Similar Dreams: Sad, Fighting, Quarrel, Kissing, Jury
Jealousy is a horrible emotion to experience in waking life, let alone in the dream world. A little jealousy is often harmless, but when it takes over, there are few emotions so destructive and debilitating.
A dream about jealousy often has no hidden meaning. There are emotions that need to be dealt with and it is important to face them. These emotions may not even be entirely about jealousy – they can revolve around feelings of envy or inadequacy.
No matter the dream and its contents, a dream about jealousy is one to be taken seriously.
Dreaming About Being Jealous Of Someone Else
Feelings will be paramount during a dream like this, so you want to pay as close attention as you can to each of the feelings that are represented.
Jealousy coming from you within a dream suggests insecurity and matters of vulnerability on your part. This could be a simple matter of loving yourself more and working on ways to increase your self-confidence.
Often, this dream points to low self-esteem and a feeling of not being good enough in your waking life.
Have you had this dream more than once? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.
Dreaming About Romantic Jealousy
If you feel jealous of someone because you think they are more attractive than you, this points to strong feelings of low self-worth. You may have grown up believing you are unattractive or that others don’t find you attractive.
This type of dream suggests important inner healing work needs to be done.
If you dream your partner is giving attention to someone else (or even cheating on you), you feel jealous in the dream and in real life. You may feel in your waking life that your partner or someone you are very close to is not giving you the attention you deserve.
This type of dream can, in rare cases, be brought on by seeing the signs of infidelity, but more often than not it indicates that the issue lies within you and needs to be addressed. It’s important to get out of a situation where you are not being valued, but sometimes a stress dream about jealousy in a relationship is simply that, a dream with other meaning.
Dreaming about Someone Being Jealous Of You
If you dream someone is jealous of you, you may be picking up on someone else’s feelings about you. Their jealousy indicates they feel you are superior to them in some way. Is there something you are doing to make them feel like this?
If not, then they may harbor a grudge or resentment to you and it is important to protect yourself, energetically or otherwise, from any malicious intentions or thoughts they may have towards you.
Remember, no matter the circumstances of a jealousy dream, it all points to one thing: loving yourself more. If another is jealous of you, it indicates they do not love themselves as much as they should. Pay them no mind and keep doing you!
Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.