sign

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