Welcome to February, lovelies! It’s clear that we’ve been traveling through a higher energetic matrix, and February isn’t just another month or a “New Year check-in.” It’s a powerful call to action, urging us to integrate the unfolding changes in our lives. It’s anything but ordinary.
This month, our angel guides are here to support and assist us. Think of them as your heavenly guides, always by your side, ready to light up the path through life’s twists and turns. They offer insight, healing energy, and a deeper connection to oneself. They serve as beacons of light, helping you to recognize opportunities, overcome obstacles, and align with your soul’s purpose.
Their guidance is especially valuable during times of change or uncertainty when you need reassurance and wisdom. No matter how they manifest, angels teach us to focus on our highest potential in every circumstance, whether they appear as reflections of our own inner wisdom or imbalances. Their messages help us navigate the complexities of life- guiding us toward a sense of alignment, peace, and purpose.
Now, let’s discover which angel guide is supporting you throughout this month!
Your Angel Card for February 2025
Hahaiah #12
February brings a focus on collaborations, networking, and personal development – especially how to amplify your success in all of these areas. Your angel guide this month is Hahaiah, who offers a nurturing presence to help you align with rest, replenishment, and divine protection.
In addition, Hahaiah supports you with:
- Replenishing your energy and inspiring one to care for their inner and outer world
- Protection from negativity and protection in your professional and personal life
- Assisting you in finding inner peace despite the challenges of life
- Enhancing your ability to make sound decisions by helping you stay focused and grounded
- Regency hour is 3:40 AM to 3:59 AM
Hahasiah #51
With Uranus direct in your sign, February feels like a huge boulder has been removed from your path. You feel free, and the weight you’ve been carrying has finally lifted, making room for fresh energy and new possibilities. It’s time for you to move past the obstacles you’ve been battling and rise to the challenge with a renewed sense of strength. No matter how small, every step forward is a victory for you.
Hahasiah is your angel guide for this month, supporting the alignment with your higher purpose and guiding you to achieve your goals. This angel assists in the following areas:
- Provides protection during surgery
- Assisting you in overcoming any remaining obstacles in your professional development
- Providing you with deeper creative insight and divine inspiration
- Providing protection and support when faced with challenges or opposition
- Regency hour is 4:40 PM to 4:59 PM
- Emotional Power Day is February 27th
Mihael #48
The month of February brings adventure, fun, and romance, all combined with endless creativity. This month, it’s all about finding the perfect balance between your desires and responsibilities. Relationships, especially those that require you to listen deeply and develop wisdom, require your attention. Your current efforts will lay the foundation for your future success.
Your angel guide for February is Mihael, who is here to assist you in aligning with your higher wisdom and strengthening your connections.
Mihael supports you with:
- Promoting growth, creativity, and the birth of new opportunities
- Providing guidance in experiencing sexuality as a divine expression of love and connection
- Pregnancy, marriage, fertility, and conception
- Providential protection, guiding and supporting you
- Regency hour is 3:40 PM to 3:59 PM
- Emotional Power Day is February 24th
Haziel #9
This month is all about turning negativity into love, using the challenging energy around you to, and transforming it into something pure and transformative. This month, you’re invited to explore your intimate life, sexuality, spiritual connections, and adventures that will expand your soul. You’ll find yourself balancing what you give and what you receive as change moves through your life.
Haziel is your angel guide this month, providing support as you navigate transformation and love.
Haziel supports you with:
- Reconciliation and healing through forgiveness
- Maintaining sincerity and trust in your relationships with others and with yourself
- Transforming any lingering negative energy into pure, positive energy
- Helping you achieve your goals by strengthening your sense of promise and commitment
- Regency hour is 2:40 AM to 2:59 AM
Yerathel #27
There’s a dramatic Full Moon in your sign this month. Setting the stage for major developments in your views, appearance, identity, and relationships. Your way of showing up in the world and how you relate to those around you will undergo a fresh, bold change. As the month progresses, your intimate life and deepest desires take center stage, allowing you to connect more deeply with your passions and spiritual truths. Now is the time to transform, evolve, and shine brighter than ever.
This powerful transformation is guided by the angel Yerathel, who brings newfound confidence and clarity to your life.
Yerathel also supports you with:
- Enhancing your social connections, fostering harmonious relationships
- Providing you with protection from slander and malicious intent
- Enhancing your creativity and intellectual pursuits by cultivating a love of science, literature, and the arts
- Protecting you from those who would hinder your growth and development so that you may flourish unhindered
- Regency hour is 8:40 AM to 8:59 AM
- Emotional Power Day February 3rd
Mebahiah #55
With the South Node in your sign, you’ve been called to make significant changes, encouraging you to reflect on your past. February will impact your work life, relationships, contracts, and overall health. It is a time of deep reflection but also of constructive action. During this period, you will find yourself reevaluating your priorities and making adjustments that are more aligned with your true path.
Mebahiah is here to help you gain clarity in those areas of your life that require change and alignment during this time of transition. Your angel guide supports you with:
- Having clear ideas about how to act with kindness, benevolence, and compassion toward others
- Helping you adjust and regulate your goals and desires
- Making sure you stay committed to your path by strengthening your sense of duty and responsibility
- Helping you make smarter decisions in love and work
- Offering emotional healing and comfort through understanding
- Regency hour is 6:00 PM to 6:19 PM
Hahahel #41
Libra, this month is all about letting go of attachments to worldly things and aligning yourself with a life that is deeply rooted in the greater plan. A shift is occurring in your friendships, creativity, and inner child. Your higher self is calling you to cultivate a new spiritual practice that goes beyond the surface – meditation, stillness, and deep connection. This is about stepping into your true power and leading from within.
Hahahel is your angel guide this month, helping you connect with your mission, find courage, and take greater responsibility for your life.
Hahahel helps you with:
- Creating a sense of unwavering faith
- Attracting abundance in all forms
- Maintaining an impersonal, detached perspective on external chaos through meditation and self-care
- Warning you of any forces that may block your spiritual growth
- Regency hour is 1:20 PM to 1:39 PM
- Emotional Power Day is February 17th
Yeiayel #22
Scorpio, this month is nothing short of transformative. You can expect unexpected discoveries, waves of fortune, wealth, and significant improvements in your career, business, and home life. You are being led forward in ways you may never have imagined by the universe. Trust the shifts occurring in your material world, as they are intended to elevate you to the next level.
Providing guidance, divine protection, and the energy to manifest your desires is the angel Yeiayel.
Yeiayel supports in the following areas:
- Leading you to hidden opportunities through surprising revelations
- Connecting you with the right resources and connections to advance your career and business
- Upgrading your home, ensuring comfort and stability
- Helping you manifest your dreams
- Protecting you from negative forces and setbacks
- Regency hour is 7:00 AM to 7:19 AM
Lelahel #6
The month of February brings a dramatic Full Moon that will stimulate deep changes in your outlook, reshaping your beliefs and transforming your travel plans and worldly experiences. This energy encourages you to expand your understanding of the world and welcome new experiences.
Lelahel is your angel guide this month, here to support you in the deep and significant areas of your life that need attention.
In addition, you can work with Lelahel on:
- Bringing healing to emotional wounds from the past and allowing new wisdom to enter
- Maintaining your mental and emotional balance during times of change
- Identifying and aligning your beliefs with your soul’s true calling, unlocking your full potential
- Opening yourself up to new ideas and adventures
- Regency hour is 1:40 AM to 1:59 AM
Caliel #18
Welcome to February, Capricorn! The month ahead is all about values, self-worth, and assets. This is an opportunity to take stock of what you value, what you have built, and how you can continue to improve. Your greatest asset this month is your disciplined vision and unwavering commitment. As you let go of outdated beliefs and fears, you will step into a stronger, more aligned version of yourself.
With the assistance of the angel Caliel, you will be able to navigate this transformative time with discernment, justice, and release of all doubts.
Additionally, Caliel provides assistance with the following:
- Providing clarity and discernment to help you make better decisions
- Offering justice, ensuring your path to success is supported
- Gaining confidence in your abilities and strengthening your faith in the process by releasing all doubts and fears
- Creating space for new opportunities by clearing mental and emotional blockages
- Regency hour 5:40 AM to 5:59 AM
Imamiah #52
Happy Birthday, Aquarius! This month will be filled with downloads, insights, gifts, and revelations. As deep changes unfold within you, expect to receive clarity from the universe. The purpose of this energy is to awaken you to new possibilities and help you align with your highest potential. What is being revealed is exactly what you need to step into the next chapter.
To help guide you through the rest of your birthday season is the angel Imamiah, here to support you in navigating these changes with ease and grace.
You can work with Imamiah on:
- The ability to receive and integrate deep downloads and insights that guide your evolution
- Releasing any fears or resistance to change
- Enhancing your awareness, allowing you to see new opportunities
- Giving you the clarity you need to take inspired action
- Regency hour 5:00 PM to 5:19 PM
Rochel #69
Welcome to a brand new month, which marks the beginning of your birthday. Yes, you heard that correctly. Your birthday month has begun, and the energy surrounding you is nothing short of magical. Now is the time to focus on your desires, your dreams, and everything that brings you joy and fulfillment. You are receiving a wave of blessings and alignment as you prepare to celebrate another year of growth in your life.
You are guided to your solar return by the angel Rochel, who aligns with your truest desires and guides you toward emotional fulfillment.
Rochel provides assistance in the following areas:
- Awakening your desires, manifesting your dreams
- Supporting you on your journey to emotional fulfillment, contentment, and peace
- Helping you let go of any doubts or fears around your wishes
- Connecting you to your intuition and higher self
- Encourage you to trust the process and know your dreams are already being fulfilled
- Regency hour is 10:40 PM to 10:59 PM
Tips for Connecting With Your Angel Guide
- Set Clear Intentions: Set a focused and genuine intention for connecting with your angel guide. Speak your desires or questions aloud or silently, and trust the messages that come through—whether as thoughts, feelings, or signs.
- Meditate During Regency Hour: Take advantage of the regency hour for focused meditation. Sit in silence, breathe deeply, and invite your angel guide to communicate with you. Stay open to any intuitive messages during this time, as they enhance the clarity of your connection.
- Express Gratitude: Don’t forget to show your appreciation to your angel guide every day. Gratitude strengthens your bond and invites more divine guidance into your life. Let go of control and trust that your angel is looking out for your best interests.
- Align with Emotional Power Day: If listed, align with your monthly angel guide’s emotional power day for February. Invest in this day’s amplified energy with reflection or journaling.
With the new year already in full swing, your angelic allies are here to guide you every step of the way. If you remain present and open to their subtle messages, you’ll set the tone for a month of abundance, prosperity, and good spiritual health.
Trust in their guidance—they are with you, helping you every step of the way. You are never alone on this journey.
Related article: Your Essential Angel Numbers Cheat Sheet