The healing 4 of Swords Tarot card comes after the heartbreak of the 3 of Swords. Most Tarot decks show religious symbolism as if this healing is taking place in a church. There is a loss associated with this card, although it is neither dark nor light in nature. It is simply a resting time: to regroup, collect yourself, and heal after a difficult time. When you see this card, it is not an action card. But rather, it is one that suggests a time for prayer and rest is needed before you can pick up the sword again and battle forward.
In the 4 of Swords Tarot card, we see a person lying on a bed, or in some interpretations, on a concrete slab. The individual is at rest, and three swords are hanging on the wall above them. Alongside the bed, there is one sword that has been put down. This is a card that symbolizes healing after pain. The pain can be physical or emotional. The bed can represent a hospital bed, a bed in jail, or a metaphorical bed of healing. After the heartache felt in the 3 of Swords, a time of respite and recovery is required. It is now time for you to lay down, collect yourself, and regroup. One sword has been laid down signifying the battle is over. The remaining three have been hung until they are needed again.