You Pulled the Knight of Wands – Now What?

knight of wands tarot

If you have drawn the Knight of Wands, you have drawn a card that brings dynamic, confident, brave, and adventurous energy to your reading.

The Knight of Wands is the ultimate adventurer. This is the card for the zodiac sign Sagittarius, whose wandering, adventurous, lustful ways represent this fiery knight perfectly.

This is the charming, dashing lothario who will sweep you off your feet and make you feel as if you have been transferred to another world. He brings passion and fire – you can never forget the time spent with him.

Of course, the Knight of Wands has a dark side, too. Good luck trying to get him to settle down!

Here one minute, gone the next, this knight has a habit of breaking hearts as often as his horse leaves hoof prints in the ground!

If you seek energy, excitement, confidence, and glamour, this is the one for you. When he appears in a reading, it means his energy is present. It can mean that you are being urged to take on his energy yourself. Somewhere inside of all of us, there is a Knight of Wands waiting to be unleashed.

What Does the Knight of Wands Mean?

The Knight of Wands can have several meanings in a reading. It can represent an energy, situation, or a person.

  • High self-confidence
  • Sex appeal
  • Daring, takes risks
  • Goes where angels fear to tread
  • Physically attractive
  • Seductive
  • Self-assured
  • Adventurous
  • Loves to travel
  • Restless
  • Superficial
  • Boastful
  • Thoughtless or insensitive
  • Passionate
  • Hot-tempered
  • Rises to any challenge
  • Acts without thinking
  • Loves change and novelty
  • Heroic
  • May have a chip on your shoulder
  • Flirtatious

What Does the Knight of Wands Mean in Love & Relationships?

The Knight of Wands indicates passion and attraction in a love and relationship reading!

As feelings, the Knight of Wands suggests a strong sexual attraction and the desire for intimacy at its most exciting and lustful level. But be warned with this knight, for his feelings are not lasting, and unless there are more solid earthy cards around to temper it, we could be looking at a ‘wham-bam-thankyou-mam’ scenario!

How someone sees you is likely to see you as someone with Knight of Wands qualities – hot, passionate, dynamic, and very sexy.

For what they want to happen between you, the Knight of Wands suggests they are looking for a hot and fiery love affair, possibly even a one-night stand, rather than a long-term relationship. Again, pulling more cards to clarify will help gain a bigger picture.

What Does the Knight of Wands Mean in a Career Reading?

In a career reading, the Knight of Wands indicates a fast-paced, action-oriented job. This could include working in a sales environment or even firefighting or police work.

The Knight of Wands indicates that high energy is required in the career path. It also highlights that you have the ability to tap into this energy and use it to its greatest degree.

This card can also represent someone in the workplace with Knight of Wands qualities—they may have passion, verve, and great creativity, but they may have trouble seeing things through.

What About the Knight of Wands as an Obstacle?

As an obstacle card, the Knight of Wands suggests burn-out. This knight has ample energy, but taking too much can lead to exhaustion.

As an obstacle card, the Knight of Wands indicates you are overzealous. Have you thought things through? It is better to take a step back and analyze everything rather than leap in.

What About the Knight of Wands in Reverse?

When reversed, the Knight of Wands ceases to shine with that brilliant confidence and instead becomes arrogant and superficial. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance with this knight, and when reversed, there is a boastful, bragging nature that can lead to their own downfall.

As a reversed card, the knight’s positive energies become blocked. Humility is important for this knight. Recklessness is also a danger when reversed, and this card may come as a warning if you have not thought things through.

How to Make the Knight of Wands Work for You

Knight of Wands energy is powerful and dynamic, but it is fire and needs some careful handling.

The following affirmations, repeated morning and night, are wonderful ways to harness the knight’s power:

  • I am bold and brilliant
  • I am courageous and fearless
  • I am sexy and confident
  • My sex appeal is a powerful part of who I am
  • I am creative and dynamic
  • I will achieve my goals
  • I am a powerhouse of confidence
  • I will do anything I set my mind to
  • I will rise to any challenge

Unleash the Power of the Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is the brave, bold adventurer who attracts gasps of awe everywhere they go. They are the sexy, attractive individual who knows what they want and isn’t afraid to get it.

Everyone has a bit of Knight of Wands inside them. Tap into your inner power and let the world see yours!

Related article: You Pulled the King of Wands – Now What?

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