Your Essential Guide to Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter retrograde occurs each year for about three to four months. You may be wondering what Jupiter retrograde means, especially since it happens much less frequently than the infamous Mercury retrograde. Jupiter retrograde doesn’t bring the miscommunications or problems we often experience during Mercury retrograde, but instead, it offers many beautiful opportunities for internal growth. Jupiter is the largest of all the planets and is linked to luck and wealth, so you want to reign in your spending while the money planet is retrograde.

Jupiter retrograde allows us to see what is blocking us from success. It’s a time to look internally at your strengths, see if you feel your relationship and job are in alignment with your values and even revisit your own philosophy on life to get more clarity. During the Jupiter retrograde, you may be faced with challenges that allow you to find the inner growth you need in order to expand after the four-month period. Because Jupiter is the planet of external expansion, we can expect that to slow during this time to allow for some inner maintenance.

The retrograde starts out in the Fire sign of Sagittarius, and after 123 days, stations direct in the Water sign of Scorpio. We can expect our priorities to shift some and we can prepare for people around us to start getting real with what they want as well. While it’s not a time to enact changes, it’s time to think about them and the reasons we dedicate our time to things. This is very much a time to get clear with what you’re working towards and why so that you know that the path you’re on is bringing you joy.

Here are 7 Ways to Use This Year’s Jupiter Retrograde to Find Success & Happiness:

Trust That Things are Happening as They Should

Practice embracing and surrendering when things start to shift. If you can keep your self in a place of trust and gratitude, you will find blessings. When we find that deep unshakable inner trust that we are right where we need to be, it builds the self-trust that will allow us to become successful. Perhaps the experiences you have are an invitation to build trust so you can remove any blocks you have to success that come from fear.

Capture Ideas

Get your Jupiter retrograde journal ready folks, because your ideas are likely to start streaming. You may start to create a new vision for your future or get clear on what you do and do not want to do with your life. Plan to spend time in meditation to organize those goals with this unique energy over the next four months.

Revamp Values

Allow yourself to take a look at your core values, your spiritual beliefs, and your ethics. Look at how your life either does or doesn’t reflect them. What changes can you think of that may lead you to long term fulfillment and deeper motivation? Look at your career and relationship goals and do some brainstorming to find peace within. Are you really content with your job? What does your heart say?

See How You Block Success

Go to your internal space and look at your personal strengths. Do you let them shine or do you let yourself walk on the sidelines? How can you use your strengths to support society? Get excited because this time can lead to great clarification on your purpose. Check out your life path number with our life path number calculator to hone in on your strengths. This can help you get clear with your priorities.

Embrace Unexpected Change

When the universe throws you a curve ball, play ball. That means welcome the things that seem to throw you off and look at how you can strengthen yourself by staying positive no matter what. Let unplanned events be an invitation to practice positivity, having a loving attitude and simply loving yourself. Your soul may be aligning you with something you can’t see yet so just keep that attitude of gratitude.

Be Mindful Of Your Money

Because there won’t be much expansive energy for our interaction with the world, we can expect to have some downtime when it comes to fortunes showing up. That doesn’t mean bad luck, it just means you need to budget and not spend carelessly to keep stress low. It doesn’t mean you lose everything or there are bad vibes either. It’s just a calm period for new opportunities.

Face Addiction & Greed

During this time, we can see if there are behaviors blocking us from moving forward in life. Jupiter retrograde is a good time to cleanse and detox. Is there something you’re ready to kick for good? Try introducing some healthy replacement habits like joining a yoga studio or juicing. If you have been acting selfishly, it could be reflected back to you now, so be open to finding new humble perspectives that embrace the ideals of compassion and kindness that you may not have seen before. They will improve your quality of life and relationships!

Concluding Thoughts…

Congratulations, you’re now prepared for Jupiter retrograde! You may be tested during a Jupiter retrograde, but embrace the opportunity to learn something and really accept that lesson. Because Jupiter often makes us feel like we can do anything, when it’s retrograde, we may second-guess ourselves or have doubts about being able to really go after our dreams. That inner test of courage can help you get clear about your deepest motivations.

Ultimately Jupiter retrograde challenges us to ask ourselves, ‘what am I chasing, how am I using my unique gifts to get there. and what is my underlying purpose in this pursuit?’

During Jupiter retrograde, take time to write down your strengths and your top priorities. When you are living from your heart and clear about your purpose, your confidence will be stronger naturally. Trust that everything happens for a reason. Keep the vibes up and you’ll pass every test with flying colours.

Related Article: A Guide To Astrology Signs & Planetary Retrogrades

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. You can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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