Full Moon in Libra 4-Card Tarot Spread: Building Bridges

There is a Full Moon in Libra on April 8th – what’s more, it’s a Supermoon! Prepare yourselves!

Astrology fans will know that the lovely Librans desire balance above all else. This is why they tend to hate conflict – they want peace, harmony, serenity and happy relationships. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and when things are out of balance, they can become very distressed.

That’s why you also get Librans who appear to be warmongers to the outsider – think Margaret Thatcher, Vladimir Putin and Horatio Nelson. All Librans who desperately strove/strive for harmony, but realized the only way they could get it was through war. Librans are not just motivated by harmony; they are motivated by justice too (hence the scales).

The Supermoon this month takes place in Aries, a fiery and dynamic sign. The Sun and Moon are set to clash, with hot-headed Aries opposing peace-loving Libra. Full Moons during Aries season are usually angry and impatient and as this is the biggest Supermoon of the year, everyone may want to keep a close eye on their tempers!

At the same time, Supermoons always have very special spiritual significance. They are often a powerful time for release and manifestation at the same time. They can be deeply transformative for people on a number of levels.

It’s time for some astrology Tarot! As balance and harmony are the main themes of Libra, how can we use a Full Moon Tarot spread to work with the energy of this special Supermoon? We want to hone in on our relationships with others and with the world, and think about how we can use the energy of this Moon to bring greater peace and serenity to our lives.

Read this next: Your Guide to Yes or No Tarot Spreads

Below is a 4-card Tarot spread you can try during this Full Supermoon in Libra which can help you gain greater perspective in regard to your partnerships with others and your sense of balance with the world.

Full Moon in Libra 4-Card Tarot Spread

Question: How can I bring greater balance to my life?

  • Card 1: My relationships with others
  • Card 2: My relationship with the world
  • Card 3: How I can manifest greater harmony
  • Card 4: Obstacles in my way

Example Spread Below:

Card 1: 2 of Pentacles

As the card representing my relationships with others, the 2 of Pentacles can indicate a struggle with balancing them with one another.

I may be having a tough time trying to balance different individuals in my life; for example, someone may be getting more attention from me than another or I may be trying to balance the relationship between a couple of people in my life, which are difficult.

Card 2: 4 of Cups

As the card representing my relationship with the world, this can indicate I have lost my spark for something. The 4 of Cups is a card associated with boredom.

Perhaps I am not using my own abilities to their fullest potential? Perhaps I am stuck in a role that isn’t bringing me satisfaction or fulfilment?

Card 3: The Sun

This is a powerful card for being honest and getting everything out on the table. It falls in the position of how I can generate greater harmony.

With the relationships with people, it could mean being honest about how I feel with everyone in order to find a resolution. With my relationship with the world, it could mean being honest with myself about where my true happiness lies.

This would require some deep, introspective thought. The Sun is also a card of happiness, so it may be indicating that I need to search for the source of happiness. What motivates and drives me? How can I bring greater happiness to myself? The answers very often lie within.

Card 4: King of Wands

I would view the King of Wands in this obstacle position as pride or ego.

For my relationships with others, either I or someone else is not being entirely honest about true feelings due to pride, which creates an automatic blockage in terms of trying to find a solution. With my relationships with the world, I may be too proud to admit to myself that I am not happy in any given area of myself. This pride may stem from fear – perhaps fear of change or the unknown.


The Full Supermoon in Libra this April brings with it the opportunity for transformation, honesty and reflection on a number of levels. The energies of this Full Moon may reveal some truths about ourselves and others, but ultimately, it is for the greater good and we may be very glad for it in the long-term.

Try this Tarot spread to help you navigate through the Supermoon this month and build bridges, while working with the harmonious and balancing energies of Libra.

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About the Author

Picture of Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.

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