You Pulled the 5 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

5 of cups tarot card

The 5 of Cups often shows a lone hunched figure with his back to the reader, several spilled cups surrounding him. There is a distinct air of sadness about this card, one of grief, loss, and mourning.

The overall energy of the 5 of Cups is one of regret. Whilst it is not always the most welcome card in a reading, like all cards, there is no all-good or all-bad.

The 5 of Cups has important lessons associated with it.

This is a card that represents the person who was too afraid to reveal their romantic feelings to another, who has now moved on to someone else. It is the card of the person who did not take that career opportunity for fear of the unknown. It is the card of the person who broke up with someone and now wishes they hadn’t.

Though this card represents sorrow, regret, loss, and sadness, it is important to note that in many Tarot decks, two of the cups still stand. This shows that the situation is not as lost as the person may think it is, which they would realize if they focused their attention on the two cups standing and not the cups that had fallen.

What Does the 5 of Cups Mean?

The 5 of Cups is associated with the following meanings:

  • Suffering a loss
  • Saying goodbye
  • Experiencing a breakup
  • Grief
  • Longing to be reunited
  • Feeling regret
  • Crying over spilled milk
  • Wishing for what could have been
  • Remorse
  • Acknowledging mistakes that were made
  • Wanting to atone for your actions
  • Feeling defeated

What Does the 5 of Cups Mean in a Love & Relationship Reading?

If you pull the 5 of Cups for how someone feels for you, it indicates that their feelings for you are feelings of regret.

Perhaps they should have asked you to be with them or moved in with them, but now they feel it is too late. Perhaps they should have revealed their feelings for you, but now the opportunity is gone.

Perhaps they have wronged you in some way, and they are deeply regretting their actions.

Whatever their feelings, this person feels a sense of loss regarding you and wishes they could make things right.

For how someone sees you, it indicates that they see you as someone who is struggling with grief in some way. They may see you as someone who is dealing with sorrow and having trouble seeing the positives.

For what someone wants to happen between you, the 5 of Cups shows that they want to make things right between you. The negative emotions associated with this card are unpleasant for them, and they want to make amends. This card also indicates they want to comfort you or vice versa.

What Does the 5 of Cups Mean in a Career Reading?

In a career reading, the 5 of Cups indicates that there is disappointment concerning your career. You may not have been given the job or promotion you wanted. Perhaps you are feeling that your performance was not as good as it could have been.

But two cups still stand, and in a career reading, this card indicates that everything is not lost. New opportunities are on the way, especially if you pull clarifier cards and pentacles come out, such as the Ace of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, or 9 of Pentacles.

This card can also indicate a career dealing with bereavement, counseling, or consoling others on an emotional level.

What Does the 5 of Cups Mean as an Obstacle?

As an obstacle card, the 5 of Cups indicates that your sense of regret or sorrow is blocking you from moving forward.

When things do not go according to plan, it can be easy to get caught up in a whirl of negative emotions. But at this point, it is important to focus on the two cups standing. All is not lost, and things will get brighter again as time goes by.

What Does the 5 of Cups Mean in Reverse?

As a reversed card, the stagnant, sorrowful energy of the 5 of Cups begins to lift. Now, the hooded figure has lifted his head and can see that there are two cups still standing.

Reversed, this card indicates that the period of mourning is coming to an end and that you are ready to move forward. Personal setbacks are being overcome. You begin to see that it is no use dwelling on what has happened; it is now important to focus on the present and future possibilities that await.

Dealing With the 5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups does not always invoke the most pleasant feelings as it is a card of sorrow, regret, and loss. However, it is important to face these emotions and not bury them. If this card appears, repeat the following mantra:

“I am feeling (insert emotion). I know that this emotion is here to teach me more about myself and my life. I understand that the pain I am feeling will bring greater clarity and enlightenment to me. I know that the experiences I have had offer a new opportunity for growth.”

This mantra enables you to step outside of yourself and get beyond negative emotions, helping you to see that an opportunity for spiritual growth and enlightenment is being offered to you.

Finding a Way Past the 5 of Cups

In the midst of negative emotion, it can be very hard to see a way past it. But the 5 of Cups brings with it a powerful opportunity for growth.

It is through experiences associated with this card that we can learn more about ourselves and others at a deeper level. It is often through suffering that wisdom is attained.

This card brings powerful lessons of release, forgiveness, and understanding, which lead to stronger degrees of empathy. We learn that the more we struggle to hold on to what has gone, the more we suffer. We must release what we have been holding onto to release that suffering.

It is one of life’s most profound experiences and one that the 5 of Cups encompasses. So do not despair when its energy appears. Take it for what it truly is: a powerful lesson for the soul.

Related article: You Pulled the 4 of Cups – Now What?

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