Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 2nd – 8th, 2024

weekly astrology forecast september 2

How would you feel about a week of discovery, introspection, and increased focus? Then keep reading this article to see what the stars have in store for you! The first week of September presents a unique blend of energies that encourage introspection, emotional realignment, and grounded decision-making.

With a New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd, Mars transitioning into Cancer on September 4th, and Mercury entering Virgo on September 9th, this period offers a harmonious yet dynamic interplay of celestial influences.

As the New Moon rises in Virgo, the atmosphere is ripe for new beginnings, particularly in areas that demand precision, organization, and attention to detail. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, emphasizes practicality and improvement. This New Moon is an ideal time to focus on refining your routines, enhancing your health practices, and setting intentions that align with your need for order and efficiency. The energy of Virgo encourages a meticulous approach, urging you to clear out the clutter—both physical and mental—and create space for growth.

You may find yourself drawn to tasks that require focus and a methodical mindset, making this a perfect time to start a new project, implement healthier habits, or revisit plans with a more critical eye.

Just a couple of days later, on September 4th, Mars moves into Cancer, shifting the energy from the analytical and practical to the emotional and nurturing. Mars, the planet of action and drive, feels somewhat out of its element in Cancer, a sign ruled by the Moon and associated with home, family, and emotional security. This transit may lead to a more introspective approach to pursuing your goals. Instead of charging ahead with sheer force, you might find yourself motivated by emotional needs and a desire to protect and nurture.

Mars in Cancer can bring up past emotions, prompting you to address unresolved feelings or familial issues. While this energy is softer and more sensitive, it also has a protective edge, encouraging you to stand up for your emotional boundaries and those of your loved ones. You may feel a stronger connection to your home environment, with a desire to make it more secure and comforting.

As the week progresses, Mercury, the planet of communication, returns to its home sign of Virgo on September 9th, enhancing the analytical and detail-oriented energy introduced by the New Moon. Mercury in Virgo sharpens your mental faculties, making it an excellent time for tasks that require precision, critical thinking, and clear communication. This transit supports practical problem-solving and efficient planning, helping you to articulate your thoughts with clarity and purpose. It’s a time when you may find yourself more focused on work, health, and the organization of your daily life.

The combination of Mercury’s influence and the ongoing Virgo New Moon energy suggests a period where clarity and practicality take center stage, allowing you to make well-considered decisions.

September 2nd – September 9th is a Week to Engage Your Emotions & Thoughts

Overall, this week encourages a balance between the mind and heart, urging you to harness the practicality of Virgo while honoring the emotional depth of Cancer. The New Moon sets the stage for practical new beginnings, Mars in Cancer adds an emotional layer to your actions, and Mercury’s entry into Virgo sharpens your focus.

It’s a time to nurture both your mental and emotional landscapes, creating a foundation for steady growth and personal development.

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Virgo (August 22, 2024 – September 22, 2024)
  • Mercury: Leo (August 14, 2024 – September 9, 2024), Virgo (September 9, 2024 – October 13, 2024)
  • Venus: Libra (August 29, 2024 – September 22, 2024)
  • Mars: Gemini (July 20, 2024 – September 4, 2024), Cancer (September 4, 2024 – November 4, 2024)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (September 1, 2024 – November 19, 2024)

Daily Astrological Snapshots

Monday, September 2


Virgo – The Virgo Sun amplifies earthy, practical energy right now. You may feel like focusing on your health, organizing your home, and working hard toward your goals now.


Virgo – The practical Virgo Moon mirrors the energy of the Sun in Virgo, urging you to focus your energy on your responsibilities. Getting your chores done will provide a sense of relief and relaxation.

Astrological Transit

New Moon in Virgo – During a New Moon in Virgo, you can expect a strong focus on organization and attention to detail, making it an ideal time to set intentions around health, routines, and personal growth.

This energy encourages practical planning and thoughtful approaches to problem-solving. Avoid clinging to things you no longer need in your life.

Tuesday, September 3





Astrological Transit

Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces – During a Mars square Neptune transit, you can expect feelings of confusion, lack of direction, and a tendency towards unrealistic expectations or escapism.

It’s a good time to focus on creative or spiritual activities, channeling any frustration into artistic expression or meditation. However, avoid making major decisions, engaging in conflicts, or acting impulsively, as the energy can lead to misunderstandings or deceptive situations.

Wednesday, September 4




Libra – The Libra Moon encourages balanced energy that helps you feel emotionally objective, friendly, and thoughtful. Practice meditation, yoga, or chakra work to promote even more harmony within the body and spirit.

Astrological Transit

Mars enters Cancer– During a Mars in Cancer transit, you can expect emotions to drive your actions, with a strong focus on home, family, and personal security.

It’s a good time to channel your energy into nurturing projects, improving your living space, and strengthening family bonds. However, avoid letting moodiness or passive-aggressive behavior take over, as this transit can make it harder to express anger directly.

Thursday, September 5





Astrological Transit

Libra Moon conjunct Venus in Libra – During this transit, you can expect heightened emotional sensitivity and a strong desire for harmony, affection, and connection in relationships.

It’s an ideal time to nurture close bonds, indulge in self-care, and engage in creative or artistic pursuits that bring joy. However, avoid overindulging or becoming overly dependent on others for emotional validation, as this transit can make you more susceptible to seeking comfort in unhealthy ways.

Friday, September 6





Astrological Transit

Libra Moon sextile Mercury in Leo – During a Moon sextile Mercury transit, you can expect clear thinking, effective communication, and an easy flow of ideas, making it a great time for discussions and expressing your feelings. It’s an ideal period to engage in writing, learning, or having meaningful conversations that require emotional intelligence.

However, avoid overanalyzing emotions or getting caught up in trivial details, as this transit can make you more mentally active than usual.

Saturday, September 7




Scorpio – When the Moon is in Scorpio, your emotions run deep, and you feel drawn to the dark and mysterious. It’s a great day to explore metaphysical subjects and practices like astrology and Tarot.

Astrological Transit

Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus – During a Mercury square Uranus transit, you can expect sudden disruptions in communication, unexpected news, and a tendency toward erratic thinking.

It’s a good time to embrace flexibility, stay open to new ideas, and approach problems with innovative solutions. However, avoid making impulsive decisions or engaging in arguments, as this transit can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

Sunday, September 8





Astrological Transit

Virgo Sun opposite Saturn in Pisces – You can expect challenges, feelings of restriction, and a heightened sense of responsibility or self-doubt. It’s important to focus on discipline, face obstacles with patience, and work diligently toward your goals, as this transit can strengthen your resilience.

However, avoid being overly critical of yourself or others, and don’t let setbacks discourage you, as this energy can make everything feel more difficult than it actually is.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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