October 2019’s Blood Moon: Charmed & Lucky

October 13 brings the Full Moon Blood Moon in Aries of 2019. Of all the astrology signs, the Fire sign of Aries is the most hotheaded. So, first and foremost, you must keep your cool. That being said, this Moon has some real magic to it and you can expect to be receiving some good news related to wealth and your personal success with the planet of fortune, Jupiter, sextile to the Full Moon.

Don’t let that term throw you. A sextile means it makes a harmonious aspect to the other planet meaning this Full Moon is putting a spotlight on our luck with the charmed and self-assured Aries energy we will be sporting as well. We also aren’t experiencing the running in the sand feeling anymore with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto now out of retrograde.

This Full Moon, also known as the Hunter’s Moon, is called so because it was a time to hunt the game for the winter. The warrior energy of Aries can help us do that metaphorically in our lives so we too can store our proverbial sustenance and live comfortably through the end of the year.

Go for the Gold

The Full Moon always brings to fruition what we have been actively manifesting (if the Universe deems it to be the right time). When we’ve done the work of visualizing, putting energy into our goals, and trusting that the Universe has our back, we often see more than we expected to show up during the four-day window before and after the actual Full Moon. Whatever projects you initiated on the New Moon on September 28 will likely bear fruit now. You’ll see change happening all around you and emotions running high as the Moon charges us up with energy when fully illuminated.

As we enter this lunar event, you can avoid the blowout fights that many will unwittingly get swept up in and salvage your relationships if you focus on letting the fire burning inside you shine a light on your personal expansion and goals. Aries helps you with independence, making declarations, standing out from the crowd, and leading the charge into uncharted territory. This bold energy can help you finally make a decision to step into the fun and exciting life you dream of.

On this Full Moon, when that door of opportunity opens, strut through it with Aries-inspired style.

Catch the Big Fish

Take a moment on the Full Moon to sit down and get really clear with what you want. This can help you see clearly what is keeping you from moving forward. Grab your journal, put that ‘do not disturb’ sign on your door and silence your smartphone. Relax and center yourself by breathing deeply and slowly. If you turn down the volume on your five senses by closing your eyes, the knob on your inner wisdom will turn up so you can strike gold and get a clear vision of the future that is truly your highest excitement.

This can help you actually seize an opportunity that is right in front of you or spend that money to get the training you really want. Ask yourself what your biggest desire is, ask yourself to clearly see a vision of the most empowered version of you.

When you take this time to get on board with your soul, the ship can set sail. Otherwise, it just putters about in the harbor with no real direction. There are so many reasons to trust that you can change and to really listen to the vision given to you by your intuition.

The creative insights the intuition gives you are divinely inspired, they come from a higher place, and even when you can’t see how it all is going to work, the urge to do it is all we need. Be that bold and beautiful person that is waiting to be seen by the world and let your light shine doing exactly what is in your heart.

Read this next: What To Do Between The Full and New Moon

Disengage With Drama

On this Full Moon, imagine you’re wearing a Hazmat suit like they wear in the movies after a potential radiation leak or outbreak. But this suit is going to be your guard against anyone who is looking for a fight. People who don’t deal with their emotions are going to explode with toxic energy today so you must not engage. Let them throw their tantrums without taking it personally or getting into a battle of the egos. Aries energy can make people anxious on a Full Moon, especially if they don’t know it’s happening (which is most of the population!).

When you feel smoke coming out of your ears or you notice your blood boiling on this Blood Moon, take a deep breath, don’t do anything, and wait until you calm down to then think things through. Many couples break up on the Aries Full Moon because they are completely caught off-guard by the energy and they end up letting their emotions run amok. Focus on your goals and your success today instead of on drama or what upsets you about someone else.

Don’t let coworkers, family members, or partners get under your skin today and keep that mental protection gear on so you can make the most of this powerful and potentially life-changing good luck available to you.

Closing Thoughts…

It’s important to not limit your cosmic telescope to only see one planet. Every day we have a chorus of planets singing the emotional and psychological song of group consciousness so we can live our best life when we know all the members of the band and keep up with its changing melodies. It’s not controlling us, it’s offering us different energies we can align ourselves with.

So at this Full Moon, you’re positioning yourself to ignite success and accept the blessings that are bestowed on you, running with ideas that show up, and stepping into your confidence. The other planets are supporting your unreserved self-promotion right now too. The Sun is in outgoing Libra until October 23 and this Full Moon squeezes in before the Mercury retrograde which begins on Halloween so things can actually change and move forward now.

Looking forward to the changes on the horizon, we will go through Scorpio season with that Mercury retrograde soon which can feel a bit emotional but then the energy lifts when the Sun moves into Sagittarius and marks the official beginning of the fun and light-hearted Holiday season.

Knowing when these changes occur helps you prepare and navigate life. Use our Astrology calendar to stay up to speed on these things and continue learning. Keep working on your intuition with our resources and make this journey of life fun with a Free 3-Card Reading. When you see the dance of the Universe, you get to join the party!

Related Article: The Most Magical Crystals for Autumn

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. You can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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