How You Can Improve Your Love Life With the Chinese Zodiac

Did you know that there is a way to improve your love life with the Chinese Zodiac?

You might know you’re a clever Monkey or a fierce Tiger; you might be aware you were born in the year of the gentle Rabbit or the hardworking Ox.

But the Chinese Zodiac is so much more than just the sign you were born under!

When harnessing the power of the lunar calendar, we can dive deeper into our emotions and get better insight into our love life. So when searching for a way to add the spark back into your love life, look no further than Chinese Astrology.

Just as in the Western zodiac, the Chinese Zodiac has love compatibility. In the same way that a Libra and Aquarius are traditionally compatible, the same goes for members of the Chinese Zodiac, depending on which of the four trines they are in.

Your Chinese Zodiac & Your Love Life

Read on to find out more about your Chinese Zodiac sign and how you can improve your love life with the wisdom of Eastern astrology!

Let your birth year’s animal representative lead the way to your perfect partner.


You are most compatible with other members of the First Trine, the Dragon, and Monkey. You also get along with those who have the Dragon and Monkey as their ascendants.

As a Rat, you can be very shrewd, so you and your partner must be honest with each other at all times in relationships. Things can quickly descend into mind games on both sides. A fundamental key to improving your love life is to be open and honest about what you think and feel, no matter how uncomfortable it may be to do so at the time.

Don’t know your rising sign in Chinese Astrology? Discover your ascendant sign.


You are most compatible with other members of the Second Trine, the Snake, and Rooster. You also get along with those who have the Snake and Rooster as their ascendants.

As an Ox, you are hardworking and diligent. It would help if you had someone who respects your sense of ambition. At the same time, someone who is not afraid to tell you when they think you are in the wrong is important.

Mutual respect is essential in your love life. If you feel this is not happening, it is important to discuss your needs and wants with your significant other and lay down some ground rules when necessary.


You are most compatible with other members of the Third Trine, the Horse, and Dog. You also get along with those who have the Horse and Dog as their ascendants.

As a Tiger, you are adventurous and bold. You require a partner who is willing to accompany you on your adventures and respect your freedom.

Clingy partners are a turn-off for you. At the same time, you can be jealous and possessive. It is essential that your partner soothes your fears and is sensitive to your needs. Mind games and unwarranted criticism spell doom in a relationship. Improving your love life can take patience and introspection.

It is important, to be honest with yourself and recognize your own shortcomings.


You are most compatible with other members of the Fourth Trine, the Goat, and the Pig. You also get along with those who have the Goat and Pig as their ascendants.

As a Rabbit, you want a peaceful life. You’re not interested in anything unpredictable, and a partner who is too demanding or difficult is draining for you. It is important for a happy love life that your partner shares your dream and vision of a happy home because you like to settle down.

Conflict is a big no-no for you, so someone who can work things out amicably with you is important.

Read this next: The Best Way to Relieve Stress, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign


You are most compatible with other members of the Fourth Trine, the Rat, and Monkey. You also get along with those who have the Rat and Monkey as their ascendants.

As a Dragon, you are a powerful and strong character which requires an equally strong partner. It will be difficult for you to respect someone who comes across as too meek, so mutual respect is an important component of your relationship.

To improve your love life, you need to have wind-down time with your partner. You can’t be on the go all the time! Weekends away or romantic dinners, for example, are a priority in your relationship to keep the flame burning bright.


You are most compatible with other members of the Second Trine, the Ox, and Rooster. You also get along with those who have the Ox and Rooster as their ascendants.

As a Snake, you are intelligent and also sometimes secretive. You value your space and privacy, and it is important for you to have a partner who understands this about you. You don’t need to be joined at the hip; you want mutual respect.

If you feel you are being suffocated in a relationship, you are likely to withdraw. Being more open with your feelings is the best way to strengthen your bond with your significant other.


You are most compatible with other members of the Third Trine, the Tiger, and Dog. You also get along with those who have the Tiger and Dog as their ascendants.

As a Horse, you are freedom-loving and independent. You require someone who is equally as independent as you. A partner-in-crime is your ideal relationship type, someone who will stand by your side as both a lover and an ally.

You need your space, so it is important for you to have someone who understands this. To improve your love life, be mindful of others’ feelings. Ironically, you value teamwork, yet sometimes you can go off and do your own thing without consulting your significant other. Communication is an important aspect of your relationship.


You are most compatible with other members of the Fourth Trine, the Rabbit, and the Pig. You also get along with those who have the Rabbit and Pig as their ascendants.

As a Goat, you are creative and dreamy. Therefore, you need to be with someone who understands and respects your creative side. At the same time, it benefits you to be with someone who is grounded and down to earth to help bring balance to your ethereal nature. Improving your love life includes taking a look at your own shortcomings, as well as others.

Open conversation about each others’ flaws leads to a stronger relationship all around.


You are most compatible with other members of the First Trine, the Rat, and Dragon. You also get along with those who have the Rat and Dragon as their ascendants.

As a Monkey, you are intelligent and quick-witted. It is important for you to be with someone who can match you on an intellectual and mental level, or you may become bored. To improve your relationship, be mindful of your words’ effect on others; sometimes, you can be hurtful without meaning to be! Be open to others’ opinions and the value in them.

Ensure that you speak honestly and make your needs known to your partner. Communicating candidly will help you build a strong relationship.


You are most compatible with other members of the Second Trine, the Ox, and Snake. You also get along with those who have the Ox and Snake as their ascendants.

As a Rooster, you are pragmatic and outspoken. You believe in your opinions, and you encourage others to believe in them too. Sometimes you can be a little too forceful with your opinions! For a happy relationship, ensure to let everyone have their say. Others can become resentful if they feel they are not being heard.

Compromise is key to a positive and fulfilling relationship.

Related article: The Best & Worst Characteristics of Your Chinese Zodiac Sign


You are most compatible with other members of the Third Trine, the Tiger, and Horse. You also get along with those who have the Tiger and Horse as their ascendants.

As a Dog, you are loyal and devoted. When you find ‘the one,’ you will stay by their side, no matter what. Sometimes, however, you can be indecisive or prone to excessive worry. For a happy relationship, it is essential you are with someone who soothes your fears and does not play mind games.

Open and honest communication is key. You may refrain from speaking your mind sometimes, but the more honesty there is in your relationship, the stronger it will become.


You are most compatible with other members of the Fourth Trine, the Rabbit, and Goat. You also get along with those who have the Rabbit and Goat as their ascendants.

As a Pig, you are good-natured and sweet. You enjoy your creature comforts, and you appreciate a lover who feels the same way. A happy relationship for you is not one filled with drama and conflict. It would help if you were with someone who understands your desire for peace and quiet.

Look for a partner who motivates and pushes you to improve. This will help balance out your tendency to become complacent.

Love is on the Horizon

Chinese Zodiac love compatibility is a handy thing to know about if you want to improve your love life!

The more we learn about our own Chinese Zodiac love style, the more we can attract a relationship that is great for us. Traditionally, looking at the compatibility of zodiac signs goes beyond love, helping us understand our relationships with our family, friends, and coworkers as well. So look to these tips to expand your platonic relationships as well.

Much of it comes from introspection and understanding who we are as people; this is something the Chinese Zodiac can provide us with!

This is the Year of the Metal Ox, the Ox being an animal that focuses on hard work and building. This year brings the opportunity to build positive love relationships and encourages us to work hard at what we want.

The race for love begins!

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