You Pulled the Knight of Pentacles – Now What?

knight of pentacles

Appearing just after the Page of Pentacles, the Knight of Pentacles brings messages of patience, determination, and grit.

Knights in the Tarot represent the fire aspects of their suits. This means that all knights are symbols of action, change, and movement.

The Knight of Pentacles is the slowest and most cautious of the knights. This is the knight that will take a long time to achieve their goals. They have excellent patience – but sometimes they spend just a little too much time pondering and not enough time acting!

The Knight of Pentacles is unwavering. Once they set their mind to something, they do it. They are stubborn in their beliefs and very hard to budge once they have made their mind up.

What Does the Knight of Pentacles Mean?

The Knight of Pentacles has the following meanings:

  • Is dogged in pursuit of goals
  • Does not quit
  • Stays true to convictions and beliefs
  • Does not listen to reason
  • Cautious
  • Prefers the safe path
  • Does not like to take risks
  • Stands firm against opposition
  • Stubborn
  • Misses chances because of too much waiting
  • Never leaves a job half-done
  • Hardworking
  • Meticulous
  • Finishes what is started
  • Realistic
  • Down to earth
  • Not lured by false hope
  • Analyses everything carefully
  • Pessimistic
  • Loyal
  • Practical

Make sure to read: Everything You Need to Know About Pentacles in Tarot

What Does the Knight of Pentacles Mean in a Love & Relationship Reading?

In a love and relationship reading, the Knight of Pentacles can represent someone who shares the knight’s qualities or the situation itself.

For how someone feels for you, it indicates their feelings for you are one of commitment. They think you are someone they are interested in for the long term. The Knight of Pentacles is all about commitment and doesn’t invest his feelings unless he is certain about them.

They may have spent a long time getting to know you or moved with caution. Their feelings are unlikely to change as once this knight commits to something or someone, he doesn’t change his mind.

However, this knight can sometimes spend so long assessing a love interest that he may miss his chance completely! By the time he is ready, the love interest has moved on.

This knight is not the type of person to make grand romantic gestures in a love reading. His idea of romance isn’t flowers, chocolates, or being whisked away for a romantic getaway. You are more likely to come home to your washing machine being fixed or clothes ironed.

This is how the knight shows affection – very sweet in their own way!

For how someone sees you, it indicates they see you as someone with Knight of Pentacles qualities: loyal, hardworking, committed, realistic, down to earth, pragmatic and practical.

They see you as solid and committed. This is a very good card for how someone sees you, as they view you as loyal and dependable and in it for the long term.

On the negative side, they may see you as a little dull!

For what someone wants to happen between you, the Knight of Pentacles suggests they take things slow and steady. The interest is definitely there, but they are not the type of person to jump into a relationship or take things to the next level. Slow and steady wins the race.

Make sure to check out: What is the Tarot Trying to Tell You in a Love Reading?

What Does the Knight of Pentacles Mean in a Career Reading?

In a career reading, the Knight of Pentacles can represent a person, either yourself, the person you are reading for, or another person with Knight of Pentacles qualities who is playing a role in your career life.

The Knight of Pentacles, as advice in a career reading, encourages you to be patient, to slow down, and to take your time. Don’t leap into anything. Plod along like the knight, and you will see success in time.

In a career reading, this knight spells success but reminds you that it will take hard work, dedication, and consistency.

The Knight of Pentacles excels in careers that require hands-on work, such as plumbing or scaffolding. This knight also excels in outdoor work, such as gardening or farming.

What Does the Knight of Pentacles Mean Reversed?

As a reversed card, the Knight of Pentacles’ energy changes on its head. It becomes lazy, sluggish, and unable to focus.

When reversed, it provides an obstacle in the form of losing direction. There is a lack of interest and motivation. An absence of loyalty is also here with the reversed knight.

The Knight of Pentacles reversed suggests quitting when the going gets tough. Reversed, this card represents starting something but not finishing it. The desire to continue, whether with a relationship, a career, a belief, or a hobby, has gone. Now, there is a sense of misdirection and lack of focus.

This card indicates that it is time to get back on your feet. If this knight becomes too stagnant, he may struggle to find his feet again. Therefore, finding the will to motivate oneself again is important, and this may require time out or meditation to help you reconnect with yourself once again.

How to Make the Knight of Pentacles Work For You

To make the Knight of Pentacles work for you, try the following affirmations morning and night.

This knight’s energy is all about patience and dedication, so if you are dealing with issues or relationships that require these qualities, these affirmations can work wonders.

  • I will reach my goal
  • I am determined and driven
  • Slow and steady wins the race
  • I am committed to my aims
  • I am committed to my relationship
  • I stand by my convictions
  • I know I can achieve anything I desire
  • I have the patience and fortitude to succeed

One thing the Knight of Pentacles understands is patience. Unlike his counterparts in the other suits, the Knight understands that slow and steady wins the race.

With persistence and self-belief, anything is possible. Rome wasn’t built in a day. To reach those goals, hard work, perseverance, and unwavering dedication are often necessary.

When you feel yourself faltering, pick up the Knight of Pentacles and let it remind you that you can do anything you set your mind to!

Related article: You Pulled the Queen of Pentacles – Now What?

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