We have a very easygoing and gentle astrological week ahead of us. It’s always great to use this time to rest and process the previous weeks that may have been more intense and charged. It always takes time to digest new experiences and lessons, so give yourself the space to do just that.
We start the week on Monday, with the Moon in Libra. The general mood is one of connection, love, and harmony seeking.
Libra is one of the most sociable signs that loves to be surrounded by its friends, lovers, and family. You could be feeling this stronger urge during these few days, allow yourself to relish in the delight of connection and love! Just make sure you don’t put aside your own needs for the sake of pleasing other people, that is Libra’s biggest weakness. It is crucial to stay in touch with your own needs and desires and find a compromise between yours and others.
The Libra Moon will be squaring Mercury in Capricorn, which indicates a tension between your mind/rationale and your feelings/emotions. The thing to do in these moments isn’t to get tense and try to choose one over the other, but rather strike a healthy balance between allowing yourself to feel whatever you are and validate those emotions, while at the same time not believing everything your feelings tell you. It is crucial to maintain a level of perspective and objectivity.
On Tuesday, the Sun in conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. This indicates a very strong-minded, and independent energy. Use this day to allow yourself to be your own person and break away from whatever norms and rules have been placed upon you by society, ones that do not serve you and are not in alignment with your values and ethics.
And of course, while Aquarius is all about going to the beat of its drum, it is the sign most focused on community, the collective, and humanity. Learn to find the delicate and intricate connection between your own liberation and that of the world. Consider where you fit in within the context of your community.
The Moon also moves into Scorpio, making the energy a bit more introverted and internal. It is a great time to delve into your unconscious and feel your feelings as deeply as you dream to allow yourself to.
Then on Wednesday, this Scorpio Moon is trine Saturn in Pisces. You may feel more emotionally secure, grounded, and stable on this day. This is a great time to focus on accomplishing tasks and taking care of pragmatic matters that require tending to. You may also feel more inclined to get clear about your boundaries within your connections. Are there any emotional patterns that you developed within your childhood (as a protective mechanism) that no longer serve you?
On Thursday, the Moon moves into fiery, extroverted, and adventurous Sagittarius. This is a great time to think about potential travel or educational plans in your future!
Sag is all about expanding and widening your horizons and not accepting any external limitations placed on you. Of course, it is important to remain realistic and not be overly lofty or grand with your plans or expectations so as not to end u disappointed. On this day, Mars in Cancer is sextile Uranus in Taurus. This transit is inviting you to discover new and unexplored ways of doing things and living your life. Mercury in Capricorn is also opposite Mars in Cancer, so it is important to look out for emotionally charged/volatile communications and interactions with others.
Friday, the Moon in Sag is also sextile Pluto in Aquarius, you may be feeling things more intensely or deeply today. Allow yourself to dive into the deeper and darker aspects of your unconscious, it is only when you do so that you can reclaim all the parts of yourself and power that you have not yet tapped into!
On Saturday, Venus in Pisces trines Mars in Cancer, this is a very romantic and sexual transit. It is a great day to practice being less shy and more forward in the pursuit of your romantic interests, but also all your desires in general. Learn how to not be timid or water down your desires because either you or other people are scared of their intensity. There are true reservoirs of power lying there for those who dare to venture.
Finally, on Sunday, Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces, this placement is asking you to find how you can turn your dreams, and fantasies into a reality. How can you channel the stuff of your imagination into tangible and physical form? Discover the practices that allow you to express your creative, spiritual, and intuitive aspect of your being. And then we also have Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus, inviting us to find new, different, and exciting ways of being in relationship, both romantically and platonically.
Planetary Locations During This Week
- The Sun: Capricorn (December 21, 2024 – January 19, 2025) Aquarius (January 19, 2025 — February 18, 2025)
- Mercury: Capricorn (January 8, 2025 – January 27, 2025)
- Venus: Pisces (January 2, 2025 – February 4, 2025)
- Mars: Cancer (January 6, 2025 – April 18, 2025) Leo (April 18, 2025 – June 17, 2025)
- Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
- Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
- Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
- Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
- Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043))
Daily Astrology Snapshots
Monday, January 20th
Libra – you could be feeling a stronger urge toward connecting with loved ones today. Allocate time specifically for the meaningful connections in your life today.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Libra square Mercury in Capricorn — your emotions and mind are at odds today, try to find a way to listen to both aspects of your being. It is important to feel your emotions fully, yet also stay in touch with your rationale.
Tuesday, January 21st
Astrological Aspect
Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius — energies are extra potent, intense and charged today. You are likely to feel a strong desire to exercise your power and have a need to be in control.
Find a healthy way of doing so without having to step on other people, true power is being able to be centered and strong within yourself, and not through oppressing others.
Wednesday, January 22nd
Scorpio – it is time to go deep within and give yourself the time and space to sit with your feelings and emotions, especially the “darker” or more difficult/painful ones.
Only by confronting your wounds can you heal and process them.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces — energies are grounded, focused and pragmatic today. This is a great time to take care of your responsibilities and tasks that need tending to. Use this time to your advantage and set out to accomplish whatever you wish to!
Thursday, January 23rd
Astrological Aspect
Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer — communications are fraught with tension today. Make sure you remain level headed and calm, especially in moments when you feel you are about to lose your temper or cool. Direct that fiery and direct energy towards passionately pursuing things that mentally stimulate you, rather than getting into unnecessary arguments.
Friday, January 24th
Sagittarius – the energy is lighter, funnier, and more upbeat today! It is very important that you nurture your ability to enjoy yourself and learn to take pleasure and experience joy in the things you pursue in your life.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius — you may feel more inclined to exploring deeper aspects of your emotional world today, allow yourself to venture into the hidden crevices of your psyche, where you had been previously too scared to go. It is in these parts of yourself, that you discover the most valuable and hidden gems!
Saturday, January 25th
Astrological Aspect
Venus in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer — this is a particularly great transit to pursue romantic and sexual interests. Your desires and your ability to go out there and make them happen are in alignment today. This is a very good day to love hard and love strong, allow yourself to occasionally be consumed by your passions as long as you’re mindful and aware of what you are doing!
Sunday, January 26th
Capricorn – today, the energy is grounded, practical, and serious. This is a good time to focus and get down to business.
Astrological Aspect
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces — your mind is extra inspired, dreamy and imaginative today. Utilize this time by pursuing mentally creative activities such as writing or perhaps even photography, basically any practice that allows you yo express your creative voice/vision!
Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.