It’s the spookiest time… of the year! When witches are chanting, and spirits are dancing, and costumes are near!
Can you feel that slight tingle in the air yet? Have you felt haunted? Something is in the air or the room, and you just…don’t feel alone? Or have you ever felt like you have that little creepy and crawly feeling like something terrible is happening or about to happen? Sometimes you get the feeling someone is talking about you, and it doesn’t feel good.
That’s your soul’s energy trying to tell you something.
And your intuition isn’t wrong. And this is why you probably need crystal healing for protection; protection from psychic attacks. Learn all about what it feels like to be under attack by psychic energy and the seven best crystals to use for psychic protection.
Why Use Crystal Healing for Psychic Protection?
Right now, the Sun is in Libra. Fall has dawned, and we get closer to winter. The air is a little thinner, literally. When the Sun enters Scorpio right before Halloween, the nights are even longer, and the air is a little thinner metaphysically as well. That is the real reason why this is such a spooky time of year, whether there is a Halloween date on the calendar or not.
But hanging out with the spirits can be fun. We all have our spirit guides and angels by our side, looking after our well-being. But if you are open to your spirit guides and open to the guardianship of angels, then you are available to all spirits.
What we do for that is called “grounding” and “protection,” and crystals are the go-to first source. We can, of course, always call upon our angels to protect us.
But if we are calling, then the lines of communication are open, and you need to be careful about who you are opening up to. Your angels and spirit guides will always try to send messages to keep you from harm’s way. But we can’t see or feel them the way we can an excellent old-fashioned turquoise stone.
Spirit work can be fun and enlightening so long as spirits aren’t trying to hurt or manipulate you mentally, physically, or spiritually. The more open you are spiritually and psychically, the more you are at risk from these psychic attacks. And if you are here, then you are more “open” psychically than the average mate.
Crystals for healing and protection have literally been used since the beginning of time, and we’re going to help you look at the best ones to guard off those spirits and energies that are trying to exhaust you.
What Does a Psychic Attack Feel Like?
If you’ve ever heard renowned psychics talk about being drained or exhausted after attending a fair or getting sick after a reading, this is kind of what it feels like to be under a psychic attack. It’s frankly not any different than being attacked emotionally by a human being right in front of you. It’s just happening elsewhere.
Sometimes it’s happening in a different physical location on the planet. Someone may be calling on evil spirits to hurt you – physically or emotionally.
Just as you can experience a warm, fuzzy feeling when your soul mate is nearby, you can feel similarly when negative energy is directed at you. It stands to reason, then, that if you can feel good psychic vibes, you can feel negative ones, too.
You may never know the reason you are physically attacked. You can never control the actions of other human beings or even negative spirits. But you can always control how you deal with it. We use crystal healing for protection and grounding. It’s the spiritual form of Tylenol for a headache.
Here are some other signs and symptoms you may have experienced if you’ve been the victim of a psychic attack:
- Instant fatigue
- A feeling something is off in the room or with a person
- Nightmares, frequent for an extended period, or even just a one-off
- Difficulty concentrating on humans or subjects in front of you
- Anger, without cause
- Fear, without cause
- Frequent unexplained illnesses
- Change in personality
- Change in voice
- Low energy
- An unexplained run of bad luck
- Restlessness
- Auditory or visual hallucinations
- Increased or recurrent paranoia
- Goosebumps
- Sudden weeping
Note: these symptoms could also mean something else – there is no one-size-fits-all checklist for a psychic attack. You know when something is wrong, and you will know if it is a spiritual attack. Please check in with your healthcare professional if something is prolonged or ongoing.
Use These Seven Crystals For Spooky Season
1. Ward Off Evil Eye With Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s eye is an excellent crystal for those times when you just feel like you are getting…“The Look.” You can get “The Look” from anywhere on the planet or from another planet. Feel like someone is watching you?
The Tiger’s eye crystal is not just beautiful but helps put a golden shield around you from this type of manipulation.
It is a favored stone for Buddhists and Chinese naturopaths. It has been used for centuries and is said to disarm negative psychic energy, whether it’s right in front of you and you can see it or it is right in front of you and you can’t. It’s excellent for both grounding and protection.
2. Arm Yourself With Turquoise
Turquoise is said to date back as many as 7,000 years as a tool for protection. If there is only one stone you can afford or want for psychic protection, turquoise is your go-to. It’s also handy for luck and personal empowerment.
Turquoise protects from psychic attack but has also been used in personal injury, during surgery, to attract friends, and to find a good outcome in personal situations. It’s also very handy for psychics around electronics or in large groups.
Turquoise also helps you improve your throat chakra, which opens up communication in this plane and beyond.
3. Hematite – Charge & Recharge!
Hematite is a black stone that isn’t really the prettiest stone. But it works! It’s also very active in its frequencies, as it is literally iron oxide.
It’s a great stone for protection and will strengthen any additional crystals you are using against psychic attacks.
4. The Dual Purpose of Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is another excellent crystal for grounding and psychic protection. It’s also another one that has been used for centuries and is a common first choice for lightworkers seeking crystal protection.
Used around the home, it helps keep you and your family safe and sets up an energy field that tells negative spirits to leave you alone. It is said to physically absorb negative energies.
It’s also known to be a great stone to keep in your pocket for those meetings or encounters with folks that just sap you of your energy. It can even keep you walking taller or sitting better as it positively affects your actual bones. It can work with your root chakra to help you feel your basic needs are met and ensure your spine sits a little taller.
5. Ahhhhh, Amethyst
The amethyst is not only beautiful but also functional—it is a great all-purpose stone for just about any crystal healing purpose.
It is closely aligned with the crown chakra, which opens your connection to the Divine. This helps ensure a clean and clear connection to the Divine and the other plane.
Amethyst can help you in dream recall and can also help you just develop your psychic gift a little bit more. Many people even sleep with it under their pillow to help ward off nightmares and keep the good dreams flowing.
Essentially, it helps to dissolve any psychic mud slings coming your way. Not all of them, but it is a huge shield to have.
6. The Visionary Powers of Malachite
Malachite is a copper carbon hydroxide stone with very active molecules and properties. Although not copper-colored, it boasts a gorgeous green color.
It connects directly to your heart chakra energies, enabling you to get closer to your spirit guide and your guardian angel. The reason that is the case is that your spirit guide and guardian angel operate under the currency of unconditional love. And who doesn’t want more of that in their life? It’s a good thing to have.
But also, contacting your angels and guides from a place of fear can be difficult, cumbersome even. Operating in the channel they do, which is pure love, protects you even more.
When you have more love in your life, you feel more grounded and more protected instantly. So this is one way that malachite helps. But it also allows you to open your heart in a different way. Malachite helps you to open your eyes to evildoers.
Using malachite not only protects you but keeps your eyes open to those who aren’t exactly using their best intentions on you. That knowledge is protection in itself!
7. Your All-Purpose Rock Star – Lapis Lazuli
Saving the best for last, lapis lazuli is as gorgeous as it is useful. It is an all-purpose crystal that is used to open up the channels between you and your guides while also filtering and absorbing the negative energies of negative spirits around you. It is considered an actual shield from psychic attack, whether that is gossip and gaslighting or haunts from the spirit world.
It has been used since the days of the Biblical era, so they say. It is known to be a stone for the royals and was noted to be one of the 12 stones that were embedded on Aaron’s breastplate before he became the High Priest of Jerusalem.
Use it as you will, and you will feel safer, grounded, and more protected instantly!
Spooky Season is Getting Shinier
Whether you get one or all, any of these crystals are excellent to have on hand for crystal healing, grounding, and protection from a psychic attack. This is true whether you are experiencing that from humans in front of you or spirits, you cannot detect with the naked eye.
And this is also true during spooky season!
The air is a little thinner now, and Halloween is put on the October 31st date on the calendar for a reason. There are spirits and spooks amongst us. Fill up your toolbox with as many crystals as you can, and you will be one step ahead of any haunts that may want to come your way.