Cancer Horoscope: What Mercury Going Direct Means for You

If you’ve been frustrated feeling like things aren’t moving forward this month due to Mercury retrograde, get ready for life to go full-speed-ahead when Mercury goes direct.

Cancers, are you ready to get a clear picture of what to expect as Mercury goes direct? You sensitive Water signs have some great opportunities coming your way, so let’s dive into your Cancer horoscope for tomorrow to see how your career and love life are about to get upgraded. Have you noticed that you’ve had more energy to work on your projects recently? This new energy has some very promising results for those projects when Mercury goes direct.

Mercury began its retrograde on March 5 and will station direct on March 28th. If you’re not familiar with Mercury retrogrades, they happen several times a year and are times when we should focus on reflection, reorganizing our lives, and double-checking our facts. We often find ourselves revisiting old ideas and relationships during a Mercury retrograde. Although Mercury retrograde can bring a little bit of chaos, when you’re prepared, you can use this transit to recharge your soul by clearing out old ways of thinking and doing that are no longer serving you.

Mercury Stationing Direct Explained

You can expect to feel a burst of energy on March 28, so check out your Cancer horoscope for tomorrow the day before to prep yourself. You are likely to gain public attention and new friends towards the end of the month.

Because Cancers feel their emotions particularly strongly, they’re sure to notice new energy when Mercury stations direct. Your Cancer horoscope will show you what you can do to prepare for this transition so you can have success moving into spring. While every one of every zodiac sign will find their projects finally start to move forward again, you have some lucky energy boosting your success.

To prepare, write down your biggest goals without holding back. Be as clear as you can with these goals because you have some heavy wish-fulfilling energy backing you up as Mercury stations direct. Write down what you need to accomplish these goals. Perhaps a new job, home, social group, or a deeper romantic bond with someone is on that list. This goal list will set your energy in motion for the months to come.

Mercury won’t go retrograde again until July 8th this year, so we have a few months to catch our breath until then. The general themes for a retrograde are revisiting our habits, revamping our use of time and releasing bad habits or stale ideas. Then there are the common things most people think of with Mercury retrograde which are miscommunications, malfunctioning electronics, travel plans going awry, and issues with the mail. Essentially, because Mercury is the planet of communication, it helps us look at how we speak so that we can filter out what’s not working to be more efficient in pursuing our goals. It can be a bit frustrating to revisit old patterns or people from our past but the lessons we can learn during a Mercury retrograde are valuable in that we learn about ourselves and see our lives from a bird’s-eye view so we can make the necessary adjustments.

This March, Mercury retrograde was in the sign of spiritual Pisces so you may have found your emotions heightened during this time. You may have spent time going over your spiritual beliefs, trying to crack open your imagination and finding old interests sparked again. Because Cancers tend to retreat into their hard shells when they are emotional, you may find you spend more time alone during a Mercury retrograde but don’t beat yourself up about it. You’ll often be able to address your own role in relationships by thinking about the dynamics between you and loved ones in a new light.

Cancer Horoscope for Tomorrow: How to Prepare

There are three major energies at work tomorrow as Mercury stations direct. Uranus has entered Taurus this month where it will be for 7 years. This can bring new friends, new interests and the energy to finally push your big goals forward. Venus harmonizes your love life on the 26th, bringing in a wave of optimism lasting through the end of the month.

With your mind now clear on how to move forward and your confidence high thanks to your Cancer horoscope for tomorrow, you can really step into a new role at work or revive old dreams with a new found approach. The clarity you’ve been wanting is arriving and you are likely to have success in going after what you want as you feel adventurous and ready to expand your horizons.

Cancer Horoscope for Tomorrow: What to Get Excited About

When Mercury goes direct, you’re going to feel like there’s something pushing you forwards. You can expect extra attention and success in self-expression now.

You are ready to travel or start your education with this expansive energy. You’ll feel like you want to move beyond the mundane things and focus on big ideas. We officially started spring at the Full Moon Spring Equinox on the 20th, so you have the energy to start and grow filling your psyche as well.

Notice how you’re interested in moving outside of your usual routines and into new ways of thinking that are exciting to you. You can find lots of allies at this time and even get what you ask for. You may find you’re getting opportunities and more productive than usual. It’s time to sigh in relief now that Mercury retrograde is over. Take those opportunities and ride the wave of success.

Zodiac Signs to Avoid Tomorrow

Because the Moon will be in Capricorn as Mercury stations direct, you are going to feel more focused on your goals and working hard. You may want to avoid practical-minded, detail-oriented Taurus and Virgo tomorrow because they may not understand your strong desire to move forward or see why you’re so motivated today.

Because of a new found confidence, you want to surround yourself with big picture people that are used to breaking the rules and routines in order to capitalize on this unique creative energy you have working for you.

Zodiac Signs to Stay Close to Tomorrow

Now that you’re ready to push out of your comfort zone and reach for the stars, surround yourself with creative signs and signs that can see the big picture. Artistic Pisces, Libra, and Gemini could make good company tomorrow. You’ll be inspired by bold signs like Leo, Aries, Aquarius, and Sagittarius. You could even spark up some romance with a Scorpio or a fellow Cancer.

Concluding Thoughts

The best way to navigate any planetary transit and the emotional shifts that come with it is to check in early with your Cancer horoscope for tomorrow, which will help you understand why you wake up feeling so different. If you were caught off-guard or confused by the energy during this Mercury retrograde, at least you’re now prepped for the one in July.

It’s extremely valuable to keep up to speed on your horoscope for tomorrow so you know what to tackle and what to put on the back burner for the month. For the sensitive Cancer, there’s nothing that brings more solace than knowing what is making you feel the way you do.

Be prepared by reading your Cancer horoscope for tomorrow daily. Stay open to the incredible possibilities opening for you as Mercury stations direct, no matter what your zodiac sign is!

Related Article: Beneficial Thought – Launch Time: What to Expect when Mercury Goes Direct

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. You can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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