You Pulled the 3 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

an array of red tarot cards being spread out on a red cloth surrounded by candles

The 3 of Cups appears as the third card in the Cups suit, and while its predecessor, the 2 of Cups, focused on a connection between two people, the 3 of Cups focuses on groups and how they make us feel.

This is a wonderful card for friendship and community. It is a card of celebration and forging connections with others that bring joy and happiness.

Cups are emotions, so when the 3 of Cups appear, it is a sign that these particular connections stir some powerful emotions within.

What Does the 3 of Cups Mean?

In Tarot readings, the 3 of Cups can have several meanings:

  • Celebrations
  • Friendship
  • Coming together with like-minded people
  • Trusting others
  • Being in high spirits
  • Feeling on top of the world
  • Feeling confident
  • Sharing
  • Forming a group
  • Bonding with others
  • Support groups
  • Neighborhood groups
  • Working together

What Does the 3 of Cups Mean in Love & Relationships?

The 3 of Cups is a generally positive sign in a love and relationship reading.

If this card appears in the position of feelings, it indicates that the person feels a good connection with another. This is not necessarily romantic. The 3 of Cups is a card of friendship so that the feelings could be platonic.

However, the foundation of a strong relationship always includes friendship, so this is a good card for someone’s feelings as it shows positive emotions and a sense of trust.

If the card appears in the position of how someone sees you, it shows that they see you as someone who makes them feel happy. When they are with you, they feel joyful in your company and enjoy the vibes you give them.

For what someone wants from you, the 3 of Cups shows that they are looking for friendship from you. This may or may not indicate that something romantic is included, as they may just want something platonic. Pulling additional cards can help to clarify the meaning of the 3 of Cups in this context.

Read this next: What is the Tarot Trying to Tell You in a Love Reading?

What Does the 3 of Cups Mean in a Career Reading?

In a career reading, the 3 of Cups indicates that you are in a good place in your life, and there is an excellent sense of teamwork going on.

This card indicates that career-wise, you are most likely to flourish when you are engaged in group activity.

It sends a message that the more you embrace group activity and teamwork, the more you will find success. In a career reading, it highlights that one of your greatest strengths is the energy you bring to a group setting.

What About the 3 of Cups as an Obstacle?

As an obstacle card, the 3 of Cups indicates that there is some kind of issue regarding you and others that is not being addressed properly.

There could be someone – either you or another – who is not opening up. As an obstacle card, the 3 of Cups indicates there are difficulties with social connections, possibly due to social anxiety or a sense of inadequacy.

There is also the possibility of feeling left out. If the card falls into the obstacle position and surrounding cards, such as the 5 of Pentacles or 10 of Wands, are present, this reinforces this interpretation.

What About the 3 of Cups in Reverse?

As a reversed card, the 3 of Cups indicates solitude and a desire to do things alone.

If this card is pulled in a relationship reading, it indicates that the individual is looking to withdraw. They feel that they need time and space to themselves.

Reversed in a relationship reading, this card could also indicate a love triangle and possibly infidelity. If cards such as the 7 of Swords or the the Moon are present in the reading, the 3 of Cups reversed can highlight dishonesty in a relationship.

When this card is pulled in its reversed state, its energies are turned on its head. It can include cancellations, celebrations that have gone awry, or negative feelings that have replaced positive ones.

Read this next: Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards

How to Make the 3 of Cups Work For You

To make this card work for you, try these positive affirmations morning and night to reinforce the energy in your life:

  • Life is to be lived, and I am happy
  • It’s not the years in your life that counts; it’s the life in your years
  • I am filled with joy and gratitude
  • I love working as part of a team
  • I am a team player and am playing my part in our success
  • Nothing can bring me down
  • I am appreciative of the little things in life

The Power of Celebration, Joy & Trust

Ultimately, this is what the 3 of Cups is about. It is one of the happiest cards in the deck. Those moments you spend chilling out with friends or having a conversation with your workmates that makes everyone giggle or those moments you receive some good news and you skip for joy – this is all 3 of Cups energy.

Sometimes, the little things in life bring us the most joy. One habit that we humans tend to fall into is a penchant for sinking into the negative. But the truth is, we can change our own energetic vibrations from negative to position, and sometimes, all it takes is focusing on those little things in life that give us a boost of joy.

So spend some time talking with friends, hanging out at a local social group, writing poetry, and focusing on your dreams and aspirations – stay positive, and the energy of the 3 of Cups will keep getting stronger!

Related article: You Pulled the 2 of Cups – Now What?

About the Author

Picture of Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.

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