Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 30th – January 5th, 2025

weekly forecast december 30

We are starting this week with the New Moon in Capricorn. This is the perfect astrological placement to begin the week and even the New Year! We’ll tell you why.

This is the perfect time to set intentions for yourself and reflect on how you wish to show up for yourself and what you wish to accomplish this upcoming year and in your life in general.

Capricorn is all about discipline. We spoke briefly about this when we started Capricorn season. Discipline is not about being serious all the time, being overly rigid, or being an unhealthy workaholic. Discipline is about being a disciple, a student, of whatever you wish to devote your life to.

To be a disciple means to live your day-to-day life in alignment with your life purpose or calling. So, before making any decision, whether big or small, you ask yourself, “Does this bring me closer to what I wish to accomplish and embody in my life?”

This New Moon is sextile Saturn in Pisces, which is a very favorable aspect as this is a harmonious relationship between the two planets. Saturn rules Capricorn, so this configuration offers extra support in accomplishing what is being asked of you. Saturn is the planet of life lessons and life purpose. It does not play around!

Right now, it is extremely important that you ask yourself, what are the lessons you keep running into in your life? And what did your soul incarnate into this physical form and life to learn? Saturn is the archetype of the high school principal, the one who keeps tabs on you and wants to make sure you are doing the “work.”

Create an embodied and physical ritual for yourself on the day of the New Moon to call in these energies. Doing so always helps make things more tangible and accessible to your psyche, rather than just abstract thoughts and ideas that are floating around in your head. Part of this ritual can include writing down a list of things you wish to dedicate your time and energy to. Writing things helps you put things into physical and tangible form, which makes it more likely that you hold yourself accountable.

The sextile to Saturn in Pisces reminds you of the importance of dreaming and tending to your creative spirit amid all this groundedness and pragmatism. It is inviting you to make sure there is a direct relationship between those two aspects of your life. Dreaming endlessly and abstractly without giving it any form is unfulfilling in terms of you never get to see your dreams take on a tangible and palpable form. Also, being hyper-focused on your goals and accomplishments without tending to your dreams is an extremely tiring and soulless way to live.

Venus moves into Pisces in the middle of the week, further emphasizing the importance of dreaming, loving, and creating.

Each planet feels most comfortable and strong enough to accomplish what it desires in a particular sign, and for Venus, that sign is Pisces. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, connection, and relationships. What better sign for it to be in than sensitive, romantic, and empathic Pisces?

This transit lasts roughly a month, and during this time, you may feel a stronger desire to express your love and affection more freely and abundantly with your loved ones. Venus in Pisces doesn’t discriminate, it doesn’t judge, and it doesn’t separate. It is all about unity and merging with the beloved.

There is something extremely spiritual about this kind of love, as it is closest to the state of unity consciousness. This kind of awareness allows you to become aware of the true interconnectedness of all beings and life forms!

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Capricorn (December 21, 2024 – January 19, 2025)
  • Mercury: Sagittarius (November 3, 2024 – January 8, 2025)
  • Venus: Aquarius (December 7, 2024 – January 2, 2025) Pisces (January 2, 2025 – February 4, 2025)
  • Mars: Leo (November 3, 2024 – January 6, 2025)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, December 30th





Astrological Aspect

New Moon in Capricorn – this New Moon is all about being grounded, focused, and pragmatic in your approach to your life.

Are you disciplined in pursuing your purpose/calling? Do you live your day-to-day life thinking about the long-term goals and plans you want to accomplish? These are some very important questions to reflect on today.

Tuesday, December 31st





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus – you may be feeling inspired to experiment or try out new and different things today. Allow yourself to do so.

It is crucial that you break out of stagnant and repetitive emotional patterns and ways of being!

Wednesday, January 1st




Aquarius – allow yourself to be detached from what is going on around you and indulge in pursuits that stimulate you on an intellectual level.

It is necessary to think outside the box and be your quirky, strange self every once in a while!

Astrological Aspect

Moon in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo – you may be feeling extra energized, fiery, and inspired today! Direct this energy towards things you want to get done!

Avoid getting too restless or feisty and, therefore, end up in unnecessary clashes or arguments with others.

Thursday, January 2nd





Astrological Aspect

Venus enters Pisces – this is one of the most beautiful, sweet, and soft astrological placements. Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning it is very comfortable and strong there. It is all about love, love, and more love!

This transit lasts about a month. During this time, give yourself time to be extra romantic and affectionate in your relationships.

Friday, January 3rd




Pisces – during these few days, the energy is sensitive, soft, and dreamy. During this lunar transit, it is always a great practice to tend to your inner and imaginary/creative world.

Astrological Aspect

Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius – this is the ideal transit to direct your energy inwards and to get in touch with your deepest and strongest desires! You may feel extra confident in achieving what you set out to.

Take advantage of this energy. Just make sure you don’t become too domineering with those around you, and avoid getting into power struggles.

Saturday, January 4th





Astrological Aspect

Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces – the energy is grounded, focused, and practical right now. This is the perfect day to be disciplined and concentrate on all the goals and tasks that need to be taken care of!

Sunday, January 5th




Aries – the energy is active, fiery, and possibly even feisty these next few days!

You might be feeling more restless and agitated, so make sure to direct that energy somewhere useful and constructive.

Astrological Aspect

Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune – allow yourself to drift, wander, and daydream today. The energies are very soft, dreamy, and sensitive.

It is okay to just exist and be sometimes; you don’t always have to be on top of everything. This is the perfect time to pursue creative avenues and express your spiritual being through them.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

About the Author

Picture of Ahmad Alsayyed

Ahmad Alsayyed

Ahmad Alsayyed studied with the renowned and celebrity astrologer Debra Silverman. He is on Debra’s team of mentors who help teach her online Astrology program. Ahmad has studied the asteroids with Demetra George, one of the leading astrologers on the subject and is currently studying Traditional, Hellenistic Astrology under her tutelage. He has also finished the 1-year course with the Center for Psychological Astrology and is now going through the Mercury Internet School for Psychological Astrology diploma course. He has attended webinars with esteemed astrologers such as Chani Nicholas, Liz Greene, Robert Hand and Steven Forrest.Ahmad is presently participating in an Astrology course with Richard Tarnas and Stan Grof, called Psyche and Cosmos, Using Archetypal Astrology as a Telescope Into Your Depths.

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