Your September 2024 Abundance Forecast

september abundance forecast

September brings the magic of the equinox: a time when light and dark, material and spiritual forces are perfectly balanced. And every aspect of your life receives a serious boost this month, from manifestation to success to health and wealth. No matter what you are dealing with, whether it is your family, relationships, career, or spirituality, you will feel a surge of abundance. New seeds are planted this month and are taking root, while prior seeds fully bloom.

September offers many opportunities, whether you’re soaking up the last rays of summer in the northern hemisphere or embracing winter’s cozy vibes in the southern hemisphere.

The best way to take advantage of September’s potent energies is to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions. A powerful way to achieve this is to align the Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption with astrology. The Law of Attraction teaches us that our thoughts and emotions shape our reality, while the Law of Assumption teaches us to believe we already have what we want. In combination with the guidance of astrology, these principles create a powerful synergy that amplifies your ability to manifest your dreams.

This month, success isn’t just a possibility—it’s inevitable if you harness these forces wisely.

The energy is particularly favorable for manifesting as we transition from Virgo to Libra season. Virgo season emphasizes detail, organization, and practicality, which helps you lay a solid foundation for your goals. It encourages you to be precise in your intentions and to get rid of anything that is no longer serving you. In comparison, Libra season focuses on balance, harmony, and partnership. You have the perfect opportunity to refine your goals, ensuring they are aligned with your higher self. These energies are a powerful catalyst for manifesting your dreams-watch your efforts blossom into abundance.

Now, let’s uncover the best days to manifest the four domains of abundance in your life this month!

How to Attract the 4 Types of Abundance in September

1. Material Abundance

Material abundance extends beyond wealth – it’s about creating the life you desire. Material abundance allows you to live on your terms and enjoy freedom and security. In Virgo season, your focus is refining your goals, paying attention to details, and eliminating obstacles. Set the stage for attracting wealth with this thorough energy.

During Libra season, the focus shifts to balance and harmony so you can attract material abundance that aligns with your values and relationships. Together, these energies create a powerful window for manifesting financial prosperity that’s both grounded and fulfilling.

The following days this month are ripe for material abundance:

  • September 15th: Venus trine Jupiter—Focus on expanding your financial horizons through networking and collaborating. This is the time to attract new opportunities for financial success, invest in something meaningful, or take calculated risks.
  • September 30th: Mars trine Saturn—Invest time and effort in setting long-term financial goals. With this alignment, you will be able to turn your ambitions into tangible results. Take advantage of this opportunity to consolidate your financial foundation and set yourself up for long-term success.

2. Spiritual Abundance

Manifesting spiritual abundance leads to living a purposeful, peaceful, and connected life. Spiritual abundance enriches your soul, providing a sense of fulfillment that affects your entire life. Virgo season is a time to ground your spiritual practices and purify your mind and spirit. Now is the perfect time to clear your mind of distractions and reconnect with what truly matters.

To manifest spiritual abundance during Libra season, create balance, align your inner world with your outer life, and experience your spiritual values every day.

The following days are especially effective for manifesting spiritual abundance and tapping into powerful psychological energies:

  • September 12th: Sun square Jupiter – You have the opportunity to expand your spiritual horizons and discover new beliefs or practices that resonate with your inner self at this time.
  • September 17th: Pisces Full Moon—Identify your spiritual needs and release any emotional blocks that prevent you from connecting to your higher self.
  • September 19th: Sun trine Uranus—You can use this day to enhance your personal growth by integrating fresh spiritual insights into your daily life.
  • September 20th: Sun opposite Neptune—Focus on clarifying your spiritual goals and dispelling any illusions you may have. Aligning your vision with your true spiritual path helps you achieve your goals.
  • September 30th: Sun conjunct Mercury—The perfect day to reflect on your spiritual intentions and communicate them clearly. Clarify your spiritual goals and enhance your understanding.

3. Relationship Abundance

Manifesting relationship abundance is about more than just enhancing your intimate or romantic connections; it extends to every relationship in your life—family, friends, and community. These relationships form the foundation of your emotional well-being, providing support, love, and a sense of belonging. Developing abundance in these areas enriches your life in ways that money can’t, fostering deeper connections and a more fulfilling existence.

Virgo season encourages you to improve communication and resolve any lingering issues in your relationships. While Libra season makes it the perfect time to strengthen bonds and attract new, positive connections. It is the ideal time to manifest relationship abundance that nurtures your soul and enhances your well-being.

The following days in September are particularly effective for manifesting relationship abundance:

  • September 3rd: Mars square Neptune—Use this time to establish your relationship goals and address any confusion or unrealistic expectations. Focus on setting clear intentions for more authentic and fulfilling connections.
  • September 8th: Sun opposite Saturn—Reflect on your emotional needs and evaluate your relationships. This period supports enhancing your connections by aligning them with your true desires and values.
  • September 22nd-23rd: Venus square Pluto—This is a key moment for examining and transforming your relationships on a deeper level. Address any underlying issues and work on deepening intimacy and personal growth within your connections.

4. Self-Care Abundance

Manifesting self-care abundance is essential because it lays the groundwork for thriving in every aspect of life. Prioritizing self-care is important for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Through this support, you are able to face life’s challenges with grace, strengthen your relationships, and pursue your dreams with confidence and energy. Self-care routines that keep you grounded and balanced are important during Virgo season. In Libra season, with the equinox just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to ensure that your self-care practices support your overall well-being and create more order in your life

The following days are particularly powerful for manifesting greater self-care abundance, though every day is an opportunity to nurture yourself:

  • September 2nd: New Moon in Virgo—Now is the perfect time to establish self-care routines that bring structure and healing to your life. Put your attention on what you truly need for your body and mind to thrive.
  • September 9th: Mercury enters Virgo—Take advantage of this time to become more mindful and deliberate in your self-care. Refine your practices for maximum benefit by paying attention to how you communicate your needs to yourself and others.
  • September 17th: Pisces Full Moon—This is a time to assess your emotional and spiritual health. Take some time to reflect on what you need to let go of to experience more peace, allowing yourself to let go of anything that hinders your self-care.
  • September 22nd: Libra Season begins – Bring balance to your self-care routines during Libra season. Besides caring for your physical health, nurture your emotional and psychological well-being to create harmony in your life.

A September Abundance Equinox Ritual

The following ritual is best performed on September 22nd, 2024.

Purpose: To balance light and dark as you transition into the new season and harness the eclipse energy for manifesting abundance.

Materials Needed:

  • A candle (white or gold)
  • Sage or incense of your choice
  • A journal and a pen
  • A comfortable space


  1. Prepare Your Space: Choose a quiet, comfortable spot. Clear the space by lighting sage or incense. Light the candle to symbolize balance and illumination.
  2. Set Your Intention: Take a seat comfortably with your journal and pen in hand. To center yourself, take a few deep breaths. Write down your intention for abundance and balance in the coming season.
  3. Breathing and Meditation: Place one hand on your chest. Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Visualize balance within yourself by focusing on your breath. Spend about 5 minutes meditating, allowing your breath to bring you clarity and calm.
  4. Affirmations: After meditating, write down any specific areas where you wish to achieve greater balance and abundance. Make affirmations that align with your intention, such as, “I embrace the balance of light and dark within me and effortlessly attract abundance.”
  5. Close the Ritual: Let the candle burn and express gratitude for the balance and abundance you’ve invited into your life. Keep your journal in a place where you can revisit your intentions and reflect on your progress throughout the season.

Your September abundance forecast highlights the best days for realizing your dreams and unlocking prosperity. Focus is on aligning with your deepest desires and addressing any challenges or insecurities. Take care of yourself this month by paying attention to your emotions. Take time to unwind, ground yourself, and recharge.

Stay connected to your inner strength as you navigate the season ahead.

Happy Manifesting!

Related article: Check Out Your September 2024 Tarotscopes

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