5 Ways to Jump Start Your Love Life This Spring

How is your love life going, friend? Maybe you are still feeling Mercury retrograde effect in your love life and this could have slowed down things a little. Maybe Mercury retrograde has left you feeling like you were the sweet honey pot and there was nothing but flies flocking to you. It happens!

Mercury retrograde can cause that. So if you are looking ahead into the summer and wondering who is going to be your partner in crime, you’ve still got a shot at sparking up the fever in your relationship while spring is still in full throttle. Yes, you can find love or improve your current relationship, right now. Well before summer even begins. That’s what we are talking about today.

No matter your relationship status, you can always use astrology to make the right moves in love and relationships. This spring, astrology and the Universe is ripe with opportunities on how to take relationships to the next level. Even if you are in one or hoping to start a romance soon. Let’s have a look at the top five ways to ignite spring fever and jump start your love life this spring, no matter your relationship status.

1. Venus in Aries – Take the Lead

With Venus in Cardinal sign Aries, between April 28 and June 6, you have the love planet meeting a fiery zodiac sign that likes to be the boss. So guess what qualities you want to bring to love and relationships? If you are single, sitting around and worrying about love is not the way to get it going. Do something! The same holds true if your relationship has hit a plateau.

We’ve all seen a stalemate period in love on occasion. With Aries being the dream maker, think of your relationship like you would a campfire. Do you spark it up and wait for it to create magic? No. You have to keep adding to the fire, for as long as you want it to burn. The same holds true with love.

No love fire, no matter how hot it is at the start, is going to keep going on forever. You have to keep stoking that fire, baby! With Venus in Aries this spring, the Universe isn’t just giving you the energy to do that, it’s giving you this command. Make a move. Take the lead. Especially if it’s something you’ve never done before.

2. Mars in Gemini – Be Flexible

We talked about Mars in Gemini last week, but let’s have a look at applying this to love a little bit more. Gemini is the social butterfly of the zodiac as the Mutable Air sign. Mars is the warrior love planet that lets passion and drive move everything it does. So what is going to happen to romance when you put this energy into the mix? A lot. It’s going to feel like a lot happening at once. As such, you need to be flexible.

If you’re single, you may feel like you have twenty suitors vying for your attention, and you aren’t sure what to do. It feels exciting, it feels dizzying because you don’t know what to do. So, be flexible and enjoy and don’t feel the need to stick to just one thing.

Although, you do have the option to focus on the one flower that keeps popping up just for you. It’s your choice. Listen to that inner drive that Mars is sending your way. Whether you are single or attached. With so much happening with this energy, it’s very easy to get confused.

Listen to your drive, and focus on the one flower that has kept your attention the longest. You know who that is. Now follow your Mars and go for it! This spring fever is no fun if you aren’t using the energy you have been given.

3. Sun in Taurus – Play it Safe

As much fun as Mars in Gemini and Venus in Aries will be, you need to be careful. It is very easy to make mistakes that could cost you somebody very important under this energy. Mars in Gemini will inspire you to make impulsive decisions. Enjoy all of this excitement, but play it safe, and don’t make any hasty decisions.

Whether you are single or attached. Getting caught up with the wrong person could lead to health problems, relationship breakups, or you could wind up with one of those leftovers Mercury retrograde NOT leaving you alone. Who wants that? Nobody wants that. So be smart and practical during all of your spring fever pitches, and the Sun in Taurus between April 19 to May 20 is going to help you do just that.

4. Sun in Gemini – Put it in Writing

As Sun leaves Fixed sign Taurus, this slower and more stable practical energy leaves the building, along comes more Gemini energy. So you are going to get into flip-flop mode again. This could be fun if you are single and not really looking for anything but fun.

It could be frustrating if you are single and can’t seem to get someone pinned down. It could also be frustrating if you are in a relationship and you keep passing each other like ships in the night, or can’t seem to get on the same page. So, put your thoughts in writing.

Whether you are writing to someone, or just venting it all out, the Sun in Gemini is a wonderful time to get your communication on track. Get it all out there. You will find putting pen to paper slows down your thoughts enough to organize them if you are feeling a little scattered. It is also a wonderful time for love notes, saucy texts, and romantic e-mails if you are hoping to burn up some excess energy.

5. Own your Stuff

Relationship experts often say that the number one key to a successful relationship is communication. This couldn’t be truer. Another important component to a healthy relationship is your ability to own your stuff. Hey, we are all human. We all err and make mistakes. Own it. When you do that, you show your partner they are worth you being your most vulnerable. When you are real, they are willing to share with you, too.

The Sun in Taurus is going to help you be real for the first half of spring. Mercury in Taurus (from May 16 to June 16) is going to help you do that in the area of communication. Owning it may be the hardest thing you do in any relationship, romantic or otherwise. It is also the most rewarding. When you meet someone at that level, you can expect spring fever to start burning large.


To get that spring fever burning high in your relationship, take a little bit of help from astrology and the stars. Take the lead, be flexible, put it in writing, play by the rules, and own your stuff. If you can pull all of that off, we expect to hear some very racy stories as this lovely season of blossoms moves along.

How are you hoping to catch spring fever this year in love?

Related Article: You’re Saucy and You Know it With Venus in Aries

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