You Pulled the 4 of Cups – Now What?

4 of cups tarot card

The 4 of Cups isn’t always the most welcome card in a reading, no matter the subject, but like every card, it has many layers to it. While this card often represents a sense of apathy or dissatisfaction, it is a powerful card for contemplation and assessing yourself at a deeper level.

In many depictions of this card, a man sits on his own looking bored, disgruntled, or depressed, sometimes with jovialities going on around him or sometimes surrounded by nature.

This is very much a card of being wrapped up in your own world and ignoring what is going on around you. As a feelings card, there is a numbness to your external world. Your focus is on your inner world.

What Does the 4 of Cups Mean?

In a reading, the 4 of Cups can mean:

  • Being self-absorbed
  • Withholding affection
  • Ignoring the good things you have got
  • Refusing to see things from other’s points of view
  • Apathy
  • Being disengaged
  • Lacking enthusiasm
  • Having no motivation
  • Meditation
  • Contemplation
  • Going within yourself
  • Taking time to reflect

What Does the 4 of Cups Mean in Love & Relationships?

In a love and relationship reading, the 4 of Cups indicates some disinterest or lack of satisfaction.

This card indicates that the person is feeling withdrawn at this time. They may have little interest in the relationship, and their focus is primarily on themselves. It is likely that no amount of cajoling will help them get out of their current mindset. For romantic or sexual feelings, the 4 of Cups indicates that these particular feelings are not present at this moment in time.

The 4 of Cups is a card that indicates how someone sees you. It can mean they see you as someone who is withdrawn and has no interest in them or the situation. It can also mean they see you as someone in deep thought or who needs time out.

For what someone wants to happen between you and the relationship, this card says they are not thinking of anything at this time. Their focus is on themselves. They do not have plans for anything romantic or sexual, either temporarily or permanently.

What Does the 4 of Cups Mean in a Career Reading?

In a career reading, this card suggests apathy. There may be no enthusiasm for work or for the job you are currently in.

This disinterest may lead to issues on an emotional, physical, and mental level. The 4 of Cups suggests that a deep lack of fulfillment is present.

This card also indicates that it is important to take time to contemplate your career and consider what brings you joy and motivation. If things have reached a stalemate, it is time to consider other options.

What About the 4 of Cups as an Obstacle?

As an obstacles card, the 4 of Cups highlights that there are problems with disinterest and apathy.

This card can indicate depression or an absence of zest for life. A lack of desire to do anything enjoyable or engage in human relationships is common, with this card as an obstacle.

This card, as an obstacle, asks you to examine the reasons behind your feelings of discontent and explore ways to reignite your passion.

What About the 4 of Cups in Reverse?

As a reversed card, the 4 of Cups indicates that the apathy and disinterest that was once felt are now beginning to thaw.

Enthusiasm and interest are returning. This card highlights that a period of reflection and inner delving has passed, and there is renewed interest.

It can take time for the full effects of the reversed 4 of Cups to emerge, but ultimately, this is a card for renewal and deeper understanding.

How to Make the 4 of Cups Work For You

Repeating these affirmations morning and night can help you understand the energy of the 4 of Cups at a deeper level.

If you have been struggling with apathy and lack of motivation, these affirmations can help transform any negative energy into positive energy.

  • I will find my zest for life
  • I will take time to explore myself at a deeper level
  • I will transform the negative into a positive
  • I will find my purpose
  • I can overcome these emotions

Let the 4 of Cups Be Your Guide

While the 4 of Cups may indicate feelings that seem negative in nature, every emotion has a special purpose to fulfil.

The 4 of Cups teaches us where we feel unsatisfied in our lives. When we know what we are not happy about, we can start to understand what truly makes us happy.

This is the art of emotional alchemy and transformation. Sometimes, our best times come out of our worst times. Taking the perspective that every emotion has a purpose and is there to help guide us to our best lives is to truly harness the power of this card.

Related article: You Pulled the Queen of Cups – Now What?

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