Career Clarity Arrives with Pluto Direct in Capricorn

October 3 marks the day Pluto moves direct in the work horse sign of Capricorn. Anytime Pluto moves direct, it brings to the surface the deepest part of ourselves that

are buried from sight. When we drudge up those darker aspects, they get blasted with the light which transforms our consciousness so we can enact real changes. Often the fears that have been keeping us locked in a metaphoric tower are suddenly exposed so we can see how to be free of them.

If you’re scratching your head wondering, well how does all this deep stuff relate to me, and how can I use it, you’re in luck. This article will give you simple ways to understand how the theme of this planetary event will likely help you and what you can do to ‘go fish’ for the card of your dreams in this game of life. Are you ready?

While Pluto is small, its influence is mighty. Let’s look at the areas of life it affects so we are prepped. Oh, and you can plan to celebrate too because with the Capricorn energy Pluto direct is going to be riding through, it will be a stampede of liberation in the area of work. Getting excited?

Pluto’s Areas of Influence

Pluto has been retrograde for five months, and we have been replaying our subconscious patterns and fears. Now that we are more aware of them, because they’ve been back for a visit, we can finally move forward in life and those shadows can no longer control us. Let’s put it this way. If you once lost the game for your softball team when you were a kid and you’ve been afraid to be a part of a group or step foot in a sports arena since you’ll be able to see that behavior and finally be free of that fear-based behavior.

Pluto is the planet of transformation and rebirth because it opens the door to our subconscious fears so we can see why we get stuck or limit ourselves. Wherever Pluto is hanging out in the zodiac, we will see change and since it moves into Capricorn today, we will feel the urge to change our career path long term. With Pluto direct in Capricorn, it’s like the light bulb for our career finally turns on. If you’ve felt like you were just waiting to make that

Capricorn Energy: Ready To Lead

If you aren’t familiar with the Earth sign of Capricorn, well here is the skinny on this sign. It’s known to have a head for business and has the stamina to take on large projects. This sign knows how to make things profitable, and it’s calculated about its approach to using money, time, and resources. Capricorn is practical but also extremely driven. If you feel like you’ve been in the doldrums in your career just kind of waiting for inspiration or motivation to strike, it’s striking, and powerfully.

Capricorn is also very loyal and craves family. Your career moves at this time will likely align you with the ability to establish some serious stability and provide that nest which your hard work will allow you to come home to. If you’ve been a vagabond, you may feel like setting down some roots that can provide you with a strong foundation. Because Capricorn is so adamant about material security, you may be looking at plans that will provide you with wealth and long term returns. Capricorn is also willing to take the lead, take risks, and delegate, so you might feel more inclined to start your own projects now instead of being in the back seat so to speak.

Read this next: Saturn Direct in Capricorn: Self Discipline Tips for Each Zodiac Sign

Steps to Capture Career Clarity & Launch Into Success

OK, now that you have an idea of the energy we are dealing with, we want to look at how to apply it in practical ways. Here are three simple steps you can take to get total career clarity with Pluto direct.

The first action stepping up to the plate is to ask yourself what type of work you actually enjoy. When we are really honest about what type of work that doesn’t actually feel like work, we are more likely to succeed because we will enjoy what we do. We all know that a happy person tends to attract more success so step one is brainstorming the qualities you crave in a work environment whether it’s kindred spirits, flexibility, a regular paycheck, independence, creative freedom, or clear tasks. This can give you clarity on the type of role you want whether it’s a freelancer, a manager, a boss, or an assistant. It will also give you clarity on your own standards for what helps you thrive. Write those puppies down!

Next up to bat is going to be asking yourself which area or industry you feel drawn to. Your intuition will help you find a career field that is a match for your own energy. Some people make better accountants and some people make better artists. What have you been wanting to do but maybe haven’t opened up about? Maybe people have put this idea down and you stopped dreaming because you’re surrounded by people projecting their fears onto you. Write down the field you can actually visualize yourself working in clearly. When you can see it, that’s significant.

Finally, we are going to hit a home run with this step. We are going to ask why you haven’t done this or why you don’t feel worthy of what you really want. Those fears we have been facing for the last five months are fresh on our minds and we can now sidestep them to move forward into our dream role. The block is just a wall that you can actually walk around my friend. What has been your wall?

Closing Thoughts…

And there you have it, your easy three steps to get clarity in your career and finally make some lasting change for the better. When this day arrives, notice how other people are also making changes and ready to talk about their career changes suddenly out of nowhere. The drive is now within us to walk across the bridge that we have been building in our minds. You can see the other side, all it takes is one step and you will start to feel more alive. Support your friends and discuss your careers today, it will be productive and help you get excited about life again.

The movements of the planets really affect us all, whether we know they are happening or not. Some people might feel the pressure to change but get confused about feeling pushed by the Universe so maybe you can step in and give them permission to feel what they are feeling. Telling someone that, you don’t have to fight it, can change their lives. Think of someone who believes they have to struggle or do a job they hate, you can unlock the door to their freedom today! Capricorns will feel this change energy extra strong so if you know a Capricorn, do them a favor and share their Capricorn horoscope today with them so they can know why they are feeling the way they are.

Related Article: Feeling Cloudy? Clear Your Chakras With Reiki

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. Her classes can be found online at www.HOI.TV/authors/shannon and you can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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