Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 7 – 13, 2020

Welcome all of you beautiful souls to your astrology forecast for the week of September 7 – September 13!

With the passion ruling planet of Mars moving retrograde, we have some time to reassess this week. All retrogrades are a time to evaluate the area of our lives that the particular planet influences. In this case, we get to look at what direction we have been pushing, and if we like that direction.

This Mars retrograde will give you a chance to kick back and look at what you really, authentically enjoy in life. This will help you excel because when you’re aligned with your true passions, you’ll be much more expansive.

Speaking of expansion, we have another positive thing happening at the end of the week…

Jupiter Finally Moves Direct

One of the biggest highlights of September 2020 astrology is that Jupiter is finally moving direct!

We get a break in our luck and fortune this Saturday, and we can finally feel free to grow, move towards a new vision of ourselves, and gain public recognition for our natural abilities.

Because Jupiter is moving direct in the money-minded sign of Capricorn, we can expect our financial portfolio to see some of Jupiter’s good fortune as well. That might mean you finally stumble across the perfect job, get a raise, or find money arrives in the mail.

Keep in mind that patience pays this week, and if money doesn’t show up at your door, it might just mean that the ball is now rolling in the right direction to bring abundance at the next Full Moon, which is October 1, 2020.

Keep your eye on the prize and take little steps towards your goal.

We also have a waning Moon this week, which is why it may take one more Moon cycle for the big winnings to arrive. Now that the four months of Jupiter retrograde and shrunken opportunity is in the past, you can be assured the proverbial Sun is shining on your bank account.

Make sure to check out 8 Crystals to Attract Money & Wealth to further capitalize on this transit!

Venus is in Lovable Leo

With so many planets still in retrograde, it’s high time to allow some love into your life. Venus is in the gregarious and charming sign of Leo, which means you have the gumption to get out there, and put your best foot forward in love.

Venus and Mercury are not retrograde right now, so you can actually see clearly to find love. You may also feel other people are more willing to go on a date right now. A little love helps us heal from the drama occurring on the world stage.

Planetary Locations During September 7 – September 13, 2020

Sun: Virgo (August 22, 2020 – September 22, 2020)

Mercury: Libra (September 5, 2020 – September 27, 2020)

Venus: Leo (September 6, 2020 – October 2, 2020)

Mars: Aries (June 27, 2020 – January 6, 2021)

Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)

Saturn: Capricorn (July 1, 2020 – December 17, 2020)

Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)

Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)

Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)

Daily Astrology Snapshots for September 7 – September 13, 2020

Monday, September 7

Sun: Virgo – It’s the Virgo Sun that has us looking around the house to see what we can perfect. If you find yourself rearranging furniture or wallpapering, that would be Virgo’s influence.

Moon: Taurus – We want to have a comfortable and enjoyable life so we will seek out the things that bring us to that as easily as possible.

Tuesday, September 8

Sun: Virgo

Moon: Taurus

Wednesday, September 9

Sun: Virgo

Moon: Gemini – Ideas are really streaming today, and we need something to chew on intellectually. Maybe watch a documentary or explore a virtual museum to give your mind some food today.

Transit: Mars stations retrograde in Aries. This transit will last until November 13. If you notice resentment or paranoia, this is normal, but you’ll be able to understand the mechanism and not be controlled by it.

If you need to rest, please do. This is a time to slow down, get to know your passion on a deeper level, and ask what drives you to feel most alive.

Learn all about your Heart’s Desire vs. Hidden Passion Number for more insights.

Thursday, September 10

Sun: Virgo

Moon: Gemini

Friday, September 11

Sun: Virgo

Moon: Cancer – Partnerships are on our minds today, and we are likely to want to have some company. Give yourself permission to honor those feelings.

Aspect: Sun in Virgo (opposition) Neptune in Pisces. This is a time to focus on your health and not to binge to handle stress. You’ll find the fog and confusion lifts soon!

Saturday, September 12

Sun: Virgo

Moon: Cancer

Sunday, September 13

Sun: Virgo

Moon: Cancer

Don’t forget to review Your Monthly Astrology Transits September 2020.

Did this overview resonate with you? Get another astrologer’s take on this week’s astrology forecast.

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. Her classes can be found online at www.HOI.TV/authors/shannon and you can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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