Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 17 – 23, 2022

man standing on the edge of a cliff starring at a dark sky of stars

Are you ready to clear the path toward new beginnings and embrace mysterious, intuitive, and transformational energy? Then the stars are bringing you quite a few cosmic treats this week! 

On October 17th, the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer helps clear the way for the upcoming Moon cycle, encouraging you to tie up any loose ends before this clean slate. Cancer shines a spotlight on self-care, making this the time to let go of any habits or behaviors that may be holding you back.

Cancer is also tied to domestic energy – cleanse your sacred space and spend plenty of time with loved ones.

Bringing transformative, spiritual, and intuitive vibrations are the Sun and Venus – both moving into mysterious Scorpio on October 23rd. This means that we’ll be influenced by the energy of Scorpio season while Venus – the planet of beauty, love, and relationships – also cruises through this intense Water sign

Scorpio season brings the depth of life to the forefront of your mind, asking you to look inward and explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. Venus in Scorpio heightens sensuality and the desire for intimacy, but that passion can also lead to jealousy in relationships. 

If you approach this Scorpio energy with an open heart, an open mind, and a desire for the truth, you can learn more about yourself than ever before.

October 17 – October 23 Is A Week to Embrace Intuitive, Spiritual Energy

As both Cancer and Scorpio are Water signs, your intuition is even more amplified now – listen to that intuitive voice when it comes to approaching this week’s astrological transits. Your inner voice will guide you toward the activities, practices, and self-care routines you need now.

Do you feel connected to your spirit and your center of truth now? Tarot readings, astrology, journaling, and crystal healing are excellent ways to get in touch with your intuition and spiritual center. 

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Libra (September 22, 2022 – October 23, 2022), Scorpio (October 23, 2022 – November 22, 2022)
  • Mercury: Libra (October 10, 2022 – October 29, 2022)
  • Venus: Libra (September 29, 2022 – October 23, 2022), Scorpio (October 23, 2022 – November 16, 2022)
  • Mars: Gemini (August 20, 2022 – March 25, 2023)
  • Jupiter: Aries (May 10, 2022 – October 28, 2022)
  • Saturn: Aquarius (December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, October 17


Libra –  We continue to focus on themes of balance, intellectual stimulation, creativity, and negotiation. Focus on your cleansing your sacred space and surrounding yourself with that which you find beautiful now!


Cancer – The Moon is right at home in Cancer, as this is the sign over which it rules. Heightened emotions and amazing intuition flow through you. Listen to your instincts and work on manifesting your deepest desires today.

Astrological Aspect

Last Quarter Moon in Cancer – This lunar phase clears the way for the New Moon, and places focus on your sacred space and familial relationships. This is an excellent time to cleanse your home, connect with loved ones, and release anything that no longer serves you.

Tuesday, October 18




Leo – The Moon in Leo is playful and fiery, bringing out your adventurous, childlike side. Practice activities that heal your inner child and amplify your zest for life.

Astrological Aspect

Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini – Your charm and beauty shine today, and the energy is loving and vibrant, making it a great day for social adventure and romance. Follow your heart and trust that exciting interactions flow your way today.

Wednesday, October 19





Astrological Aspect 

Libra Sun square Pluto in Capricorn – Your desire for control may lead to ego struggles and conflict under this influence. Balance the chakras and carry clear quartz to cleanse any negativity from your aura.

Thursday, October 20




Virgo – The Virgo Moon increases motivation and helps you feel better about any work or tasks on your plate right now. Don’t be afraid to tackle your to-do list.

Astrological Aspect

Venus in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn – This transit may bring out tension, fear, and insecurities within relationships, leading to conflict. Try to be open, vulnerable, and compassionate when communicating with others, and practice plenty of positive affirmations and self-care.

Friday, October 21





Astrological Aspect

Virgo Moon trine Uranus in Taurus – Change, chance encounters, and exciting experiences are possible today – especially when your heart and mind are open to all possibilities. Carry citrine to attract more luck and abundance, and let optimism wash over you today.

Saturday, October 22




Libra – The Libra Moon encourages balance and harmony, making this a pleasant day for interactions and communication. Share your creative ideas with others.

Astrological Aspect

Libra Sun in harmony with Venus – You may be drawn towards what you desire today, whether beautiful art pieces or romantic encounters. It’s a great day to engage your desire, sensuality, and spirituality and pamper yourself.

Sunday, October 23


Scorpio Season – The Scorpio Sun brings intensity, depth, spirituality, and a deeper desire for solving mysteries. Follow your intuition, and don’t deny your emotional depth during Scorpio season.



Astrological Aspect

Sun & Venus Enter Scorpio – Scorpio season is here, supported by social Venus in Scorpio, bringing extra mysterious, sensual, mystical vibrations our way. This is a time to explore your sensuality, spirituality, and connection to metaphysical tools like Tarot and astrology.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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