Your Lucky Crystal for 2023, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

pair of hands holding out a variety of purple crystals

This has been a transformative year for many, but itโ€™s not over just yet!

The changes experienced this year will set the tone for many years to come. Each zodiac sign has its own lucky crystal to help it navigate the rest of the year ahead.

Read on to find out which crystal will help bring you greater luck and prosperity for the remaining months of 2023.

Your Lucky Crystal, Based on Your Sun Sign


There was a lot of โ€œget-up-and-goโ€ happening for you this year, and the last few months have brought greater clarity and even a change in direction for some of you.

However, you can get swept away in the heat of the moment at times, so in line with the energy of 2023, the onyx crystal is the lucky one for you. It enhances self-control, banishes grief, and encourages wise decision-making (and there will be quite a bit of that!).


Things are looking somewhat clearer now, but there may still be a few moments of hesitation springing your way, often prompted by negative thoughts that seem to sprout up out of nowhere and take up more time than they are worth!

In 2023, the citrine crystal is your lucky crystal, helping to banish negative thoughts, promote joy, and raise self-esteem, which will be especially helpful when making those big decisions.


Your lucky crystal in 2023 is selenite. Donโ€™t be surprised if you find yourself experiencing unusual sequences of events; this is the Universe helping to guide you in the right direction!

Keep an eye out for angel numbers, as these are signs that your spiritual evolution is on the move! Selenite will help enhance your powers of intuition, making it easier for you to hear the voice within.


Youโ€™ve likely had some significant dreams this year, and keeping a dream diary is recommended. There is a lot of focus on work and career this year, possibly also a change in direction. Pay attention to your instincts and intuition, as they are tremendously powerful.

The moonstone crystal is the lucky one for you and will help you balance your feminine and masculine sides in greater harmony.


There has been a lot of self-work going on for you this year. You are discovering more about yourself than you could have imagined, and new doors are opening for you.

This year, the angelite crystal is your lucky crystal and helps you tap into your intuition and bring greater clarity. With so much going on, it can be difficult to hear the voice within at times. Balancing your energies with the help of your lucky crystal is one of the best ways to listen to your intuition.


There are quite a few adventures on the horizon for you, and some traveling back and forth has been a big theme for you this year; not just physical traveling, but spiritual traveling too!

Itโ€™s a time of intense spiritual exploration for you, so buckle up.

The amethyst crystal is your lucky crystal and a wonderful companion while traveling. It protects you, grounds you, and enhances your intuitive powers so you feel more confident with the decisions you make and the direction you are going in.


Relationships are especially profound for you during this transformative year, and if you havenโ€™t found love yet, it looks like surprises are in store!

Rose quartz is your lucky crystal this year. It helps to heal old wounds and open you up to new love. This crystal enables you to see past the pain of the past and reminds you that you are worthy of love and deserve happiness.


Keeping your options open has been a powerful message from the Universe this year. Hence, careful thinking is on the agenda. Itโ€™s best not to leap before you look.

Sodalite is your lucky crystal and helps you communicate your thoughts and feelings more easily. The main risk is miscommunication, and no one knows where they stand. Your lucky crystal will help clarify things so this confusion does not arise.


Significant changes for you this year have been focused on areas of relationships and work. A new dawn is breaking, and exciting times are ahead. Blue K2 Jasper is your lucky crystal and will help guide you as you navigate new waters.

It is a wonderful stone for healing and helping you strengthen and restore your life balance. A year of great healing is upon you, and profound changes occur.


You have had a busy year, and there may have been several demands on your time. Success is coming; the more you ground and focus on yourself, the more success will become known. But giving yourself crucial moments of relaxation is essential.

The more balanced you are within, your endeavors will be more successful.

Fluorite is your lucky crystal this year and brings you a calm, soothing energy. Also good to have around if you spend a lot of time with electronics!


You might be steered in a completely different direction than you had initially thought, but go with the flow! This is a year where you discover much about yourself and the world around you.

Green aventurine is your lucky crystal and can attract wealth, health, and happiness to you. It also helps to ward off negative energy and draw in good fortune.


A spiritually enlightening year for you, 2023, brings good fortune. You experienced your fair share of ups and downs, but you will be glad for the stability that arrives.

Your lucky crystal is tigerโ€™s eye, as this brings you greater strength and determination, helping you to move forward with those big decisions where there may be moments of hesitation. Self-belief is a theme for you this year, and your lucky crystal will be one of your greater companions during this journey.

Harness the Power of Your Lucky Crystal in 2023

Your lucky crystal is there to help guide you and assist you as you journey through the rest of 2023.

Keep it in your pocket. Wear it as a piece of jewelry. Keep a piece close to your workspace. Place it under your pillow.

However your lucky crystal works for you, remember it is there for one reason โ€“ to bring comfort and assistance, particularly in times of need.

Trust in the power of your crystal and trust in yourself. This is a year of transformation. Follow your heart, listen to the wisdom of your intuition, and let your crystal be your guide!

Related article: The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Healing