Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for August 19th – 25th, 2024

weekly astrology forecast august 19th

How would you feel about a week of big emotions, stellar focus, and visionary thinking? Then keep reading this article to find out what the stars have in store for you this week!

The week begins with a full moon in Aquarius on August 19th and ends with the Sun entering Virgo on August 22nd, which brings a fascinating blend of energies that can influence both your inner world and outer actions in profound ways. This period is marked by a dynamic transition from the broad, humanitarian vision of Aquarius to the meticulous, detail-oriented focus of Virgo. It’s a week where you may find yourself inspired to innovate and think ahead while also being called to ground those ideas in practical reality.

As the Full Moon illuminates the sky on August 19th, you may feel a surge of energy related to collective ideals, community involvement, and the pursuit of freedom. Aquarius is known for its forward-thinking, progressive nature, often pushing us to break free from conventional boundaries and embrace new ways of living and thinking. During this Full Moon, expect to feel a heightened awareness of social issues, a desire to contribute to causes greater than yourself, or even a pull towards technology and innovation.

Emotions can run high as you navigate the tension between your individual needs and the collective good. It’s a powerful time to assess your role within your communities, be they social, professional, or even virtual. You might find yourself questioning how you can better align your personal values with your actions and how your unique contributions can serve a larger purpose.

The energy of the Aquarius Full Moon is one of liberation and disruption, urging you to break free from outdated patterns and embrace change. However, this can also create a sense of restlessness or unpredictability. You may feel drawn to make sudden decisions or take bold steps that push you out of your comfort zone. While this can be exhilarating, it’s important to temper this impulsiveness with careful consideration. The Aquarian influence encourages you to think about the long-term impact of your choices, not just on yourself but on others as well. This is an excellent time to brainstorm, collaborate with others who share your vision, and set intentions that reflect both your individuality and your commitment to collective progress.

As the week progresses, the energy shifts significantly with the Sun’s entry into Virgo on August 22nd. After the expansive and idealistic influence of Aquarius, Virgo brings a more grounded, practical focus. Virgo is a sign associated with precision, organization, and service, encouraging you to turn your attention to the finer details of your life. Where Aquarius asked you to dream big, Virgo now asks you to roll up your sleeves and get to work. This transition is about taking the innovative ideas and grand visions inspired by the Full Moon and figuring out how to make them a reality, step by step.

With the Sun in Virgo, you may find yourself drawn to tasks that require attention to detail, whether that’s organizing your workspace, planning out the next phases of a project, or focusing on health and wellness routines. Virgo’s energy supports activities that involve analysis, refinement, and improvement. It’s a time to be methodical in your approach, ensuring that your actions are not only efficient but also effective.

You might feel a stronger urge to declutter your physical and mental spaces, create to-do lists, and set up systems that help you stay on track. Virgo’s influence can also bring a sense of satisfaction in small, daily accomplishments, reminding you that progress is often made in incremental steps rather than giant leaps.

The juxtaposition of Aquarius and Virgo energies this week can lead to an interesting balance between visionary thinking and practical application. While the Aquarius Full Moon encourages you to embrace change and think outside the box, Virgo’s influence helps you ground those ideas in reality, making sure that your plans are feasible and well thought out. This combination is particularly potent for anyone working on projects that require both creativity and meticulous execution. You might find that the innovative ideas that came to you under the Full Moon can now be shaped into concrete plans, thanks to Virgo’s organizing power.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential challenges this week’s energy could bring. The shift from Aquarius to Virgo can sometimes feel like a clash between the ideal and the practical. While Aquarius may push you to think big and embrace your uniqueness, Virgo might remind you of the limitations and realities you need to consider. There’s a risk of becoming overly critical or perfectionistic as you try to bring your ideas to life. To navigate this, it’s essential to remain flexible, allowing the visionary and the practical to coexist rather than compete. Remember that it’s okay to adjust your plans as you go and that progress doesn’t have to be perfect to be meaningful.

If you’re not sure where to start, a personalized astrological reading can help you get connected to your center based on your birth chart.

Planetary Locations During This Week

This week offers a unique opportunity to harmonize the expansive, forward-looking energy of Aquarius with the disciplined, detail-oriented approach of Virgo. As you move from the Full Moon’s illumination of your higher ideals into the Sun’s grounding influence, you’re encouraged to find ways to integrate these energies into your daily life.

This is a time to take the inspiration and insights you’ve gained and start putting them into practice, one step at a time. By the end of the week, you may find yourself not only more organized and focused but also more aligned with your true purpose, ready to move forward with both clarity and conviction.

  • The Sun: Leo (July 22, 2024 – August 22, 2024), (August 22, 2024 – September 22, 2024)
  • Mercury: Leo (August 14, 2024 – September 9, 2024)
  • Venus: Virgo (August 4, 2024 – August 29, 2024)
  • Mars: Gemini (July 20, 2024 – September 4, 2024)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (January 20, 2024 – September 1, 2024)

Daily Astrological Snapshots

Monday, August 19


Leo – The Leo Moon is playful and childlike, encouraging you to let yourself have some fun today. Set time aside for creative or adventurous activities that your inner child is sure to enjoy!


Aquarius – When the Moon is in Aquarius, you feel more eccentric and individual, embracing your unique personality. Express yourself as honestly and genuinely as you can.

Astrological Transit

Full Moon in Aquarius – During an Aquarius Full Moon, expect heightened awareness of social connections and a desire for independence.

Focus on embracing your unique perspective and collaborating with others to achieve shared goals. Avoid stubbornness or detachment, as it can hinder meaningful connections and progress.

Tuesday, August 20




Pisces – The dreamy Pisces Moon amplifies intuition, creativity, and emotions. Self-care is crucial today—focus on activities that lift your spirits and help you feel aligned.

Astrological Transit

Pisces Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces – You may feel a sense of emotional responsibility and seriousness, as well as a need to address practical matters.

It’s important to focus on long-term goals and commitments, taking time to plan and organize effectively. Avoid letting fear or self-doubt take over, as this can lead to unnecessary worry or hesitation.

Wednesday, August 21





Astrological Transit

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces – Expect heightened intuition and a strong connection to your dreams and subconscious. It’s a good time to engage in creative or spiritual practices, allowing yourself to explore your imagination and inner world.

However, avoid letting unrealistic expectations or escapism cloud your judgment, as this can lead to confusion or disillusionment.

Thursday, August 22


Virgo – The practical Virgo Sun mirrors the energy of the Sun in Virgo, urging you to focus your energy on your responsibilities. Getting your chores done will provide a sense of relief and relaxation.


Aries – The Aries Moon brings passion and excitement, encouraging you to follow your passion. Be creative and explore ideas that make you feel enthusiastic about life.

Astrological Transit

Sun enters Virgo – This transit brings a focus on organization, attention to detail, and practical problem-solving.

It’s a good time to refine your routines, set clear goals, and work on self-improvement by tackling tasks with precision and care. However, avoid being overly critical or perfectionistic, as this can lead to unnecessary stress and frustration.

Friday, August 23





Astrological Transit

Taurus Moon trine Sun in Virgo – Expect a harmonious flow of energy between your emotions and your sense of self, leading to increased confidence and inner balance. It’s a great time to align your actions with your feelings, make decisions that reflect your true desires, and strengthen relationships with others.

However, avoid taking this positive energy for granted by becoming complacent or ignoring underlying issues that may still need attention.

Saturday, August 24





Astrological Transit

Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini – During a Mercury sextile Mars transit, expect sharp mental clarity and quick decision-making abilities, making it an ideal time for tackling tasks that require focus and precision. Use this energy to confidently express your ideas, take initiative in communications, and pursue your goals with determination.

However, avoid impulsive speech or rushing into actions without proper consideration, as this could lead to misunderstandings or unnecessary conflict.

Sunday, August 25





Astrological Transit

Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus – Expect sudden emotional shifts and unexpected events that may disrupt your usual routine.

Embrace the changes by staying open-minded and flexible, allowing yourself to explore new perspectives or opportunities that arise. Avoid resisting the flow of change, as trying to maintain control could lead to unnecessary stress or tension.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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