Full Moon in Sagittarius: 5-Card Tarot Spread

Hold your horses (or rather, centaurs!) because the Full Moon on June 5th 2020 is no ordinary Full Moon. It’s a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, and if there was ever a time to harness the adventurous energy of this Fire sign, it’s now!

What is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse?

Lunar Eclipses are special for a number of reasons. The Full Moon is always a special time of the month where the veil between magic and reality is at its thinnest and we connect with ourselves at a soul level. But a Lunar Eclipse enhances this ability to connect, and is an incredibly powerful time for letting go and setting new intentions for the next 6 months.

Don’t be surprised if unexpected events or conversations come springing your way during this Full Moon. It’s the Universe’s way of reconnecting you to your higher self.

Not only is this Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, the sign of adventure and higher learning, but retrograde Venus is also in Gemini during this time. This encourages risk-taking, boundary-pushing and being bold in areas of passion, love, relationships and material issues.

Think of The Fool in the Tarot – that’s pretty much the energy of this Lunar Eclipse!

Speaking of Tarot, below is a reading you can try to connect on an even deeper level with this upcoming Full Moon. This spread is specifically designed to help you seek out what areas of life you need to be bolder in and how you can enhance your passions.

5-Card Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread

Question: What Passions Are Calling To Me?

  • Card 1: What I need to let go of
  • Card 2: What my true calling is
  • Card 3: What I need to do to manifest it
  • Card 4: The obstacle that stands in my way
  • Card 5: The outcome if I choose this path

Below is an example reading so you can see how it would pan out:

Card 1: 2 of Cups

This card indicates that there is a connection or relationship I need to let go of. It could be a romantic relationship, a friendship or even a casual acquaintance. Whatever it is, it no longer serves me and in order for me to move on, it’s time to cut cords.

Card 2: Strength

This is an interesting card for my ‘true calling’ because it would indicate that I have not been living with my true calling. The Strength card is about finding inner strength, and if it shows up in a reading, it is encouraging you to harness the strength that lies inside you.

It’s about doing what you know is right, even if it is difficult and even if it presents challenges. If I am able to find this inner strength, I will merge with my higher self and find myself on the right path.

Card 3: The Hermit

Another powerful card from the Major Arcana. The Hermit comes up in the advice position and indicates that in order for me to find the Strength from Card 2, I need to spend some quality time alone. A spiritual retreat of sorts.

I don’t have to physically go on a spiritual retreat, but I could shut off my electronics, create my own meditation den, and let myself be alone with me for a while.

This card indicates that by having this quality alone time, I will find the answers I seek.

Card 4: 8 of Swords

The 8 of Swords is a card of entrapment and fear. In the obstacle position, it indicates that my fear of “what if” is getting the better of me.

The fear of change, the fear of doing things differently, the fear of disapproval, the fear of failure – these are all fears associated with the 8 of Swords.

However, the 8 of Swords is a Sword card, which means it is cerebral. I am able to break out of this fear with my own mind, if I choose to.

Card 5: The Empress

Another great card from the Major Arcana! The Empress as outcome represents me.

If I am able to break the connection that is holding me back, if I can harness the Strength to move forward, if I can take time to meditate like the Hermit, if I can break out of the fear of the 8 of Swords, then I will become the best version of myself (the Empress) and experience a divine feminine power that unlocks beauty and creativity within me.


This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is a powerful time for releasing, manifesting and starting afresh. This is one adventurous Fire sign who doesn’t let boundaries hold them back – nor should you if you wish to become the best version of yourself and if you, too, want to transform into the Empress!

Try this astrology Tarot spread and see for yourself where your hidden power lies.

Related Article: Tarot for the Twins: Which Tarot Cards Represent Gemini?

About the Author

Picture of Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.

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