What is the Universe Trying to Tell You This October?

woman smiling up at the sunny sky

Is abundance on the horizon for you this October? When you combine the Law of Attraction and astrology, you gain an edge that helps you manifest more easily. You can take your manifestation skills to the next level by utilizing the aspect of forecasting in astrology, which provides insights about favorable or unfavorable planetary alignments.

Understanding this concept and how various factors can influence the flow of abundance in your life is the key to manifesting your deepest desires. One way to tap in is to learn how to better work with cosmic energies to set intentions and manifest abundance in your life.

October 2022 Themes

October is a magical month with energetic alignments, shifts, upgrades, and increased manifestation abilities. Finally, after a period of heavy and intense retrogrades, confusion begins to dissolve, offering a more straightforward pathway forward.

Now, it is time to gather the insights and ideas you’ve received from the past months and organize them in a way that allows you to take conscious, mature action and manifest your desires.

To better harness celestial energies, one must understand abundance is not only limited to material things. Instead, abundance means that you are connected to your higher self and aligned with the infinite Universe, which is the source of everything you may desire.

From a cosmic perspective, abundance means you must go beyond your worldly needs and desires to discover what the Soul truly needs to grow into its full expression.

Right now, you probably have a long list of things you need to manifest or perhaps manifestations you need to review. But, by tapping into the astrological transits of the month, you can attract more abundance and the support you deserve to achieve your goals.

So, let’s explore this month’s astrological transits ripe for manifesting material, relationship, spiritual, and self-care abundance.

How to Attract The 4 Types of Abundance in October

1. Material Abundance

The Sun continues to move through harmonizing Libra, encouraging abundance, balance, and order, naturally drawing us beautiful and elegant things. You value financial security and manifest comfort and security in their tangible forms. Material abundance is a prominent theme throughout October as the collective travels through eclipse season.

Since material abundance plays a significant role in our lives, you can tap into the following days to manifest material abundance:

  • October 2
  • October 9
  • October 14
  • October 18
  • October 22 through October 25

There’s an urgency to double-check finances and manifest new forms of income; This is a time for putting your intentions and dreams into action. But first, you must fully commit to your actions and be confident in your decisions.

A Venus-Saturn trine on October 14th is ideal for committing and making long-term investments. Whether value, self-worth, or finances, this is a beautiful transit to solidify and manifest material abundance. Venus takes it a step further in a trine to Mars on October 18th, suggesting it’s a great time to initiate a new business project or lay the groundwork for material gain to elevate your status or attract leadership positions.

Finally, Saturn goes direct on October 22nd, during the Sun-Venus conjunction, right before Scorpio season, and a New Moon in Scorpio on October 25. The cosmos usher productive, enriching, and manifesting energy to set intentions for the rest of the year and even into 2023. This rich combination of direct stations, conjunctions, and Scorpio season with a New Moon are about strengthening your values and resources.

If you’ve been struggling with finances or attracting abundance, try a cleansing ritual, self-analysis, and reassess your dreams and wishes to ensure you are working at a healthy pace and not forcing yourself to manifest.

2. Relationship Abundance

Libra season’s top priority is romance, eventually shifting us into the cosmic waters of highly sexual and passionate Scorpio.

Promoting a sexy, sensual, and steamy season carries an abundance of energy, but where you channel that power is entirely up to you. The seductive atmosphere both Libra and Scorpio create arms us all with energy and motivation to manifest abundance in our connections.

Although this year presented highs and lows in friendships, family, business, and intimate partnerships, current astrological shifts promote self-awareness and self-love to manifest more fulfilling, nurturing, and supportive relationships.

Great days for manifesting abundance in intimate or platonic relationships are:

  • October 14
  • October 22 through October 25

On October 14th, a Venus-Saturn trine evolves partnerships to a more mature level, allowing us to be more patient in our relationships to understand one another better. With the Moon moving into Cancer over the weekend, this is a beautiful transit to manifest more nurturing and stable energies in all partnerships. Focus on being realistic and better knowing what your responsibilities are.

Then, the Sun-Venus conjunction on October 22nd leads the way into Scorpio season, making it the perfect time to deepen existing bonds. Expect intense energy, transformation, and relationship expansion. Venus also enters Scorpio on October 23rd, leading us into the heart of the New Moon in Scorpio. Since New Moons are perfect for planting seeds, you can tap into the energies to manifest more self-love and deepen emotional bonds.

As a result, you can expect heartfelt connections, incredible sex, passion, and more sex.

Make sure to read: The Worst Zodiac Love Matches

3. Self-Care Abundance

A way to honor yourself, and enrich your manifestations, is by practicing self-care- this is how we experience abundant life. By accepting and appreciating yourself more, you shift your mind to be more open to receiving.

We should practice self-care at least once daily; however, certain days hold more vital energies to deepen our self-care practice.

Self-care is crucial to attracting abundance in your life, and the following days in October are excellent for raising your vibration and manifesting self-care abundance.

  • October 12
  • October 19 through October 20
  • October 25 and October 27
  • October 30

October 12th brings confusing and low energies during a Mars-Neptune square. It’s normal to be weak or discouraged during this transit. You may feel extra sensitive, so staying low-key, resting, and relaxing are on the menu.

On October 19th, the Sun clashes with Pluto, then Venus clashes with Pluto the next day, and the energies are difficult to ignore. Therefore, self-care is highly encouraged when encountering people or situations you may have trouble controlling.

Finally, the partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio arrives on October 25th, with Mercury in a challenging square to Pluto on October 25th. It’s the perfect time to reframe your thoughts and how you see the world, better manage your moods, improve how you treat yourself, and recognize the habits you need to shed.

Mars goes retrograde in Gemini on October 30th, and if you haven’t made any time this month for self-care, Mars retrograde is the time to start! Sleep, self-care, exercise, and rest must be on your schedule.

To reduce anxiety or moodiness from the above influences, find time to do the things that make you happy and nourish your body.

Some examples of self-care include:

  • Grounding
  • Cleansing and fasting
  • Counseling or therapy
  • Life coaching and energy healing
  • Prioritizing your mental health
  • Taking a relaxing bath
  • Dancing to your favorite song
  • Getting a massage, acupuncture, or other forms of holistic therapy
  • Connecting with nature

4. Spiritual Abundance

When we discuss spiritual abundance, it is less about material conditions and more about the requirements of the spirit. It means having solid self-confidence, a calm mind, relaxed, authentic, and positive aura.

The human spirit is abundant, not our resources, and by tapping into spiritual energies, you create more material, relationship, and self-care abundance.

Excellent days to connect with your higher self to uncover happiness, joy, and inspiration to enrich and increase awareness in your life are:

  • October 13
  • October 20 through October 28

October 13th has no significant astrological aspects, but with the Moon in Gemini on a day that carries the collective numerology energies of the number eleven or two, it makes it a highly auspicious time to practice meditation, cleanse your space, and connect with a higher power.

Finally, the end of the month brings in a wide array of planetary energies to access motivation for your spiritual and self-care. From Scorpio Season, Venus in Scorpio, a New Moon, Jupiter Rx re-entering Pisces, and Mars retrograde, you’ll need to shift your habits and find new ways to inspire yourself by connecting to the loving power of your inner spirit.

Eclipse season holds powerful culminations, revelations, and manifestations. Use the energies wisely. Remember, “almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few, including YOU!”

Use These Tips to Attract Abundance in October

  1. Realize your potential
  2. Stop making excuses
  3. Raise your vibration
  4. Do not sell yourself short
  5. Commit to living your dreams
  6. Construct an empowering reality
  7. Begin every intention with gratitude
  8. De-clutter your environment, contact list, messages, phone, and living space
  9. Shift your attitude by identifying and eliminating any negative blocks
  10. Be wary of chasing perfection, yet stay focused and committed to your goals
  11. Learn to relax and trust that the Universe supports your dreams, goals, and wishes

Avoid These Manifestation Mistakes

1. Using Limiting Words

How we speak and use words significantly affects our manifestations by either bringing things forward or blocking them altogether. So be cautious and learn how to incorporate high vibrational and uplifting communication as a way of life.

2. Expecting Exactly What You Want To Drop Into Your Lap

One of the biggest misconceptions about manifesting is believing everything you desire to manifest will magically appear before you; this causes us to become attached to a specific outcome or get stuck in thinking we know what’s best. Ultimately, this blocks off Universal guidance and support.

3. Being Afraid to Ask For Help

So often, we are bogged down in fear-based energies, thinking we have to do it all alone. Manifestation may sometimes be challenging, as it takes great strength to work toward our goals, so know that it is ok to seek healthy outlets for support.

4. Fear-Based Thinking

Fear can cripple your manifestation process and ability to attract abundance in your life.

Overall, fear is nothing but negative emotions and weak thoughts. But, while we all have our fears and insecurities, releasing fears and shifting your thinking will surely attract more abundance in your life.

5. Lack Of Consistency

Our lack of consistency can be frustrating and painful. We fail to recognize that our actions don’t need to be perfect for them to be consistent. We must act!

First, decide to do something different. Then, create a daily 5-to-10-minute self-care schedule to focus on practicing consistency.

6. Ignoring Your Subconscious Mind

The events of your early childhood or past experiences often take up a lot of space in your life, and you may not even notice. However, given that emotions are the primary language of your subconscious mind, when you break the cycle of negative thinking, you can bring your patterns into conscious awareness.

7. Giving Up

We want to give up when we become frustrated with the manifestations’ results, outcomes, or timeframe. But, instead of giving up, take some time to reassess your goals, strategies, and resources.

8. Obsessive Behavior

While being focused on your goal is imperative for success. However, too much focus can also be detrimental and quickly turn into obsessive behavior. Obsessive is your manifestation is fear that your desire will not come to fruition. Or you may manifest the thing you did not want in the first place.

What Will You Manifest This Month?

Overall, manifestation is the ability to consciously attract the things you desire into your reality by focusing on the powerful mind and setting intentions. Have gratitude, and apply the deep belief that you are enough, have enough, and deserve abundance in all forms.

Remember, everything you experience is attracted to you because the Law of Attraction responds to your frequency. Therefore, your actions, feelings, and thoughts are vital in the Law of Attraction.

So, check in with your feelings, shift your mindset, trust yourself, and tap into October’s astrological transits to attract and manifest abundance in your life. It’s time to stop creating from past experiences and create something more significant.

You deserve it!

Read this next: Your October 2022 Numerology Forecast

About the Author

Picture of Tracie Ann

Tracie Ann

Tracie is a charming Scorpio Sun, with an outgoing Sagittarius moon, and nurturing Virgo rising. She has a passion for writing and has studied metaphysics since 2011, finishing her masters in psychology. She is a certified Holy Fire Reiki Master and Soul Astrologer, working as a healer and clairvoyant to help others reach their full potential and unite with their soul’s purpose in this lifetime.She enjoys talking on her podcast called “The Cosmic Source”, along with her blog called “Daily Gems.”Tracie’s key phrase is “Restoring Sacred Heart Vibrations”, as she believe it is important to restore your Universal connection to source. She also enjoys esoteric studies and taking care of her energetic Aries daughter and adventurous Sagittarius son. Her goal is to help uplift consciousness so the realization of self may set in, allowing for the authentic self to shine through.You can also find Tracie Ann on her Instagram: @goddessinfusions

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