Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 27th – February 2nd, 2025

A girl with white hair and skin crouches over her knee holding a flower.

We have a very eventful week full of astrological shifts and transits, so you can expect the energy to be extra intense and charged. But as always, that doesn’t mean it is a bad or negative thing. You just need to find a way to navigate these territories as smoothly as possible by preparing yourself for the energies you are going to be working with!

On Monday—to kick off the week—Mercury moves into Aquarius. Mercury is very comfortable and strong in this placement.

As we have mentioned before, Mercury is the planet that rules the mind, communication, and ideas. Aquarius is an Air sign, therefore making it very mental and cerebral. It is very oriented towards studying, learning, and finding new and different ways of doing things. During the roughly three weeks when we have this transit, you may find yourself feeling more experimental and adventurous with the way you think about things. It is a great time to practice letting go of beliefs and traditions that may have been imposed upon you that, in actuality, are not in alignment with your ideals and values.

It is a necessary part of everyone’s psychological and mental growth to go through this experience of breaking away from tradition and convention and finding what truly makes sense to you.

Then, in the middle of the week, on the 29th, we have the New Moon in Aquarius, which further intensifies and strengthens all things connected to this sign. New Moons are always a time for starting new things; you can think of them as planting seeds for what you want to grow and reap more of in your life.

Being in Aquarius, this New Moon is all about change, evolution, and revolution!

Aquarius is the most forward-thinking and futuristic sign. It is not attached to conventions or preexisting rules. It wants to keep growing and exploring ways of being that are constructive and conducive to new forms of life emerging. 

During this time, you should ask yourself what old habits and ways of being you would like to break out of, ones that no longer serve you or your growth.

What are the beliefs, ideals, and values that feel true to you?

It is so important to have the courage to go to the beat of your own drum and not have other people’s opinions dictate your life and what you do with it. This, of course, does not mean rebelling just for the sake of it because when you fall into that state of mind, you are still somehow oriented yourself, and decisions are based on other people and not yourself. It would be wise for you to create an intention-setting ritual during this New Moon where you write down all the long-term goals and plans you would like to accomplish in the near future. This allows you to have a tangible and physical form representing these things so you can go back to it as a reference and hold yourself accountable.

Don’t miss: Your New Moon Ritual for Your Zodiac Sign

On the 30th, Uranus goes direct into Taurus. Once again, this is very fitting with all the Aquarian energies we have right now.

Uranus is the planet of breakthroughs, experimentation, and revolution. The fact that it’s going direct can indicate that there will be an energetic shift where plans of change will come into motion. You may have felt a bit more stifled enacting the changes you wish to in your life while Uranus was retrograde.

Therefore, if you were planning certain things during that time, you might find that they actually begin to take shape and form right now!

Aquarius and Uranus are also both very concerned with humanity and the collective. This is the best time for you to think of what you offer to other people, in modern-day life we have become more hyper-individualistic to an unhealthy extent. We need to find the balance between being our own person and recognizing that, at the same time, we are part of a greater collective that supports, sustains, and nourishes us. Truly, no person is an island, and the astrology of this week is strongly reminding you of that.

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Aquarius (January 19, 2025 — February 18, 2025)
  • Mercury: Aquarius (January 27, 2025 – February 14, 2025)
  • Venus: Pisces (January 2, 2025 – February 4, 2025)
  • Mars: Cancer (January 6, 2025 – April 18, 2025) Leo (April 18, 2025 – June 17, 2025)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, January 27th





Astrological Aspect

Mercury enters Aquarius — Unconventional ideas, plans for change, and experimental approaches can be how you go over the next few weeks. Embrace stepping outside of your mental comfort zone.

Tuesday, January 28th





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus – feeling inspired to experiment or try out new and different things today. Allow yourself to do so.

It is crucial that you break out of stagnant and repetitive emotional patterns and ways of being!

Wednesday, January 29th





Astrological Aspect

New Moon in Aquarius – allow yourself to be detached from what is going on around you and indulge in pursuits that stimulate you on an intellectual level.

It is necessary to think outside the box and be your quirky, strange self every once in a while!

Thursday, January 30th




Pisces – during these few days, the energy is sensitive, soft, and dreamy. During this lunar transit, it is always a great practice to tend to your inner and imaginary/creative world.

Astrological Aspect

Uranus Direct in Taurus – With Uranus moving forward again in Taurus, this can restart some changes made last summer, and you can feel more motivated.

You might need time to get going, though, and you can be steady like a rock.

Friday, January 31st





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Pisces Square Jupiter in Gemini — It might be hard to get anything going, but you should take it easy if you can. If not, give yourself lots of time to get things done.

Saturday, February 1st




Aries – the energy is active, fiery, and possibly even feisty these next few days!

You might be feeling more restless and agitated, so make sure to direct that energy somewhere useful and constructive.

Astrological Aspect

Venus in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces — Be dreamy and romantic. Spend time being creative, being in love, and letting love lead you.

Sunday, February 2nd





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Aries Sextile Mercury in Aquarius — Put ideas and plans into action. Maximize enthusiasm to make your ideas into something real.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

About the Author

Picture of Ahmad Alsayyed

Ahmad Alsayyed

Ahmad Alsayyed studied with the renowned and celebrity astrologer Debra Silverman. He is on Debra’s team of mentors who help teach her online Astrology program. Ahmad has studied the asteroids with Demetra George, one of the leading astrologers on the subject and is currently studying Traditional, Hellenistic Astrology under her tutelage. He has also finished the 1-year course with the Center for Psychological Astrology and is now going through the Mercury Internet School for Psychological Astrology diploma course. He has attended webinars with esteemed astrologers such as Chani Nicholas, Liz Greene, Robert Hand and Steven Forrest.Ahmad is presently participating in an Astrology course with Richard Tarnas and Stan Grof, called Psyche and Cosmos, Using Archetypal Astrology as a Telescope Into Your Depths.

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