Have you been craving a change in your life? Are you seeking a shift in reality that brings your consciousness alive? Then this week is bringing exactly what you’ve been looking for, thanks to the celestial energy above.
While only two major astrological transits are happening this week, they’re here to bring an entirely new energy, along with an entirely new perspective, to the center of your mind.
Perhaps the most important celestial gift we receive this week comes in the form of the Solar eclipse in the sign of Gemini, which takes place on June 10th. This eclipse will affect all of us, although those with strong Gemini placements may feel it even more intensely. This particular transit encourages you to embrace change in any form, especially when hidden information is revealed.
The very next day, on June 11th, Mars – the planet of passion, ambition, and will – moves into the fiery sign of Leo.
This is a comfortable position for Mars, who enjoys the fiery energy of Leo. Mars feels livelier, which in turn shines a light on your own passion projects. This is a transit that will help you feel reconnected to those creative ideas you’ve been having recently while giving you the confidence to go after those things you truly want.
This energy shakes things up and then tells you to go for it.
June 7 – June 13 is a Week to Transform, Create, & Feel Passion
If the first signs of spring didn’t have you bursting with electricity, then consider this your starry week. Both the Solar eclipse and Mars moving into Leo light a fire the likes of which we haven’t seen in a while. So, if you’ve felt like your creative passion has been hiding beneath the surface, this is the time to let it unleash itself.
Mars in Leo is a time to reignite the fire within and let your passion explode like a firework.
Have you been searching for that creative passion? Then this is the week for you to reconnect with your spirit and let it shine through you.
Planetary Locations During June 7 – June 13, 2021

- Sun: Gemini (May 20, 2021 – June 20, 2021)
- Mercury: Gemini (May 3, 2021 – July 11, 2021)
- Venus: Cancer (June 2, 2021 – June 26, 2021)
- Mars: Cancer (April 23, 2021 – June 11, 2021), Leo (June 11 – July 29, 2021)
- Jupiter: Pisces (May 13, 2021 – July 28, 2021)
- Saturn: Aquarius (December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023)
- Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
- Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
- Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for June 7 – June 13, 2021
Monday, June 7
Gemini – The Gemini Sun continues to inspire deep thought and curiosity within. Continue to challenge your own mind with stimulating projects and new research.
Taurus – When the Moon is in Taurus, you may be reminded to mix work with play. Try to have fun doing your chores, and let yourself truly relax once the workday is over.
Astrological Aspect
Moon In Taurus square Saturn In Aquarius – Spend some time away from all things work or responsibility. This energy encourages us to indulge and explore.
Tuesday, June 8
Astrological Aspect
No major transits today.
Read next: Your Eclipse Personality Style by Zodiac Sign
Wednesday, June 9
Gemini – With the Sun and the Moon in Gemini, curious thought and interesting conversations are on the menu. This is a great day to catch up with those you love.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius – This transit increases your sense of emotional strength, making it easier for you to face difficult situations. Try seeking advice from those you trust most.
Moon In Gemini square Jupiter In Pisces – Continuing the relaxing energies this week, this aspect encourages your to take a break and allow yourself to enjoy a moment of calm. Focus on your dreams and interests, allow them to fuel a day of self-care.
Thursday, June 10
Astrological Aspect
New Moon Solar eclipse in Gemini – This eclipse brings a sense of change to your life, helping you identify the passions that now feed your spirit. Listen to any intuition that speaks to your soul today.
Read this: The Ultimate Guide to Lunar & Solar Eclipses
Friday, June 11
Cancer – The Cancer Moon helps you feel more receptive to emotions, both those that come from yourself and those that come from others. Don’t avoid conversation or connection today.
Astrological Aspect
Mars enters Leo – Mars is comfortable in the sign of Leo, and it helps you feel more connected to the creative projects in your life. Seek out passion today – that’s where you’ll find the answers.
Saturday, June 12
Astrological Aspect
Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus – You may desire a bit of adventure and excitement today. Following your inspiration will bring you closer to your creative projects.
Sunday, June 13
Astrological Aspect
Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus – You want to shake things up today, especially when it comes to relationships. Go on a new adventure with a loved one!
What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers!
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