The 10 of Cups Tarot card signifies happy times and a happy couple. If you are worried about love when you see this card, don’t be. You have everything your heart desires, or you will soon have it. There is great joy ahead, and everyone you want will be around you to celebrate. As this card represents a completed cycle, you may be moving to the next level in your relationship, getting married, attending a wedding, or becoming involved in something that will bring you sheer joy and bliss. Don’t question it. Enjoy it!
Cups in the Tarot represent love, and tens in the Tarot represent cycles of completion. When you see the 10 of Cups appear in a Tarot reading, know that the joy and the love you feel are real. Here we see a happy couple dancing under a rainbow of fulfillment and love. You have found your bliss, and you are reveling in it. The 10 of Cups often makes us feel like what is happening now is too good to be true. But its message is—it’s not. It is happening. Enjoy your moment. You’ve worked very hard for it!