Out-of-the-Box Valentine’s Date Ideas & Gifts Based on Your Horoscope Compatibility

We are here to help you navigate Valentine’s Day with the help of the stars and horoscope compatibility! This Valentine’s Day, put astrology to the test and show your love in a unique way that really proves you appreciate and understand your partner.

You wouldn’t treat a Scorpio the same as you would a Virgo when dating – this practical guide will help you make your love last well beyond Valentine’s Day!

Even if you and your beau fall into the ‘incompatible’ category, we want you to see that love conquers all if you know how to relate to them using astrology. And, if you don’t have a Valentine this year, maybe there’s someone you can show your platonic love to who would appreciate the gesture.

Look out lovers, it’s time for star-crossed affection.

For all your Valentine’s Day questions, look to astrology and horoscope compatibility for your solutions. Let’s get started!

What Are the Zodiac Signs’ Compatibility?

You may be wondering how horoscope compatibility works in general. Each zodiac sign has specific characteristics that are very attractive to some signs, but completely unattractive to others. However, horoscope compatibility is complex; being compatible with one zodiac sign doesn’t necessarily ensure a match with someone of that sign. Similarly, incompatibility between zodiac signs doesn’t mean all relationships between incompatible signs are fated to fall apart.

Practical, diligent Capricorn often has a lot in common with detail-oriented, perfectionist Virgo, but may find dead air when they sit down with sensitive, emotional, easily-attached Cancer. The more you know about the signs, the easier it is to speak each other’s language and find common ground. Astrology takes a lot of the mystery out of what makes people tick and how people think, making it a lot easier to jive with people who walk to a different beat than you.

You can learn more about horoscope compatibility between zodiac signs right here.

Which Zodiac Signs Go Well Together?

Knowing the traits and characteristics of each element is a good start to determining compatibility. Generally, signs within the same element have good compatibility. The earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. The Water signs are Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer. The Fire signs are Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries, and the Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The element of a sign describes a big part of the core nature of those signs meaning that person tends to take on the characteristics of that element. Earth signs mean people are grounded, Fire signs mean they are intense and passionate, Water signs are flexible and their thoughts often change, Air signs are curious and flighty. These are generalizations that help create one of the lenses that a person sees life through.

But we know the adage “opposites attract,” and horoscope compatibility often follows this rule. We can be attracted to those who balance us out because it is mysterious that someone operates differently and it intrigues us. Fire and Air signs are known to complement each other well, as do Water and Earth signs.

Out-of-the-Box Valentine’s Day Date Ideas & Gifts Based on Horoscope Compatibility

Aries: Go to a Sporting Event

You can fuel the enthusiasm of an Aries with a high energy event like sports. Tickets to hockey, MMA or UFC, basketball, football or soccer are all going to strike their fancy. Aries are competitive by nature and love to see people push themselves to their limits with courage and tenacity. If you’re looking for a good gift, a board game can appeal to their sense of competition as well. There are many new games out that you can play together after a romantic candlelit dinner. An Aries love flashy items as well so don’t be too shy to go for a nice piece of jewelry if the time is right.

Taurus: Couples’ Massage

The sign of the Bull loves to relax and is known to live through their senses. Taureans love being in the moment and they are romantic by nature, so a couples massage will certainly tickle their fancy. Think of the ways to stimulate the senses for gifts such as aromatic roses, rare essential oil blends and decadent chocolate arrays. You can’t go wrong with gourmet food either because a Taurus loves a good treat. If you can let them take the lead and decide which restaurant, you’ll really be on their good side, because stubborn, particular Taureans tend to like to make their own decisions.

Gemini: Couples’ Dance Class

Gemini, the sign of the Twins, is known to be in constant motion, so booking a dance lesson or enrolling together in a new dance class could be right up their alley! If your Gemini is more mentally active than physically, taking them to a Cirque du Soleil show would definitely impress and appeal to their love for playfulness. Gifts that speak to Gemini’s sense of curiosity like a book about an obscure topic would appeal to them. Sociable Geminis love to try new things, so a date or gift that you know they haven’t done/gotten before is sure to please.

Cancer: Take a Cooking Class

Nurturing, warm-and-fuzzy Cancers love food – eating it and preparing it to provide for their loved ones. Taking a cooking class with your favourite Cancer will almost always light up their eyes. You can appeal to a Cancer with gifts that are sentimental and romantic. This is the sign that will enjoy a good teddy bear, a cozy blanket, or a sweater you made or picked out that will remind them of you. Home decor and comfort items are great go-to gifts for the Cancer.

Leo: Attend a Silent Rave

Seriously, you have no idea how much this would win the Lion’s heart. Leos live to perform, and they really love to do new things and meet new people. Give your Leo the opportunity to shine in the spotlight in a more intimate way by taking them to a silent rave or disco!. As far as gifts go, Leos have a wicked sense of humour, so if you want to get them a unique, funny gift that speaks to an inside joke between you two, they’re going to find your thoughtfulness and quirkiness sexy. Leos also love to party, so if you can get tickets to a cool, exclusive event, that would certainly win their heart.

Virgo: Cook Together & Have an Intimate Dinner at Home

Virgos love the process of cooking and talking over dinner. The sign of the Maiden doesn’t like to rush, and they take great pleasure in making every little detail special. Plan a gourmet meal that neither of you has attempted to make before and enjoy the preparation process together. Virgos love a project, especially ones that take hours of focus. Being detail-oriented people, crafting and DIY projects are right up Virgo alley. Perhaps check out a craft or hardware store and pick up some supplies to help with their latest creative endeavour. Or, encourage your hardworking Virgo to take a break with a new candle and a bath bomb for some post-dinner relaxation.

Libra: Go to an Art Gallery

Librans thrive on social activity and creativity, so they’d likely feel right at home in an art gallery. If your Libran Valentine has a playful side, a few rounds of hide-and-seek in the gallery could be a great way to explore the gallery. Librans have a wide breadth of interests, so many other types of museums can appeal to them as well. For gifts, think a vintage record, a colourful scarf, or a book on photography. They find inspiration through the arts and it fuels their fire.

Scorpio: Have Some Crazy Fun In the Bedroom

While some signs want to go out and hit the town on V-Day, a Scorpio could spend the entire day and night in bed. Scorpio’s infamous sexual appetite loves this romantic day and you can appeal to their love for intimacy with some candles and good slow jams. It’s okay to let loose and be open with your Scorpio Valentine because that is what they tend to love the most. As far as gifts go, a book like the Kama Sutra or a good bottle of aged wine may be all they need to get their engine going. They are also interested in crime, horror and sci-fi films, so taking in a flick at your local theatre before the night begins would be a relaxing way to set the mood.

Sagittarius: Go Bowling

The fiery Sagittarius loves to explore anywhere; new towns or just new holes in the wall of their own city that they didn’t know existed are thrilling for the sign of the Archer. Sags like to adapt to new environments and try new things. Besides their love for being outdoors and for animals, your Sagittarian Valentine will love anything that feels adventurous. And nothing says adventure like throwing a 15-pound ball of marble at full speed at inanimate objects, especially when you can find a glow-in-the-dark or themed bowling alley to shake things up a bit. Brave Sag also loves to try exotic foods, so if you can find a non-conventional restaurant they’ve never been to, they will be thrilled.

Capricorn: Simple Intimate Dinner Together

Capricorns love nothing more than a nice dinner with their one and only. Make the plan in advance, either by yourself or with your Capricorn partner’s input. They thrive on reliability and organization, so your ability to make decisions and execute them will really get them excited. As the hardest workers of the zodiac, Capricorns love a quiet, intimate, high-quality restaurant. For gifts, since they love longevity and quality, a rare edition book, a good Bordeaux wine, or a functional yet aesthetically pleasing piece of home decor will send your message of love loud and clear. Some Caps are known to work with their hands often, so new tools and gadgets could also pique their interest.

Aquarius: Go to a Comedy Club

The eccentric, quirky Water-Bearer loves to laugh and lighten up as often as possible. They run on positive energy and they love to expand their minds and learn new things. Comedy shows may seem like an unlikely place to learn new things, but Aquarians love to have and learn from unique experiences. They are often known to be night owls, so a nighttime event will usually be welcomed. For gifts, new electronics, books, or a musical instrument will inspire them and appeal to their love of the eccentricities of the world around them.

Pisces: Go Swimming

Put the sign of the Fishes in a pool and watch your Piscean Valentine’s inner child awaken! Pisces love to fully engage their senses, and a swimming date literally puts them in their element. Get playful in the wave pool or keep it chill and low-key in the hot tub. As far as gifts go, indulge in romance; flowers and a heartfelt, handwritten letter to really touch your Pisces Valentine’s heart. For a more sociable Pisces, tickets to a concert or a play at your local theatre will appeal to their love of the arts.

Check Your Love Horoscope Today

Before you head out on your Valentine’s Day date, make sure you check in with both yours and your partner’s daily love horoscopes so you can plan for the cosmic weather of the day. You can also have some extra fun on Valentine’s Day by doing a Tarot love reading, either by yourself or together with your partner!

Go above and beyond in your displays of affection this Valentine’s Day by using astrology and horoscope compatibility to really speak your partner’s particular love language. If you don’t have a Valentine this year, look on the bright side and use the day as a chance to show the important people in your life you love them. As we love, no matter where we direct it, the Universe reflects that love back to us. You’ll find love is all around you, regardless of your horoscope compatibility.

Let us know how you’re spending Valentine’s Day this year!

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About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. You can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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