Are you looking for connection and abundance? Have you been craving a sense of inspiration and an alignment with the loving energy of the Universe? Then this is the week for you because we’ve got one major transit that’s shifting the energy for all of us – and moving us into a more loving direction.
While we’re still hanging on through Mercury retrograde, there’s one big transit that brings the connection we need to make it through the spring and move into the summer with an artistic, loving spirit that can help you sail along this Mercury retrograde period with positivity and light.
And that’s all because Venus – the planet of beauty and love – moves into Cancer’s sensitive and intuitive sign on June 2nd, where it will remain until June 26th. This is a transit that brings an abundant sense of connection and love because it combines the energy of two powerfully loving sources: the planet Venus and the sign of Cancer.
When Venus is in Cancer, you feel more nurturing and more understanding. You experience a deeper desire to focus on your home and how welcoming it feels to yourself and others, making this a wonderful time to reach out to loved ones and focus on cleansing your sacred space.
It’s hard to get sidetracked by the confusion of Mercury retrograde when Venus is pointing your attention towards your relationships with others, yourself, and your home.
And while there aren’t any other major transits taking place this week, this one is bright and loving enough to set a tone of understanding and Universal connection.
May 31 – June 6 is a Week to Connect, Nurture, & Cleanse
If you haven’t been hit by the spring-cleaning bug quite yet, you can expect this week to bring motivation surrounding your home: You want your sacred space to be as welcoming as possible for your own spirit, as well as the spirits of those you love.
Spending some time cleansing and even rearranging your domicile can scratch a deep itch within, helping yourself and others feel more peaceful than ever when inside your own four loving walls.
Venus in Cancer is a time to connect, nurture yourself and others, and take care of your energy.
While you can certainly benefit creatively from this energy, you might feel more expressive by using this time to focus on love. Self-love, the love of others, and your love for the world around you are crucial components for getting the most from this transit.
Planetary Locations During May 31 – June 6, 2021

- Sun: Gemini (May 20th, 2021 – June 20th, 2021)
- Mercury: Gemini (May 3rd, 2021 – July 11th, 2021)
- Venus: Gemini (May 8th, 2021 – June 1st, 2021), Cancer (June 2, 2021 – June 26, 2021)
- Mars: Cancer (April 23rd, 2021 – June 11th, 2021)
- Jupiter: Pisces (May 13th – July 28th, 2021)
- Saturn: Aquarius (December 17th, 2020 – March 7th, 2023)
- Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25th, 2026)
- Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30th, 2025)
- Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20th, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for May 31 – June 6, 2021
Monday, May 31
Gemini – Gemini season continues to stimulate you mentally, creatively, and socially. Let this energy guide you toward your next project!
Aquarius – An Aquarius Moon amplifies the excited and intellectual energy of Gemini season. This is a great day to challenge yourself mentally and focus on cognitive or creative tasks.
Read next: What it Means When the Moon is in Your Rising Sign
Tuesday, June 1
Pisces – The Pisces Moon brings an increase in compassion and imaginative thought. This is an excellent day to focus on self-care, self-love, and creative expression.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Pisces – This transit brings feelings of peace, happiness, and a sense of being content. Allow yourself to enjoy the relaxing energy of the day today.
Wednesday, June 2
Astrological Aspect
Venus moves into Cancer – This is your time to shine with love towards both yourself and others. You feel more nurturing and sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others, making it an excellent time to connect.

Thursday, June 3
Astrological Aspect
Venus in Cancer trine Jupiter in Pisces – This transit encourages feelings of cheer, joy, and love, allowing you to relax and enjoy the moment. Being affectionate with those you love will build deeper bonds today.
Friday, June 4
Aries – When the Moon is in Aries, a spark of motivation and passion may overtake your body. It’s a great day to focus on creative projects, hard work, or physical exercise.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius – You feel more protective over those you love today, and you may even feel more like expressing that love and affection. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with your loved ones.
Saturday, June 5
Astrological Aspect
Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn – You feel passionately driven to achieve your deepest desires today, and you’ll do whatever it takes. Just be careful not to become competitive with those you love.
Sunday, June 6
Taurus – The Taurus Moon signals a desire for sensory experiences, like delicious food and beautiful music. Give yourself time to enjoy life’s pleasure today.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer – You feel even more tender, loving, and understanding than usual today, making it easier to get along with others. Remember to infuse your words with compassion and kindness to help conversations flow smoothly today.
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