We’re kicking off this week with the strong energy of a New Moon (this time in youthful, exuberant Gemini).
It’s already Gemini season, so if you’re already getting tired of that communicative, playful flair, you’ll want to buckle in and take a few deep breaths — it’s not going away anytime soon.
There’s one major break that we’ll be catching this week, though, which is that Mercury in Taurus will go direct, ending its retrograde on June 3rd.
We’re not on the Mercury retrograde hate train per se, but it’s a welcome change from the technological and communicative hiccups we’ve been experiencing lately!
How will this all affect you? We’ll be combining the powers of the zodiac and the Tarot to find out.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 30 – June 5, 2022
The High Priestess
Aries, it’s time to go within and tap into those intuitive resources.
The High Priestess shines a strong light on your intuition this week. You’re ready to take the reins, but not in the risky or rambunctious way the ram has a reputation for.
You’re instead called to use those intuitive senses of yours and rely on the world of the unseen.
This week, the best stuff will be found through feeling, not just touching.
Read more: You Pulled the High Priestess Tarot Card – Now What?
8 of Cups
It’s time to make moves, Taurus. And maybe not in the way you’d expect.
The 8 of Cups hints that there’s something in your life that is no longer clicking, for better or for worse. Deep down, you already know what it is.
This week, there’s no escaping it. You’ll be directly challenged to say “goodbye” and be honest about what’s really meant for you.
Just be ready to walk an honest path, and you can’t go wrong, Taurus.
The Hanged Man
You were asked to find patience last week and will be once again this week, Gemini.
The Hanged Man reversed definitely articulates the sense of impatience or frustration you may be feeling.
It may feel like many ideas have been bubbling to the surface but that you’ve been asked to find pause and patience time and time again.
If you can work with, rather than against, this energy, however, The Hanged Man can offer you the enlightenment you’re seeking.
6 of Pentacles
Cancer is focused on giving and participating in exchange this week.
You’re trying to be generous and align yourself with gratitude this week. When you have something you want to manifest, you’re aware that sometimes you have to give first.
So, you’re in 6 of Pentacles energy right now, sharing resources (your time, energy, and so forth) with others this week.
Just make sure that your intentions are just as good as the reward you’d like to receive in return!
The Devil
Leo is holding onto something this week, and it’s also holding you back.
The Devil hints at your underlying baggage. You’re still contemplating that old flame, repeating old habits, and/or having a hard time avoiding tricky temptations.
The good news is that this week, you have a good chance of ridding yourself of it all too.
Stay focused, stay honest, and be ready for a “new you,” too.
Read this next: You Pulled The Devil Tarot Card – Now What?
King of Wands
Virgo, you’re stepping up to leadership positions this week and ready to make bold moves.
You’ve been gearing up for the big leagues for a while, and the King of Wands matches that drive, ambition, and desire for taking charge of yours.
With it, you’ll need to be open to taking more risks and not always adhering to strict plans or deadlines, however. This week, adaptability combined with your classic expertise is the key to success.
It’ll pay off in the end too!
The Chariot
Libra, you’re reared up and ready to go this week.
Your sights are set high, and your drive and ambitions are all aligned with where you need to go in order to achieve them.
The Chariot foretells your success this week, shining a positive light on your endeavors. However, it’s earned, and not exactly coming out of nowhere.
In particular, this speaks to the ideas and plans you’ve already wanted to put in motion (and have well-prepared for).
King of Swords
Scorpio has been working hard lately to get themselves into a better place.
This week, it’s paying off. The King of Swords shows you feeling back in control, or at least more in control over your headspace and where you feel your logic and mind align.
You’re in good shape to play the role of advisor for others right now — or, you could spend time recalibrating your own plans since you’re in a good spot for making decisions this week.
Trust what your mind points you to this week, Scorpio. It’s a great compass right now!
Read next: How to Keep a Tarot Journal
Ace of Cups
Sagittarius is heading into romantic, emotional energy for a change of pace.
The Ace of Cups brings a lighthearted, almost elusive opportunity to your front door this week. You may feel more in touch with your emotional, spiritual, and creative senses.
This is a welcomed change from your previously very serious weeks and can help you feel more aligned with your typical adventurous, lighthearted, Sagittarian self.
Keep it light, and don’t feel the need to jump into anything too quickly. For now, it can all be just for fun!
2 of Wands (Reversed)
Capricorn, you’re about to focus on what you do best: planning ahead.
The 2 of Wands reversed indicates that you need more time and effort placed into your course of action. You may be experiencing setbacks this week, but that gives you more time to examine what you need.
It’s not that stuff is necessarily falling apart at the seams, but sure success will require a bit more time.
So, be patient (with yourself and your plans).
Read this: Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards
5 of Swords
Aquarius is going through some trials and tribulations this week.
This card of conflict and turmoil doesn’t go down easy. The 5 of Swords is tricky energy that stirs up desires for winning at all costs or tricks you into thinking that shortcuts will get you to the end.
You don’t have to succumb to these temptations, however — just because others do it doesn’t mean you have to, too.
Foul play and unfair wins are not the way through, no matter how much your environment seems to encourage them this week.
The Moon (Reversed)
Pisces are wrestling with the unknown this week, and it’s not the easiest battle.
The Moon clouds your week with a strong air of mystery and confusion. Reversed, you may feel it on a level that is very deep and struggle to harmonize with its elusive energies.
This may actually indicate that you’re not walking with your real gifts and true self, Pisces, as this is actually the card that stands in for Pisces themselves.
So, rather than fight the intuitive, strange flow, remember that it actually exists within you.
Walking with New Moon Power
When it comes to taking advantage of the upcoming New Moon in Gemini (and other fortuitous transits), knowing what energies are on the horizon can help you make a proper game plan.
You now know a bit more clearly what you can expect thanks to your Tarotscope and can figure out whether you should roll with the powerful astrological currents or try to define the wave yourself.
Or, if you need more clarification, you can always check in every now and then with a personal Tarot reading or check your personal horoscope, of course.
Read next: Your June 2022 Tarotscopes