Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 1-7, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of June 1 – June 7, 2020 you beautiful souls!

Last week is behind us and we have a hot week ahead.The biggest event this week is Friday, June 5th when we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the Fire sign of Sagittarius! This will bring big changes because that is the nature of an eclipse.

You might see people breaking up due to not being a great match (finally), and moving on. The purge in our minds will feel like a good cleanse on this day. You can also expect blessings to show up on the two days before and after based on what you’ve been calling in for the first half of 2020.

June 2020 astrology is also thick with retrogrades!

We already have Pluto, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter retrograde. We are doing lots of internal transformation now because we see how we have been blocking our own success. As we release old patterns, we are in a time of rebirth. Be extra loving with yourself, and take time to let your emotions come up and out with a good cry and journaling session. We will see Mercury & Neptune go retrograde later this month.

Read this next: 5 Law of Attraction Tips To Make Your New & Full Moon Wishes Come True

What can you expect this week from the stars?

I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news so listen closely: this astrology overview is not saying your love is doomed, it’s saying this week will help clear the toxic relationships or the wrong partnerships to make way for the best ones that will manifest eventually.

The relationships that are meant to last will be stretched but ultimately show they are built on a solid foundation.

Now, a Full Moon lunar eclipse in a Fire sign can make you temperamental and cause fights. But now that you are in the know, you can take the time to breathe, and stay calm, so that you don’t let the Moon’s energy catch you off guard.

My advice is to channel the creative Fire energy by focusing on your goals and steering clear of people who push your buttons.

Also, just a heads up! Tuesday may bring a test to your love life so stay calm and find some zen instead of getting defensive.

Planetary Locations During June 1 – June 7, 2020

• Sun: Gemini (May 21, 2020 – June 21, 2020)

• Mercury: Cancer (May 28, 2020 – August 4, 2020)

• Venus: Gemini (April 3, 2020 – August 7, 2020)

• Mars: Pisces (May 13, 2020 – June 27, 2020)

• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)

• Saturn: Aquarius (March 21, 2020 – July 1, 2020)

• Uranus: Taurus (January 10, 2020 – August 14, 2020)

• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)

Daily Snapshots for June 1 – June 7, 2020

Monday, June 1

Sun: Gemini – You’re asking lots of questions and digging for information. You enjoy playful interludes throughout the day; finding that taking a break to explore your imagination is most helpful in keeping you in a positive state.

Moon: Libra – Your mind is extra active, looking at things from all angles and seeking answers. But more than anything, you just want everyone to be happy.

Tuesday, June 2

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Libra

Transit: Venus (Gemini) square Mars (Pisces). Love relationships are tested and emotions run high. Avoid arguments by stepping away to relax.

Wednesday, June 3

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Scorpio – Sultry and seductive are the themes pulling at everyone’s attention. You might investigate someone’s deeper feelings, or pick up a mystery novel to quell your thirst for discovery.

Review: Mars in Pisces Love Horoscopes: Active Romance

Thursday, June 4

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Scorpio

Friday, June 5

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Sagittarius – Nobody puts baby in a corner! Especially when the Moon is in Sagittarius. We want to get outside and experience new things under this Moon.

Transit: Mercury (Cancer) sextile Uranus (Taurus). Our mind is focused on helping others and we especially want to help people get out of sticky situations, or relationships with people who try to control them. This is a good day to ask the Universe about your purpose and get a clear answer.

Event: Full Moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. We are letting go of fears because bold Sagittarius helps us push towards new horizons. We will likely see people around us going through what may seem like major changes all at once. Expect a big door you have been knocking on to finally open.

Saturday, June 6

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Sagittarius

Transit: Sun (Gemini) square Mars (Pisces). There’s tension between our logical thinking and our intuitive process. We may be doubting our creative instincts. Just embrace the dichotomy and let the two parts of you coexist.

Sunday, June 7

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Capricorn – Slow down and fix things so that they work better, and get prepared for the week. Looking long-term allows you to see what details to tweak so things can go smoothly.

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope right here on Astrology Answers!

Related Article: What To Expect This Gemini Season: Connection & Communication

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. You can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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