We’ll slip into down-to-Earth Taurus season during this week, turning any Aries spark and spontaneity into practical, real-world plans.
Plus, Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, entered Taurus last week and will still be residing in the Earthy bull throughout this one! This means we’re full-on wrestling with this sensual, grounded energy.
In other words, if you’re not comfortable with your Taurus energy, it’s time to get familiar with it!
But no worries — if getting cozied up next to astrological energy is not your jam right now, that’s where your Tarotscope comes in. You can navigate the astrological currents and use the Tarot to get the low-down on what’s to come.
Not yet ready to face the stars? Ease into the week ahead with guidance from the beloved deck of cards!
Prep for Taurus season: 10 Dependable Affirmations for Taurus Season
Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 18 – 24, 2022
3 of Swords (Reversed)
Patching up a wound, Aries?
The 3 of Swords is our classic signal for heartbreak and difficulty, indicating possible emotional turmoil and distress. But with this card reversed, you may not be actively displaying these wounds this month but working through them.
As dismaying as this may be for the bold and spontaneous ram, this does mean slowing down a little. This week, especially as you head into Taurus season, it seems it’s time to take a breather.
Heal and patch yourself up, Aries, and you’ll be ready for the next adventure in no time!
2 of Pentacles
You’re getting into your element, Taurus!
Quite literally, Taurus season emerges this week, as does your practical, Earthy spirit. The 2 of Pentacles indicates you’re in the flow of work and balance this week, trying to manage all of your responsibilities and ideas at once.
Especially in the realm of home and finances, this energy is quite the productive one. While it’s not exactly about checking off every box, it is about feeling like you’re in the flow of progress, which is always great.
Enjoy, Taurus! It’s been a long time coming for you.
Don’t miss: 7 Ways to Help You Prepare for Taurus Season
5 of Wands (Reversed)
You’re avoiding the drama, Gemini.
The 5 of Wands reversed shows your conscious effort to put the past behind you and move away from the pettiness that may be surrounding you (whether this week or the last). You’re saying no to fruitless disputes or gossip.
However, you may still be experiencing the residual effects of the surrounding flying sparks. Remember to take ample alone time to decompress.
Sometimes it’s not always as easy as turning a blind eye. Take care of yourself as well!
Ace of Pentacles
Opportunities are on the horizon, Cancer. But there’s a catch!
The Ace of Pentacles hints that you might run into some productive energy within work, finances, or perhaps the home (especially if you’re on the move). However, this Ace provides opportunities in a way that’s more down-to-earth.
A brick is the foundation of a home, but on its own, it just looks like a brick. You have to see the potential that’s within it. This week isn’t about lottery jackpots but real-world opportunities.
Know you’re skilled enough to recognize your “brick” when it shows up. But you do have to be willing to put in the work to make it worthwhile!
The Moon (Reversed)
Recently Leos were enjoying the light of The Sun, but now it’s time for The Moon to shine.
More specifically, it’s time to use this mysterious energy in a more self-reflective way. Although this card typically indicates strange, otherworldly, and wild circumstances, the reversal may mean this energy shows up for you internally.
The most important part, Leo, is not to run from it. You may feel a little lost in the clouds this week, but you may also run into some solid epiphanies and realizations because of it!

9 of Swords
It’s never been Virgo’s strong suit to stop and smell the roses.
This week, Virgo is all up in the headspace — and not in a great way. The 9 of Swords points the spotlight at your anxieties and worries. You may actually feel more pressure with Taurus season illuminating practicalities and responsibilities on the way to your goals.
However, you shouldn’t bite off more than you can chew. This week you’ll need to destress and find some inner balance and peace before you can make real progress in your path.
Deep breaths, Virgo. You’ll see this through.
5 of Swords
Caught up in the hubbub of others’ drama, Libra?
You may be absorbed by conflict this week with the 5 of Swords on the table for you. This may have less to do with head-on issues and more to do with miscommunication, passive aggression, or people not playing fair in the workplace, for example.
You’re always tempted to play the fair diplomat in these scenarios, but this is not really your issue to squash. It’s ok to be hands-off and schedule more “me time” instead of intervening.
This week, find a way to navigate the rocky waters without getting your feet wet.
8 of Swords (Reversed)
Scorpios are letting loose of any restrictions and reins that were holding them back.
The 8 of Swords can make us feel like we have nowhere to go. But the reversal hints that you’re very much ready to move forward — which is not that surprising since Pluto-ruled Scorpio does ultimately desire transformation in their life.
It may come with some initial discomfort, as if you were shaking off an ache that comes from carrying weight for too long.
But as we know, these aches indicate muscle growth — as you’re much stronger now and ready to go.
5 of Cups
The grass is always greener on the other side, or so it seems to Sagittarius.
The 5 of Cups points to loss and emotional difficulty, with a figure gazing sadly at three spilled cups. You may feel nostalgic this week, reminiscing on the past, or still stuck on an old heartbreak, loss, or defeat that lingers heavily in the back of your mind.
The trick is that two full cups are right behind them; it’s all about perspective! While it’s okay to feel your emotions fully, don’t forget your Sagittarian optimism and spirit.
Is the grass really greener on the other side, or are you missing the blossoming field right behind you?
Don’t forget to read: Everything You Need to Know About Cups in Tarot
6 of Cups
Capricorns are, for once, not as caught up in their present or future goals.
Actually, it’s quite the opposite. The 6 of Cups indicates that this week may be one of heavy nostalgia for you. Some Capricorns may even literally run into familiar faces or find themselves contemplating past relationships and connections more frequently this week.
It could also be a time to tap into old lessons, skills, and resources and apply them to your present situations.

6 of Wands (Reversed)
One word: recognition.
The 6 of Wands is a kind of victory that you don’t always see or touch. It’s not about the trophy but more about the sense of contributing to your community. Reversed, the humanitarian Aquarius may feel disconnected from this sense of purpose this week.
Sometimes the reward you get for your work isn’t always what you’re expecting. Know that you may not be getting the recognition you desire, but you can always be the one to pat yourself on the back.
You’re on a good path, Aquarius. For this week, you’ll have to be your own cheerleader too.
Knight of Cups (Reversed)
In your feelings, Pisces?
This week, the Knight of Cups swings in with its romantic, intuitive, creative full force. The catch? It’s reversed, and you may be experiencing the effects of “too much of a good thing.”
You may be feeling too dreamy, too hopelessly romantic, too caught up in the world of the unconscious. You’ll have to find yourself a proper outlet, or else this cup will easily overflow and become overwhelming to clean up after!
It’s not unfamiliar to Pisces to get a little lost in the world of emotions or dreams, though. So you’re well-prepared for the job!
Read next: Use This Tarot Spread to Determine How Someone Feels About You
How to Settle Into Taurus Season
How can we use our Tarotscope to the best of our abilities? Well, as Taurus season greets us this week, we, of course, want to be as prepared as possible.
However, the steady bull takes things one step at a time. You want to make sure that what you’re planning aligns with your unique path and routines rather than falling into place with what you think the general trend is right now.
So, make sure you consider how your Tarotscope fits into your own personal life situations and unique journey. You can use it in conjunction with a personal Tarot reading or even your personal horoscope.
Whatever you choose, know that the Earthy bull wants you to pick what is most practical and realistic for you and live in a way that aligns with your authentic self.
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