How to Use Libran New Moon Energy

On October 9th it’s time for a New Moon in Libra which is ruled by Venus, the planet of romance, art and beauty. Each New Moon we begin a new cycle of ideas that we start to nurture to allow the Universe to help us manifest around the time of the Full Moon which occurs 2 and a half weeks later.

The Full Moon on October 24 in Taurus is also ruled by Venus so there’s a theme this cycle relating to our relationships. With Venus in retrograde from October 5th to November 15th, we can expect to be able to see our own patterns that affect our relationships so we can see what’s working for us and what is not.

With the Sun in Libra as well, we are getting a double dose of the Libra energy on this New Moon. That means this positive Air element sign, which is always seeking to smooth things, out will come through in our thoughts and behaviors.

Set Your Intentions

The New Moon in a time of ritual that dates back as long as humans have used astrology. This is a time when the veil between us and the spirit realm is thin so we are able to communicate more clearly with our own soul, our spiritual self. We are able to sense the bigger picture in our lives and get in tune with how we can align our energy to help the forces of good on this planet that will alleviate pain and suffering with our unique gifts that are so graciously revealed through astrology.

In other words, it’s a good time to sit in stillness and ask your heart what goal will help the world for you to work towards. When we direct our energy and thoughts to helping others, we feel a deep sense of satisfaction that other activities don’t bring us.

On this New Moon, being that it’s in Libra, we can ask how we can share our love with those around us in a more supportive and inspiring way. As we help the 5 people closest to us feel our love and affection, they begin to feel inspired, safe and in turn can open their hearts to be more loving. Setting our intentions to share love in creative ways this new moon can allow the universe to show us ways to do so that can bring success and new opportunities we hadn’t conceived of before.

Writing down your intention as specifically as possible can help you create a vision of how to use your energy in a way that will make you feel good and help others. Revisit this until the Full Moon each day by rewriting it and visualizing yourself achieving this vision. Perhaps it’s stepping into a role in your career that is creative, perhaps it’s opening yourself to view relationships in a new light that feels more welcoming to your mind, or maybe it’s finding more love for yourself through a culinary exploration of healthy meal options.

What the Other Planets are Doing Now

You can always rely on us to make astrology easy to digest and practical. We would be remiss if we didn’t remind you that each cosmic event is a mix of influences that create the overall flavor of the day. We already mentioned the Sun in Libra and Venus retrograde. Mercury, the planet that rules communication, will also be in the sign of Libra this day, so we can expect people to be chatty and positive, friendly, and charming.

Venus, which we mentioned is retrograde, will be in the intense sign of Scorpio which can help us see into the depths of our own emotions regarding love and even our own shadows that we project into our relationships which can sabotage them. Mars, the planet of passion, will be in Aquarius, which means people will be thinking about their goals in terms of helping the planet and humanitarian issues that need to be aided. The approach our hearts will want to take is colored with the Libra energy that wants justice and creative ways to inspire people to be more loving. Libra, after all, is one of the most loving signs of the zodiac.

If you ever want to know what’s going on with passion, communication or romance, you can always check the ephemeris for that day and look for the symbol of Mars, Mercury and Venus and then see which zodiac sign symbol it’s passing through that day. That’s a fun way to see how your mind is affected by what we call the inner planets (the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus). 

Concluding Thoughts…

This is a time to nurture others and ourselves. We cannot just work and live on autopilot without enjoying the beauty of art, the enjoyment of human interaction and the victory of helping people in need. We are both logic and emotion, without either we are not human. We must take time for love to feel fully alive and we must face our emotions in order to grow. If you have been working so hard that you haven’t taken the time to ask yourself what really makes your heart come alive, you may even be denying yourself the highest level of success possible.

Successful people attribute success to the enjoyment of what one does. Dale Carnegie, author of How To Win Friends and Influence People, said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” So, as you ask the Universe to show you a way to help others, make sure you ask how to have fun while doing it!

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Related Article: Sun In Libra Love Horoscopes

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. Her classes can be found online at www.HOI.TV/authors/shannon and you can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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