Your New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse Horoscopes

​It’s change time, friends! Are you ready? This Summer 2019 is another eclipse Summer, and that means that we all are undergoing some major change.

The first one around is the New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse that is happening on July 2, 2019. Like every New Moon, this one is going to be about new beginnings, but major ones in our lives because this New Moon is accompanied by an eclipse. In a solar eclipse, the Moon’s orbit passes between the Earth and the Sun, hiding the Sun from our view. That’s the physical sense of an eclipse. This will be followed by the lunar eclipse later this month. It’s a month of hidden information.

But spiritually, and in an astrological sense, it means that information is hidden from view. We need that information to create big changes in our lives. Sometimes we freak out when we don’t get it when we think we want it. This is the spiritual test of the New Moon. To have faith that it will come. When it does and our karmic path is clean, we win and experience some of the most joyful events of our lives.

So today, we are going to look at that forecast with the New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse happening this month!

New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse Themes

With the New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse, we have a few moving parts when it comes to themes. We have the New Moon, we have Cardinal Water sign Cancer, and we have a solar eclipse.

This particular New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is, as a whole, working to connect us to our roots, our family, or the legacies in our lives that make us feel connected to the world.

New Moons, meanwhile, are all about new beginnings. But the sky is very dark under this New Moon, and that means that we can’t see what we want to see to make decisions on new beginnings. The Universe is asking us to have a little blind faith in our karmic decisions of the past so that we can make good ones now.

Then, we have the Cancer influence. This is the Cardinal sign of the Water signs undergoing an eclipse moment. Cancer is the Mother figure of the zodiac. She is the nurturer and the goddess represented by the Empress card in the Tarot. Princess Diana was a Cancer. She is the perfect example of being a Cancer. It is energy such as this soft, gentle, and spirited life that embodies this Cancer New Moon.

Lastly, the eclipse factor. This is a solar eclipse, where the Moon hides the Sun from us here on Earth. The Sun will be eclipsed, hidden, and so will material information pertaining to your sense of self.

No one knows what’s next. And the Universe is saying that is okay. All will be revealed in due time. But for now, ready yourself as best you can, starting with your New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse horoscope!

New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse Horoscopes

Aries – New beginnings at home.

The New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is touching your fourth house of roots and foundations, Aries, and this is launching some new beginnings at home. These are going to be some big new beginnings, and you can expect to see them in your home life. You may have a big change with your parents, or you may be seeing changes on the actual homefront. These are changes that are going to last for several months. You may be moving in with someone or even moving into a new home on your own. The information you need is eclipsed from the picture right now, but will be available to you in due time.

What are your New Moon wishes, Aries?

Taurus – Speak your truth.

You have the New Moon eclipse working in your third house of communication, Taurus. This is going to make communication your superpower this week, and you can use communication to launch an epic new beginning. Take the lead like Cancer does to dive deep into conversation with someone. A new talk or even a new gadget may be on the agenda for you. You are seeking big changes, and taking the lead on them. You may need to make a big decision, and if you feel like you don’t have all the information now, you are right. It is eclipsed for the time being, but it will arrive just when you need it most.

What are your New Moon wishes, Taurus?

Gemini – Show you the money.

The New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse is working your second house of earned income. It’s time for you to get real about a money matter that is related to your family, Gemini. And for this one, you need to play the clean game. You may not like that news, but this is not the time for shortcuts. When you need to make a money decision, just do the right thing, Gemini. When you do, you may even see your bottom line multiply in the right direction. Things may seem all over the map now, but they won’t forever, Gemini. Get your affairs in order and you should see a nice boost in due time.

What are your New Moon wishes, Gemini?

Cancer – Shine, baby, shine.

This is your time to shine, Cancer! You’ve got the New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse working your first house of self. There are some powerful new beginnings on the docket here. They all relate to your sense of self and who you are in the world. You are inspired to do something completely out there. The change that comes now may change who you are entirely. You may be inspired to go purple with the hair for example. Or, you may just start something new with the people you love the most. It’s all about planting seeds now, Cancer. So you won’t see an epic change overnight, unless you do die your hair purple, but the change will percolate exactly the way you want it to with time.

What are your New Moon wishes, Cancer?

Leo – Karmic changes.

The New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is correcting a big change for you, Leo. You are undergoing an ending at the same time that you are exacting a beginning. And you like this one! It’s time for you to really take a time out, as this transit is happening in your twelfth house of karmic endings. This means that you have the advantage of having a karmic angel by your side through this transit. But this is going to be emotional for you, and this means that the Universe is giving you the opportunity to take some downtime. Take some days off now as this is a big change. Reflection is what you will be inspired to do. You can expect to see change arriving through signs and whispers from your guides and angels.

What are your New Moon wishes, Leo?

Virgo – Put your self out there.

Time to get those social butterfly wings flapping, Virgo! You’ve got the New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse working your eleventh house of social circles. So it’s time to come out of your man cave or your woman nest and get your social on. Single or attached, unemployed or the CEO, when you engage with groups and friendships, you plant some powerful seeds of new beginnings. A big change is on the horizon, Virgo. And you will find it in groups. Follow that soul’s urging and connect with people. You are going to see some change when you do! This change is going to last for a few months. And you will know what groups and people to connect with when your heart sings. This is dreams coming true energy, Virgo! Use it or lose it.

What are your New Moon wishes, Virgo?

Libra – Your star will rise.

It’s a great time in your career or public status, Libra, and the New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is going to launch something big. This is working your tenth house of career and public image, and you are going to undergo a total transformation when it comes to work or reputation. A big change is on the horizon, and all eyes are on you. A very karmic change and new beginnings are in the works, and it could last for several months for you. Plant the seeds now, Libra, and follow your heart and that little voice that you are hearing. The signs aren’t in your head. This is happening. Be on your best behaviour and the New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is working out a big change for you. Information is on the way that will reveal everything.

What are your New Moon wishes, Libra?

Scorpio – Think big.

The New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is working your ninth house of foreign matters, Scorpio, which is also your house of education and travel. New travel changes are on the horizon, or you may be embarking on a new method of education or higher learning. You are under a bit of a lucky streak as well, as Jupiter energy tickles the ninth house a little bit. This is a good time to listen to that little voice in your head, the good angel, and follow your soul’s urgings when it comes to expanding your current state of being. The world is a big place, and you want to make a difference in it. This solar eclipse has some amazing new beginnings that will help you to expand your mind, and lock in those Big Picture goals. Think big, Scorpio. It’s all coming into play.

What are your New Moon wishes, Scorpio?

Sagittarius – Your transformation awaits.

The New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is working your eighth house of transformations, Sagittarius, and this means that you are going to undergo a rebirth of sorts over the next few months. It’s not going to happen overnight, but the information that you need for this change might. The seeds are being planted now and it’s not coming to major fruition just yet. This is also your house of shared resources, so money may play into this. But eighth house work is very karmic, and you can expect powerful secrets to come into play, or powerful information or sharing that will help you to set something right in your life. A new stock portfolio may be the change, or you may just have a transformative talk with someone where you share deep information about yourselves, and see a new level in your life and relationship as a result. You will know what the transformation and rebirth is when you see it. And you are creating the change. It’s time for a new you!

What are your New Moon wishes, Sagittarius?

Capricorn – Love feels new.

The relationship evolution that you’ve been craving is on the horizon with the New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse, Capricorn. This eclipse is working your seventh house of partnerships and true love. And this means that right now you are planting some exciting seeds of romance. You are going to see a big change, and in some cases, that means an ending. But under a New Moon, you are seeing a new day. It’s time to put yourself out there if you are single and do the unseen, the unknown, and try something new in love. New relationships right now are going to stand the test of time with this eclipse happening in your opposite sign! At the same time, if you are attached, you are going to be able to reach a new plateau and put something behind you for good. Don’t expect it to happen this week. But when it happens, it is going to put a smile on your face due to its long-term benefits.

Enjoy every delicious second, Capricorn. What are your New Moon wishes?

Aquarius – It’s the little things.

You have the New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse working your sixth house of details and work, Aquarius. So you are going to see a new beginning happening on the work front, with your health, or just in your everyday routine. You may see some wonderful changes on the job or just start to feel better regarding a health matter. You may also be putting a work or health matter behind you, and whatever new beginning or change arrives, it is going to be refreshing for you. You are planting the seeds of new beginnings in a very exciting way at work. If you are looking for work, it’s time to send out those pitches and resumes, and follow the leads that make your soul hum. It’s also a good time to ask a current boss for new responsibilities. Don’t ask for money, ask for something bigger than what you do now that you know you can do well. When you do, powerful things happen beyond your wildest dreams under eclipse energy.

You deserve this, Aquarius! What are your New Moon wishes?

Pisces – Start your pleasure engines.

Ready for romance, Pisces? Well, ready or not, here it comes. You have the New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse working your fifth house of pleasures and love, and this is going to launch some exciting romantic possibilities. This is true whether you are single or attached! New beginnings of all kinds in love are possible, including with your children or other important children in your life. If you are single (or want to be), it’s time to make a big move. Just plants seeds right now. If you are attached, take some time to just reignite the fun in your relationship. Build on the nostalgic New Moon in Cancer and enhance the information received under the solar eclipse to create an exciting new beginning in love.

What are your New Moon wishes, Pisces?

Related Article: The Essential Crystal Collection for Cancer Season

About the Author

Picture of Christine Beswick

Christine Beswick

As a Scorpio, Christine Beswick is a natural empath, using her watery emotional side to bring you the astrology answers you need to find abundance. Christine’s favorite tools of choice are the stars, as it was her grandmother who first told her many moons ago that’s where all the answers were. Christine’s Scorpio side favors writing as her medium of choice to express those answers. When she’s not pondering life’s big questions, it is Christine’s dream to one day be the crazy cat lady on her street.

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