Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 9th – 15th, 2024

weekly astrology forecast december 9

This week starts and ends with some stronger energies. We begin with a firey Aries Moon trining a firey Mars in Leo and end with the Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury going direct!

One of the best ways to initiate the week is with the Moon in Aries trine Mars in Leo. This configuration does not mess around and gets straight to the point. It is all about being direct, straightforward, and cutting through anything extraneous!

If you have been feeling stuck in a rut and unmotivated, this transit can definitely help get you out of that state. This is an ideal time to initiate and start new projects while you have the wind in your sails. It is also a great time to find constructive ways to release and channel this powerful, charged energy.

Perhaps you could start a new exercise regimen to help you direct any anxiety or restlessness. Any physical practice would be great for you, especially if it also allows you to express yourself creatively!

If you feel there are feelings and thoughts that have been lingering within you, waiting to be expressed, this is the perfect opportunity. Find ways to communicate your emotions to those around you without attacking them or being too harsh. It is a true art to learn how to be unapologetically true to yourself and your needs while also being sensitive and mindful of how that is received by others.

On top of starting off the week with this energy we just described, Mercury goes direct at the very end of it and somehow compliments things. When Mercury moves out of being retrograde, it often feels like a breath of fresh air. Things feel less chaotic, messy, and unpredictable.

As we explained last week, when Mercury is retrograde, it is good to avoid making important decisions or plans, if possible, of course. Therefore, when it goes direct, you can initiate ventures you have been sitting on.

Also, it is a great time to communicate and share the thoughts and feelings that you have been reflecting on during the retrograde period. You are much more likely to feel less thwarted and tongue-tied right now than you were before. The fact that it is going direct in the sign of Sagittarius makes it specifically good to press play once again on potential plans to begin a new course of studies or travel somewhere completely new and different in the name of expanding your vision and horizons.

Last but certainly not least, we have the full Moon in Gemini on the last day of the week. This Full Moon is all about communication, mental stimulation, versatility, and adaptability. As you can see, there are very strong recurring themes and transits concerning communication this week!

Allow yourself to embody the curiosity of a child right now. Do you remember how everything seemed exciting and interesting when you were a young child and tickled your fancy? Ask yourself if you can reclaim that way of being/state of mind. This is one of the secrets to getting closer to the state of “eternal youth.”

Feeling “old and tired” generally stems from feelings of stagnation and rigidity on a psychological level that manifest on the physical one. Staying fresh, curious, and open to all the different possibilities and opportunities that life presents you is one of the most important things you can do.

Find whatever subjects or topics interest you and mentally stimulate you, and make an effort to pursue them, even if in a nonofficial context. Keep your mind and spirit sharp by engaging in the things that excite you, and remember that there is no such thing as being too old to embark on new journeys!

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Sagittarius (November 21, 2024 – December 21, 2024)
  • Mercury: Sagittarius (November 3, 2024 – January 8, 2025)
  • Venus: Aquarius (December 7, 2024 – January 2, 2025)
  • Mars: Leo (November 3, 2024 – January 6, 2025)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, December 9th




Aries – the energy is active, fiery, and possibly even feisty these next few days! You might be feeling more restless and agitated, so make sure to direct that energy somewhere useful and constructive.

Astrological Aspect

Moon in Aries trine Mars in Leo – this configuration indicates that things are supercharged today! The energy is completely on fire. If there is a time to get things done, it is today.

Tuesday, December 10th





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Aries trine Sun in Sagittarius – today, you may feel that your inner and outer selves are in alignment.

Use this harmonious energy to your advantage and express things that have been lying dormant within you.

Wednesday, December 11th




Taurus – whenever the Moon is in Taurus, you are more likely to feel the desire to be chill, mellow, and grounded.

Use this energy to your advantage and allow yourself to relish life’s simple pleasures.

Astrological Aspect

Moon in Taurus square Mars in Leo – you are at odds with yourself today. One part of you just wants to lay low and be cozy, while the other one just wants to be out and about and even extravagant.

Allow both parts of you to have their moment and find a balance between the two.

Thursday, December 12th





Astrological Aspect

Venus in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo – tension may arise within your romantic connections today.

Instead of getting unnecessarily aggressive and confrontational, find ways to bring honesty and passion to your partnerships!

Friday, December 13th




Gemini – energies are more light-hearted and fluttery. You can think of Gemini as a butterfly.

Allow yourself to float between different things these few days, and do not feel the need to be tied down or commit to one thing.

Astrological Aspect

Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Aquarius – energies are extra soft and sensitive regarding communication today.

Take advantage of this moment and express yourself and whatever is in your heart to those you love.

Saturday, December 14th





Astrological Aspect

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – you could be feeling extra optimistic, positive, and expensive in your feelings today.

Use this time to ponder initiating new ventures regarding studies or travel!

Sunday, December 15th




Cancer – the energy is more internal today. You may be feeling more sensitive and emotional. Give yourself that space. It is a good day to go inward and reflect on your feelings.

Astrological Aspect

Full Moon in Gemini – during the day before the Moon moves into Cancer, we have the Gemini Full Moon. As always, the Full Moon is a time when energies culminate and things flourish.

When it is in Gemini, it is advisable to tend to your mind and intellect and find ways to communicate your ideas, feelings, and thoughts.

Mercury Direct – Mercury retrograde comes to an end, and you can start to feel you’re getting back on track in some ways over the coming weeks.

Mars is still retrograde, so you may not feel fully on track until that ends. For now, work on opening up and letting optimism guide you.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

About the Author

Picture of Ahmad Alsayyed

Ahmad Alsayyed

Ahmad Alsayyed studied with the renowned and celebrity astrologer Debra Silverman. He is on Debra’s team of mentors who help teach her online Astrology program. Ahmad has studied the asteroids with Demetra George, one of the leading astrologers on the subject and is currently studying Traditional, Hellenistic Astrology under her tutelage. He has also finished the 1-year course with the Center for Psychological Astrology and is now going through the Mercury Internet School for Psychological Astrology diploma course. He has attended webinars with esteemed astrologers such as Chani Nicholas, Liz Greene, Robert Hand and Steven Forrest.Ahmad is presently participating in an Astrology course with Richard Tarnas and Stan Grof, called Psyche and Cosmos, Using Archetypal Astrology as a Telescope Into Your Depths.

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