Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 7th – 13th, 2024

weekly astrology forecast october 7

Are you ready for a week of expansion, action, and transformative energy? Then read this article to see what astrology is bringing your way this week!

The second week of October brings a cosmic tapestry woven with significant planetary shifts and lunar phases that invite deep reflection, transformation, and focused action. Starting on October 9th, Jupiter’s retrograde is already underway. During its retrograde, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and wisdom, prompts an inward focus on how we approach abundance and success. This period is not about outward growth but an opportunity to reassess long-term goals, examine what success means to us personally, and refine our sense of purpose.

October 10th brings the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn, amplifying the need to make progress and take responsibility for one’s goals. The First Quarter phase is typically a time of action, but with Capricorn’s influence, the energy becomes even more disciplined, pragmatic, and serious. Capricorn is a sign associated with ambition, structure, and long-term planning, so this lunar phase nudges us to address the work needed to achieve our objectives. It’s about making strategic decisions, embracing perseverance, and committing to the effort required to manifest dreams into reality. Challenges that arise now may feel daunting, but the energy of Capricorn is all about overcoming obstacles through steady, consistent action. This is a good time to set realistic expectations and make sure the foundations of your plans are solid.

On October 11th, Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and rebirth, stations direct in Capricorn after being retrograde since May. Pluto direct is like a surge of release, allowing the changes that have been simmering beneath the surface to start materializing. In Capricorn, Pluto has been breaking down outdated structures in both personal lives and societal frameworks. This direct motion suggests that we’re ready to step into the new paradigms we’ve been working toward. Pluto’s influence often uncovers hidden truths, so this can be a moment where revelations, deep inner work, or realizations about power dynamics become clear.

With Pluto in Capricorn, there is a strong focus on authority, control, and how we navigate our professional lives or long-term aspirations. It’s a time to embrace the transformations that have taken place and begin rebuilding stronger foundations.

On October 13th, Mercury, the planet of communication, thought processes, and learning, enters the intense and probing sign of Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio takes communication to a deeper level, making us more attuned to the undercurrents of conversations and less inclined toward surface-level exchanges. This transit encourages us to investigate, research, and uncover hidden truths. Conversations may turn more intimate or intense, with a focus on revealing secrets, understanding motivations, or dealing with emotional depth.

Mercury in Scorpio is great for delving into mysteries, solving complex problems, and having transformative discussions, but it can also bring up intense or obsessive thinking. The trick is to use this energy for psychological insight rather than getting caught in suspicion or over-analysis.

October 7th – October 13th is a Week to Converse & Transform

Overall, this week is marked by a shift in how we perceive and approach life’s bigger questions. With Jupiter retrograde helping us rethink abundance, the First Quarter Moon urging action in a disciplined manner, Pluto’s direct motion pushing us to embrace transformation, and Mercury entering Scorpio encouraging deep, meaningful communication, there is a blend of introspection and forward momentum.

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Libra (September 22, 2024 – October 22, 2024)
  • Mercury: Libra (September 26, 2024 – October 13, 2024), Scorpio (October 13, 2024 – November 2, 2024)
  • Venus: Scorpio (September 22, 2024 – October 17, 2024)
  • Mars: Cancer (September 4, 2024 – November 4, 2024)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (September 1, 2024 – November 19, 2024)

Daily Astrological Snapshots

Monday, October 7


Libra – We become more social and playful while also willing to strike up a debate. We are looking for ways to balance our work and play. It’s easy to get caught up in other people’s drama.


Sagittarius – The Moon in Sagittarius is fiery and adventurous, encouraging you to go after your dreams and have some fun. Try to follow your instincts and let your passion guide you.

Astrological Transit

Sagittarius Moon square Saturn in Pisces – You can expect feelings of emotional restriction, loneliness, or frustration as responsibilities weigh heavily on you.

It’s a good time to focus on handling obligations with patience and discipline while being gentle with yourself. Avoid isolating yourself emotionally or being overly critical of yourself or others.

Tuesday, October 8





Astrological Transit

Scorpio in Venus trine Mars in Cancer – This transit brings a harmonious blend of passion, attraction, and creative energy, making relationships flow easily and boosting confidence.

It’s an ideal time to pursue romantic or artistic endeavors, take action on desires, and express affection openly. Avoid being passive or letting this energy go to waste—it’s a perfect moment to actively engage with what excites you!

Wednesday, October 9




Capricorn – The Capricorn Moon is earthy and grounded, bringing practical, responsible energy your way. It can be hard to connect to your emotions, so carry rose quartz to open your heart chakra.

Astrological Transit

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – Expect a period of introspection regarding learning, communication, and personal beliefs, with potential delays or rethinking of plans related to travel, education, or networking.

This is a good time to review past decisions, reassess your approach to acquiring knowledge, and focus on inner growth rather than seeking external expansion. Avoid rushing into new commitments or spreading yourself too thin.

Thursday, October 10





Astrological Transit

First Quarter Moon in Capricorn – This transit brings a surge of determination and focus on long-term goals, with a push to overcome obstacles through hard work and discipline.

It’s a great time to take practical steps toward career ambitions, set boundaries, and tackle challenges with a methodical approach. Avoid letting fear of failure or perfectionism hold you back, as this transit emphasizes steady progress over immediate results.

Friday, October 11




Aquarius – When the Moon is in Aquarius, you feel more eccentric and individual, embracing your unique personality. Express yourself as honestly and genuinely as you can.

Astrological Transit

Pluto direct in grounded Capricorn– Expect a resurgence of transformative energy in areas related to power, authority, and long-term structures, pushing for deep, lasting changes.

It’s a powerful time to take control of your ambitions, confront unresolved issues, and rebuild aspects of your life with greater resilience. Avoid resisting change or holding onto outdated systems or habits.

Saturday, October 12





Astrological Transit

Aquarius Moon trine Sun in Libra – This transit brings a sense of inner harmony, emotional balance, and ease in expressing yourself, making interactions feel more fluid and natural.

It’s an ideal time to nurture close relationships, focus on personal well-being, and pursue creative or reflective activities that align with your true self. Avoid wasting this positive, flowing energy by being passive—use it to build connections and reinforce your emotional foundation.

Sunday, October 13




Pisces – The dreamy Pisces Moon amplifies intuition, creativity, and emotions. Self-care is crucial today—focus on activities that lift your spirits and help you feel aligned.

Astrological Transit

Mercury enters sultry Scorpio – Expect intense, focused communication and a desire to uncover hidden truths as conversations and thoughts take on a deeper, more investigative tone. It’s a great time to delve into research, explore psychological or taboo subjects, and speak with authenticity and precision.

Avoid superficial chatter or manipulative behavior, as this transit favors honesty and depth over surface-level interactions.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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