For many, 2021 has been a year of building and rebuilding. After the seismic effects of 2020, this year has provided some opportunities to grow, expand and reach outwards.
This has been a transformative year too. The recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus provided a considerable shake-up for everybody, and on some level, everyone is feeling the effects of it.
2021 is also the Year of the Ox in the Chinese Zodiac, which always presents a year of building and structure. Setting the groundwork is important this year as it prepares us for the upcoming year, the Year of the Tiger.
So what is in store for us for the rest of 2021? Read on to see what Tarot cards have been drawn to give you an idea!
A 2021 Tarot Forecast for The World
Below you can find a Tarot forecast for the rest of 2021 for the wider collective of humanity.
Cards For Love & Relationships
The World, 8 of Cups, The Fool
Together, these three cards speak of endings but also beginnings.
The World card indicates that relationships have met their full cycle and are going to come to a close. This does not necessarily mean they will end (though, in some cases, they will).
It indicates that a relationship has reached the highest stage it can at this time. Now it will either fizzle out or transform into something else. So if you have been courting someone or have a crush on someone, the next step is to form an actual relationship with them—or walk away.
If you have been a couple for some time, the next step is to get engaged—or break it off.
The 8 of Cups is a card of walking away, but this card can also mean walking towards something. Emotions are being left behind. This is a card of great spiritual growth and indicates that our relationships have run a certain course, and it is time to move on.
The Fool highlights a desire to leap into the unknown. Relationship-wise, this card indicates that you are ready to take a leap of faith with the one you love. It is time to start afresh. For singles, it can indicate meeting someone new or taking a chance on the person you have feelings for.
In short, these three cards indicate that when it comes to love and relationships, it is time to take them to the next level or move on.
Don’t miss: What is the Tarot Trying to Tell You in a Love Reading?
Cards For Career & Finance
Queen of Swords, 5 of Wands, Ace of Wands
Together, these cards indicate new opportunities, but there is going to be some competition along the way!
The Queen of Swords highlights a sharp, shrewd individual who is gifted intellectually and very good with her words. Her energy indicates that it is time to use the power of your words to progress yourself further in your career.
This could indicate that your speaking or writing skills will be called into action or that it is important to have confidence in the power of your communication.
The 5 of Wands indicate competition. There may be others who want your position or who are attempting to demonstrate their skills as being greater than yours, so if you really want something, you are going to have to fight for it!
The Ace of Wands indicates new beginnings and new opportunities. It is possible that new ideas will be presented to you. This card indicates it is time to just go for it and not to let fears or inhibitions hold you back!
Read this next: Everything You Need to Know About the Wands in the Tarot
Cards For General Messages & Advice
The Sun, the Chariot, 8 of Swords
Revelations are incoming, and there is relief attached to them, even if they are more on the negative side. It is better to know exactly where you stand rather than being kept in the dark.
The general advice for these three cards is to go for what you want and to break away from fears and doubts that are holding you back.
The Sun highlights a sense of joy, and this comes with the freedom of releasing yourself from your inhibitions. The Sun card points to revelations and moments of the reveal, either about yourself or about others. This results in greater transformation for you, which benefits you in the long run.
The Chariot in this context as advice is simple: go for what you want!
Combined with the combination of the 8 of Swords, it highlights an inner struggle between your desire to break free and your desire to stay in your comfort zone. Being trapped within yourself means there are walls of fear surrounding you.
The Chariot indicates you have the courage and drive to break down these walls and reach your fullest potential.
So overall, the advice of these cards is: don’t let fear stand in your way! Go for what you want!
Use Tarot As Your Guiding Divination Tool
The Tarot offers some excellent advice and insight as to what may come and what you might need to do when certain situations arise.
The key is that you are the one doing the work and putting your plans of action into practice. In other words, Tarot tells you about the magic, but you are the one who makes it!
Feel free to refer to this forecast throughout the rest of 2021 should you find yourself doubting your inner magic and needing a bit of clarity or advice. These cards are a guiding tool to help you navigate the waters of the rest of the year and by the looks of it, coming into your own personal power plays a big role.
Remember, the Tarot is a firm friend and a guide, but ultimately it is up to you whether you take matters into your own hands and find the empowerment within!
Related article: Use This Tarot Spread to Find Universal Guidance