How to Use Reiki With Astrology to Unleash Your Inner Power


Have you ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed? Had a day that you just couldnโ€™t seem to improve? Do you feel like youโ€™ve lost your inner power? When we canโ€™t feel the connection to our inner, divine self, itโ€™s hard to perform at our best.

Sometimes, itโ€™s easy to lose sight of who we are. When our energy becomes stagnant or stale, we are no longer operating from a center of balance and focus but from a murky and muddied pool of energy that longs for cleansing.

This is where reiki can come into play.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing in which practitioners use hands-on healing to heal a personโ€™s emotional and physical state.

A reiki practitioner sends natural healing vibrations through the palms of their hands onto an individualโ€™s body, and the person absorbs healing Universal energy through the hands.

How to Tell if Reiki Energy is Flowing

Reiki healing is used when a personโ€™s energy is low, damaged, or misaligned in some way.

We know when our energy is out of sync or blocked because we will experience all kinds of mental, physical, or emotional ailments, ranging from headaches and migraines to irritability and depression.

You may feel down or lethargic for no reason. These are classic signs of blocked Reiki energy.

Some of the Benefits of Reiki

There are countless benefits of using reiki to cleanse the spirit. While it can be quite a simple process, youโ€™ll find that it is one of the most effective methods for bringing out the best in yourself and allowing your inner goddess to shine.

Many of the benefits of reiki as a practice include:

  • Opening blocked energy
  • Relaxing the body and the mind
  • Increasing energy
  • Promoting creativity
  • Assisting the immune system
  • Encouraging deeper sleep

Who Can Practice Reiki?

You donโ€™t have to be a trained reiki master to practice the healing art. Although the art of reiki is said to be passed from practitioner to trainer, formal training is not necessary to shift energy.

Energy movement is a natural occurrence, and you can move your own energy through force of will and calm technique. While taking reiki classes is recommended for beginners to learn what they need to know, you will not do yourself any harm by attempting to tune in and positively shift your own energy.

Different tools can be used to perform reiki, such as a massage table and reiki stones.

Reiki Healing & Astrology

Reiki healing can be very helpful in the astrological sense, and helping to unleash your inner goddess. This can often be determined based on the element that rules your sign.

People of different elements will experience different types of blockages which are often associated with their specific element.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius

When the Fire signs experience blocked energy, there are usually symptoms such as being quick to anger for no reason, irritability, stress, migraines, and directing too much energy into one thing and none into another.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces

When the Water signs experience blocked energy, there will usually be symptoms such as too much daydreaming, escapism, reclusiveness, sullenness, and moodiness.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra & Aquarius

When the Air signs experience blocked energy, there will usually be symptoms such as fatigue, mental exhaustion, confusion, excessive sleepiness, a reluctance to communicate, or, conversely, too much chatter.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn

When the Earth signs experience blocked energy, there will usually be symptoms such as laziness, lethargy, apathy, over-criticality, self-indulgence, or selfishness that is out of character.

In all cases, the inner goddess is being stifled. Reiki can help release her.

How to Use Reiki Energy to Unleash Your Inner Power

Step 1

Begin by putting yourself into a calm, meditative state. Close your eyes and deepen your breath. Do not attempt to control your thoughts; be careful not to follow their path.

Simply allow thoughts to come and go while focusing on your deep inhales, followed by your deeper exhales.

Step 2

Locate any tension in the body and allow it to melt away.

When your body is completely relaxed and your mind is focused, youโ€™re ready to attune yourself to the Universal energy that reiki thrives on. Focus on your chakras, from the root to the crown.

Step 3

In your mindโ€™s eye, begin โ€œsweepingโ€ away unnecessary or negative energy. Imagine your cells as a housekeeping helper who systematically marches up and down your being, sweeping away any tension, pain, frustration, jealousy, or anger.

Imagine them burning sage in every crevice of your spirit and infusing every cell with positive, cleansing energy. Imagine every part of yourself being healed and wrapped in the warmth of the sun.

Step 4

Envision your inner goddess/god waking from her/his long slumber to greet you with joy and fill your spirit with energy. Allow your goddess/god the space to breathe and live within you, and thank her/him for the courage she/he places within you to follow your dreams and desires.

When the inner goddess/god is not tended to or is made to exist in a swarm of negative or stale energy, she is not at her best to assist you in your endeavors. Use the power of reiki to cleanse your spirit and your soul and awaken the power within.

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