A new year means another year approaching in the Chinese zodiac. On January 29th, 2025, we will officially leave the Year of the Dragon and enter the Year of the Snake.
Last year’s dynamic twists and turns were to be expected with the Dragon year. 2024 was a year when many woke up to new realizations and understandings—not always smooth sailing and very often a bumpy ride!
The Year of the Snake brings something a little different. All the experiences garnered from 2024 can now be applied in a year, which correlates with 9 in astrology, completion, wisdom, and enlightenment.
This is a Wood year, an element associated with vitality and creativity. It is a phenomenal year for creation and manifestation.
Snake in Astrology
Snakes are known for their wisdom in Chinese astrology. The Snake analyzes, contemplates, and has access to deep wisdom within themselves. Mysterious and charming, they captivate others and remain something of an enigma to those who know them.
This is a responsible sign, and Snake people often take on more than their share of responsibility. But they are not loud about it. Instead, they go about their business, observing and doing their thing.
As with the Snake in the wild, they can have a bite to them! A Snake rarely forgets when they have been wronged. They can also be highly skeptical people and possess a suspicious nature.
As with the Snake native, 2025 is a year to contemplate and assess. Much of this assessment is coming intuitively, so it’s time to polish up your intuition skills and listen to what that inner voice is telling you.
This year, all signs have great potential. However, this potential is determined by you. First, decide what you want and then take steps to pursue it.
2025 Lunar New Year Horoscopes
This year brings new opportunities for you, but first, you need to find your footing! If you have been hovering between a decision, this is the year you will finally gain clarity. This is a powerful year of manifestation for you – what you will into reality shall be yours. A new structure or daily routine looks likely for you.
The Wood Snake year is also a year for you to prioritize self-care and ensure you nurture yourself, engage in stress-free hobbies, and give yourself the relaxation you need.
A shift is occurring for you this year. Although you may experience sudden upheaval in some areas of your life, this will be due to greater wisdom and understanding.
As a member of the Second Trine along with the Snake, you have extra powers of diligence this year, so it is a great time to get started on or carry on with a creative project, business venture, or traveling to new destinations.
2024 was a year of powerful enlightenment for you, and 2025 is about putting things into perspective. The first part of this year may seem wobbly, but this is just about finding your footing.
Once clarity comes, you will be in a role. You will likely form new and lasting connections this year, so let yourself explore freely, and don’t be too contained within your comfort zone. Trust yourself and believe in the power of your intuition.
The emergence of your inner power is genuinely coming to the forefront in 2025. You may experience obstacles, but you will overcome them.
This is a year for contemplating, and regular meditation sessions or moments when you can rebalance your energies within are essential for you. Self-care is a top priority for you.
After the realizations you reached in 2025, you are ready for new horizons. Saying goodbye to the old and making way for the latest is a theme for you this year. Tying up loose ends is a big part of it.
Much is to be learned about the themes of forgiveness and awareness this year, and a greater sense of spiritual enlightenment will reach you as the year progresses.
This is your year, and it will be a significant one for you. You are shedding your skin, so to speak, and there are many doors opening for you. Letting go of the past is not always easy, but it is necessary for you to move forward.
Creating a special place for yourself is on the agenda this year. Whether this is a meditation space in your home or regular time spent in nature, be sure to give yourself this crucial space for self-care.
Much experience and many lessons have been learned from the previous year, and this year, you are focused on elements of the self that will prove very enlightening for you. Human relationships are especially profound this year, particularly ones from the past that you want closure from.
Prepare for much self-discovery in the Year of the Wood Snake. Remember that when something triggers a powerful reaction in you, it is an opportunity to learn more about yourself.
This is a year of evolutionary recap for you. Prepare for some unexpected moments that will prove enlightening to you! The Year of the Snake heralds a time of great understanding for you, both individually and collectively. If you have been doubting yourself, these doubts will wash away.
This year is a time when your creative power is at its peak. Digging into the depths of your soul can manifest some truly remarkable works of art.
Significant changes are on the way for you this year. You will likely find yourself taking a trip down memory lane. Aspects of your past may rise to the surface, but this is simply a way to process them so you can move forward. Be kind to yourself. Taking care of your health is a priority.
Ensuring you have adequate self-care time regularly is essential. Changes concerning your working life also look likely, and your creative powers will be incredibly potent in 2025.
This is a year where discernment will be your most powerful ability. The ability to discern between what serves you and what no longer serves you will help guide you as you navigate the Year of the Snake.
Pay attention to messages from the universe, as you will be given many in the coming days. Trust in your divine wisdom, as golden opportunities are awaiting you.
This is a momentous year for you, and it is a time when you will truly understand the meaning behind all of your experiences and where they will lead you in the future.
You are more keen than ever to chase the truth this year. Your sense of discernment is powerful. The more you trust your inner self, the faster you will reach your goals.
This year is about recognizing the true power within yourself and realizing that you do not need to look outside of yourself to know who you are and all you are capable of. You are likely to experience challenges to your beliefs, but your intuition is your greatest ally.
The more you trust yourself, the more you will come into your true power. Great change is on the way for you, and trusting your innate wisdom is a recurring theme throughout the year.
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