Mercury & Neptune Water Trine 4-Card Tarot Spread

The upcoming Mercury and Neptune Water Trine brings plenty of opportunities for us in the realm of creativity and success! With Scorpio and Pisces dominating this trine, anyone and everyone can benefit from the creative energies that this period will bring. This is the time to focus on your creative endeavours, merging the practical world with the ethereal world.

As the planet of communication and the rational mind, Mercury is great for helping us communicate with others and putting our ideas into practice. Combined with Neptune, the planet of inspiration, fantasies and all that is magical and mystical, there is no better combination to get your creative juices flowing. So, if you’ve been wanting to write a book, paint a picture, create a website, start your own business or tap into anything deep within you which has been calling out to you, this trine can help you put bring your ideas into reality.

Asking help from the Tarot cards is a great way to help you utilise this amicable and favourable trine; you may have this creative and inspired bubble welling up inside you, but you might feel a little lost as to how to put it into action. Check out your daily Tarot online for more information, but certainly draw your own spread to provide greater insight!

A Tarot card reading at this time can help you harness the powers of Mercury and Neptune. Mercury Trine Neptune is not just about creative endeavours, but also about understanding things on a deep and emotional level, and being able to put them into words. Therefore, it is a great time to explore your own emotions and figure out practical and beneficial ways that you can deal with them.

The reading below is one you can use during this lucky trine. The question is about exploring your creative side and figuring out how you can best use it during this time. Remember, trines are associated with luck in astrology and this is a great time to grab hold of opportunities headed your way.

Mercury Trine Neptune 4-Card Tarot Reading

Shuffle the cards and ask the following question:

How can I use these creative energies to my advantage?

Lay out the cards in the following 4-card spread:

  • Card 1: My creative mission at this time
  • Card 2: How I can best put it into practice
  • Card 3: What obstacles stand in my way
  • Card 4: The outcome of my creative mission

    Below is an example reading so you can see how this Tarot reading works. Here are the cards I pulled for this reading:

    1. The World

    The World represents my creative mission at this time. This tells me that I am embarking on – or would like to embark on – something that will make me feel fulfilled, whole and complete. It could be something involving travel; it could be something that connects me to many people across the globe (this could even indicate a cause that many people around the world feel passionate about); it could be a business or hobby that I would like to expand. Whatever it is, it will make me feel complete as a human being.

    2. 8 of Pentacles

    The 8 of Pentacles is a card of study, focus and dedication. For how I can best put it into practice, this clearly tells me that I need to work hard for whatever it is I want to succeed at. This could mean long hours spent in research, pouring over books and articles. It isn’t something that will fall into my lap, but it is something that will come to me over time, if I am prepared to put in the hard work. With Mercury trine Neptune, it also indicates that communicating with others may be an essential part of my success, so this could indicate joining a group or forum with others that have the same interests as me, or finding a mentor to help me along the way.

    3. 7 of Cups

    As an obstacle card, the 7 of Cups can be a card of procrastination and too much daydreaming. This may indicate a warning that I might spend too much time dreaming of what could be, rather than putting in the effort to actually make it happen. This is where I need to keep remembering the advice of the 8 of Pentacles, a strong earthy card that directly counters the watery daydreamy appeal of the 7 of Cups – to focus on realistic and practical methods, rather than spending too much time in my head.

    4. Justice

    As the outcome card, Justice is a very much an ‘as you sow, you shall reap’ card. It clearly tells me that my success depends entirely on me; that should I follow the advice of the 8 of Pentacles, success will be mine and my creative endeavours shall come to fruition. But if I fall into the trap of the 7 of Cups and allow my imagination and procrastination to get the better of me, I will find very little has been achieved in the way I would want.


    Remember to keep an eye on our Instagram today to check out a live reading using this Tarot spread to see how it works in action!

    Of course, you can always create your own personal Tarot spreads but hopefully this one shall give you an idea of the type of spread you can do during the Mercury trine Neptune energies. It’s time to get your creative hat on; you have all the tools and guidance of Tarot cheering you on, so get out there and show the world what you’ve got!

    Related Article: 7 Powerful Ways to Thrive Using Tarot – with Biddy Tarot!

    About the Author

    Picture of Iberia Tor

    Iberia Tor

    Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.

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