Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for July 22nd – 28th, 2024

astrology forecast july 22

Are you ready for a week of confident, fiery energy, with open communication and the desire to move forward? Then keep reading to see what this week’s astrological forecast will bring for you!

As the Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, the week opens with a burst of vibrant energy and enthusiasm. Leo, ruled by the Sun, infuses this period with confidence, creativity, and a strong desire for self-expression. This is an excellent time to focus on personal goals and to step into the spotlight, whether in social settings or professional endeavors. You might find yourself drawn to activities that allow you to shine, such as pursuing creative projects or engaging in bold, adventurous undertakings. Social interactions are likely to be lively and full of warmth, with a strong emphasis on celebrating achievements and embracing joy. The Leo energy encourages taking risks and showcasing your unique talents, making it a prime time for launching new initiatives or rejuvenating existing ones with fresh, enthusiastic energy.

On July 25th, Mercury shifts into Virgo, transitioning from the expressive and dramatic energy of Leo to a more meticulous and detail-oriented focus. Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, operates exceptionally well in Virgo, a sign known for its analytical prowess and organizational skills. During this period, expect a heightened ability to process information with precision and clarity. Tasks that involve planning, organizing, and problem-solving will benefit from this analytical boost. It’s an ideal time to tackle complex projects, refine your strategies, and address any lingering details that require attention. Communication will be characterized by practicality and thoroughness, which can lead to productive discussions and effective problem resolution. However, be cautious of falling into the trap of overanalyzing or becoming overly critical, both of yourself and others, as Virgo’s influence can sometimes lead to excessive perfectionism.

The week culminates with a Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on July 27th, a period marked by reflection and the need to assess progress. The Last Quarter Moon phase is a time for evaluating what has been achieved and considering what needs to be let go as you prepare for the new lunar cycle. Taurus, an earth sign, emphasizes stability, practicality, and a connection to the physical world. This lunar phase invites you to take stock of your material and financial resources, assess your personal values, and make any necessary adjustments. It’s a good time for practical planning and setting realistic goals for the future. Avoid holding on to outdated patterns or resisting change, as this can hinder your progress. Instead, use this time to make informed decisions and prepare for the upcoming new cycle with a grounded and practical approach.

Planetary Locations During This Week

This week offers a rich blend of energies. The Sun’s entry into Leo brings a dynamic surge of confidence and creativity, encouraging bold actions and vibrant social interactions. Mercury’s move into Virgo enhances analytical thinking and organizational skills, ideal for refining plans and addressing details.

The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus provides an opportunity for reflection and practical assessment, helping to align your actions with your core values. Embrace the lively energy of Leo, the meticulous focus of Virgo, and the grounded stability of Taurus to navigate the week with clarity and purpose.

  • The Sun: Cancer (June 20, 2024 – July 22, 2024), Leo (July 22, 2024 – August 22, 2024)
  • Mercury: Leo (July 2, 2024 – July 25, 2024), Virgo (July 25, 2024 – August 14, 2024)
  • Venus: Leo (July 11, 2024 – August 4, 2024)
  • Mars: Gemini (July 20, 2024 – September 4, 2024)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (January 20, 2024 – September 1, 2024)

Daily Astrological Snapshots

Monday, July 22


Leo – The Moon in Leo is playful and fiery, bringing out your adventurous, childlike side. Practice activities that heal your inner child and amplify your zest for life.


Aquarius – When the Moon is in Aquarius, you feel more eccentric and individual, embracing your unique personality. Express yourself as honestly and genuinely as you can.

Astrological Transit

Sun enters fiery Leo – Leo Season brings a surge in confidence, creativity, and a desire for recognition, leading to more expressive and bold behavior.

Use this time to pursue your passions, showcase your talents, and embrace leadership roles with enthusiasm and authenticity. Avoid arrogance or overshadowing others, as this can strain relationships and diminish your positive impact.

Tuesday, July 23




Pisces – The dreamy Pisces Moon amplifies intuition, creativity, and emotions. Self-care is crucial today—focus on activities that lift your spirits and help you feel aligned.

Astrological Transit

Leo Sun opposite Pluto in Aquarius – Expect intense power dynamics and potential confrontations, which can bring underlying issues to the forefront.

Use this time to delve deep into self-reflection, address personal transformations, and let go of anything that no longer serves you. Avoid engaging in manipulative or controlling behaviors, as these can escalate conflicts and hinder growth.

Wednesday, July 24





Astrological Transit

Pisces Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces – This transit may signal feelings of emotional heaviness and responsibility, as well as a heightened awareness of your obligations and limitations.

Use this time to focus on self-discipline, set realistic goals, and address long-term commitments with a mature and practical approach. Avoid falling into pessimism or self-criticism, as this can dampen your motivation and hinder progress.

Thursday, July 25




Aries—The Aries Moon brings passion and excitement, encouraging you to follow your passion. Be creative and explore ideas that make you enthusiastic about life.

Astrological Transit

Mercury enters Virgo – You may experience heightened mental clarity and precision, with a strong focus on organization and attention to detail.

Use this time to tackle tasks that require meticulous planning, improve your communication skills, and streamline your daily routines for greater efficiency. Avoid overthinking or becoming overly critical, as this can lead to unnecessary stress and hinder your productivity.

Friday, July 26





Astrological Transit

Aries Moon trine Venus in Leo – Expect harmonious and pleasant interactions, with an emphasis on emotional connections and nurturing relationships.

Use this time to express affection, strengthen bonds with loved ones, and indulge in activities that bring comfort and joy. Avoid taking relationships for granted or ignoring your own emotional needs, as balance is key to maintaining harmony.

Saturday, July 27




Taurus – The Taurus Moon brings steady, harmonious energy that helps you feel pleasant and energized. Tackle your to-do list and let this motivated energy guide you.

Astrological Transit

Last Quarter Moon in Taurus – Expect harmonious and pleasant interactions, with an emphasis on emotional connections and nurturing relationships.

Use this time to express affection, strengthen bonds with loved ones, and indulge in activities that bring comfort and joy. Avoid taking relationships for granted or ignoring your own emotional needs, as balance is key to maintaining harmony.

Sunday, July 28





Astrological Transit

Taurus Moon sextile Saturn in Pisces – This transit brings a sense of emotional stability and a practical approach to your responsibilities, fostering a grounded and disciplined mindset.

Use this time to organize your affairs, set realistic goals, and focus on long-term commitments with a mature and reliable attitude. Avoid procrastination or neglecting important tasks, as this is an ideal period for making steady progress.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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