3 of Wands

3 of Wands


The 3 of Wands Tarot card is optimistic and suggests your ship will come in. Or at least, this is what is happening at this stage in the game. This is a card of taking action sometimes and sometimes means that you are very close to hearing the answer you have been waiting for.

It is also a sign of promises, so somebody may keep their promise to you today in a way that makes you feel very happy and alive. Sometimes this card appears when lovers are missing each other, and the third party is the distance. This card is a signal to pick up the phone or send a message to someone just to let them know you are longing for them and thinking of them today.


The 3 of Wands Tarot card is very optimistic and always pleasant to see in any Tarot reading. Here we see a man on a hill, holding three wands and looking off into the distance. This card is bright and sunny, and the buds on the wands represent growth and accomplishment, so we have a sense of accomplishment with this card. The first phase of something has been a success, and you are looking off into the distance with a more powerful realization that your ship will be coming in.

This is a Tarot card of promises being kept and a sense of fulfillment. A third party may be in the picture, too, which is very influential in ensuring your ship is about to come in.

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