Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 18th – 24th, 2024

weekly forecast november 18

We are experiencing some major planetary shifts this week, such as Pluto moving from Capricorn into Aquarius! Since it will remain there until 2043, the energy it is bringing forth is not specific to this moment in time but rather a collective and general one that will permeate the next 20 years.

The Sun is also moving into Sagittarius, which will take place over a month. Let’s explore more specific transits we will experience this week.

We start with the Sun in Scorpio, trining Neptune in Pisces. This is a very deep, intense, and sensitive energy. Scorpio is already all about feeling things to the max and not shying away from difficult, challenging, or even dark emotions. Scorpio actually leans into that because it recognizes the magic and richness that is present in those territories.

It is only through confronting our inner shadows and demons that we are able to process them and have control over them, rather than them controlling us.

The fact that we are right at the end of Scorpio season means it is extra important to take advantage of this time and energy to go inwards and sit with all those unpleasant feelings to make sure you are clearing them out in order to heal them and let them go once and for all. Now, on top of this already deep and sensitive Scorpio energy, we have Neptune trining the Sun in Scorpio.

This makes the general vibe much softer, dreamier, intuitive, and empathic.

Neptune is all about merging into the sea of collective consciousness. Neptune is that aspect of your being/psyche that recognizes that separation is an illusion and that, in fact, all life forms are interconnected on a subtle, vibrational, energetic level. Therefore, you may feel extra sensitive for a few days, picking up on different energies around you. This is not necessarily bad if you know how to harness it.

Allow this to make you more compassionate and empathic towards those around you. Recognizing that we are truly all one, on a deeper level, is one of the most healing things on a collective level.

When you recognize that your pain is my pain/our pain and vice versa, you get in touch with something so powerful and profound. This is also a good time to get creative, allow yourself to float off into your dreams and fantasies, and allow that to inspire you in your daily life. Find creative outlets for these things and witness the magic that can occur when you give yourself over to these non-linear/non-rational aspects of your being.

We will have an extremely different energy entering in the middle of the week.

The Sun moves into Sagittarius where it is going to be for the next month. Sagittarius is the archetype of the traveler, the wanderer, and sometimes even the clown! Sagittarius constantly wants to go beyond the set limits in order to expand its horizons. During this time, you could feel extra pumped and optimistic about pursuing certain ventures in your life. Use this time to your advantage and let this energy motivate and inspire you to take action.

This is perhaps a great time to travel or plan to travel somewhere new/far/different. Traveling is a really great practice (when one is able to do so) because it allows you to step out of your mundane routine and gets you into a different headspace where you can see things with more perspective. It gives you space and distance from things, which makes you less likely to get stuck in a mental rut.

This could also be a great time to embark on new studies or think about pursuing an education in something that fulfills and nourishes you on a mental and spiritual level.

Sagittarius is the sign most concerned with finding a deeper and larger meaning to life. Sagittarius always looks at the bigger picture and doesn’t get bogged down by the seemingly smaller things. You might also find taking up a spiritual practice helpful or attractive during this time. This helps you to find a sense of meaning and connectedness to life that goes beyond its material aspect.

As mentioned above, another major planetary shift we are experiencing this week is Pluto’s move into Aquarius for the next 20 years.

This is a major and significant transit for all of us on a collective level. Whatever sign Pluto moves into (which generally takes place between a decade and three) colors the way in which we will experience a powerful transformation on a collective level. We are already witnessing manifestations of this Aquarian Pluto energy. Things are getting extremely heated and intense on a political level.

This could very well be a time when we witness certain governments, political figures/parties, etc., experiencing their downfall and demise. During this transit, people feel inspired to get together and recognize the true power of being united and fighting alongside one another for a better and more just world. Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian, and it passionately wants to abolish anything that is not of service to humanity or the collective as a whole.

We are conditioned to be complacent and not fight for what we want or deserve. We have been brainwashed by those in power who want to maintain their power by perpetuating a self-serving, corrupt system that absolutely does not have the people’s best interests at heart.

Now is the time to wake up and see these abhorrent systems for what they are and what they stand for.

This is the perfect time to regain our power as a people and recognize that we cannot be defeated if we are all united in the name of our collective liberation! No one is free until we are all free.

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Scorpio (October 22, 2024 – November 21, 2024) Sagittarius (November 21, 2024 – December 21)
  • Mercury: Sagittarius (November 3, 2024 – January 8, 2024)
  • Venus: Capricorn (November 11, 2024 – December 7th, 2024)
  • Mars: Leo (November 3, 2024 – January 6, 2024)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, November 18th




Cancer – the energy is more internal today. You may be feeling more sensitive and emotional. Give yourself that space. It is a good day to go inward and reflect on your feelings.

Astrological Aspect

Mercury in Sagittarius opposing Jupiter in Gemini – you are experiencing extra mental excitement and stimulation. Ride this energy and give yourself permission to break the limits of what you believe is possible.

However, make sure to avoid lofty and unrealistic ideas and ventures.

Tuesday, November 19th





Astrological Aspect

Pluto moves into Aquarius – Pluto finally moves into Aquarius to stay for almost twenty years, and you’re now fully into a new Pluto cycle.

This one focuses on your future and what you hope for and dream of, and you can empower yourself to make your dreams a reality.

Wednesday, November 20th




Leo – there is a stronger need for creative self-expression whenever the Moon is in Leo. Find a creative outlet to direct that energy.

Astrological Aspect

Moon conjunct Mars – you might be feeling extra charged and energetic today. Make sure you find a constructive way to embody that energy so it doesn’t turn into anxious restlessness or unnecessary aggression.

Thursday, November 21st


Sagittarius season begins – today, we enter Sagittarius season! This energy is the polar opposite of Scorpio. You are feeling more light, playful, joyful, optimistic, and extroverted.

Sagittarius is all about enjoying the journey and not limiting oneself to anything, including responsibilities, which is the main downside or negative trait of this sign.



Astrological Aspect

Sun in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius – it is important to learn how to harness your power and ability for self-control in a healthy way. That is only possible when you do the inner work and tackle the hidden aspects of your unconscious wounds and traumas gently.

Friday, November 22nd




Last Quarter Moon in Virgo – the energy is more focused and grounded today. It is a great time to get things into order and make lists of all the things that need taking care of.

Create systems for yourself to make life easier.

Astrological Aspect

Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces – let yourself get more serious about your relationships and ask yourself if they are in alignment with your values and what you’re trying to build for yourself in your life.

Saturday, November 23rd





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces – things are feeling emotionally heavier and more restricted at the moment.

Take this time to slow down and ask yourself if you are doing the inner work that is necessary for leading a healthy emotional life.

Sunday, November 24th





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus – you might be feeling more buzzy and electric today. There is a stronger urge to break out of norms and emotional habits that no longer serve you anymore.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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