Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 10 – 16, 2022

hands outstretched on a black table with tarot cards

Libra season is in full force, but that’s not the only bit of Libra energy you’ll want to watch out for!

This week we kick things off with Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, also moving into this diplomatic sign, on the 10th.

In other words, if you weren’t ready to embrace the sign of the balancing peacemaker, now is the time, as it envelopes everything from our overarching energy to the realm of communication. Now is a great time for resolution and mixing in peace where there was previously conflict.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, however. Even though we’re now caught up on this week’s astro forecast, it’s time to see what the Tarot has to say as well!

Make sure to check out: Use This Libra Season Guide & Find Out How Your Sign Will Be Impacted

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 10 – 16, 2022


Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Aries has been on a fiery kick lately, but it’s clear you may have flown too close to the sun this week.

This has less to do with you not having the right amount of motivation and drive, but actually, you are overdoing it — the Queen of Wands reversed indicates that you may be leaning more into irritation and an overblown fire… rather than a carefully nurtured spark.

Surefire signs of this phenomenon are burnout and frustration. Remember that you don’t have to get everything done all at once, Aries. (And you don’t have to be the only one to do it).


The Star (Reversed)

Taurus, there’s something in the water — it looks like healing and replenishment, but it’s not quite.

The Star usually beckons you with its healing glow; it embodies many of the new beginnings and sweet, intuitive compassion we often want after going through hard times.

Reversed, it may feel inaccessible right now, or you may think you’ve found the answers, but really you’re stumbling upon a band-aid solution rather than a deeply healing medicine.

This week, be wary of the “too good to be true” solution. Is it helping you productively move forward… or easing the ego?


Page of Cups

Gemini, this week you’re in a creative, intuitive, and youthful flow.

The Page of Cups is a funky, eclectic figure that embraces its intuitive and creative approach to life.

This is more whimsical and “out there” than some of the other cards you could be embodying right now, and hey, Gemini is not one to shut down something new and interesting.

This week, embrace the side of life that is a little more intriguing and emotionally, creatively engaging. This is your sign to take that risk, to start that conversation, to make a silly mistake or two, and to allow yourself to lean into the world of even the weird and the quirky.


7 of Wands (Reversed)

Cancer has been trying to put themes of overworking themselves to rest.

This week is about finalizing that. The 7 of Wands usually is that exact uphill battle — the feeling of doing too much, all on your own, and sometimes with very little reward to show for it.

Reversed, you’re reflecting seriously on the sources of this issue. What’s really draining you? What might need to be cut out or let go of? How might you be enabling these issues, and what boundaries would help?

In answering these questions, you’ll be moving forward more productively with the energetic flow that you deserve.


5 of Swords

Although Leo loves a little drama every now and then (the fun, theatrical kind), the 5 of Swords is a welcome sight for no one.

This is the kind of drama that’s best left at the door. You might be facing off against annoying misunderstandings, gossip, miscommunications, and more. For some of you, it may feel like jealousy and bitterness have also entered the equation, and others seem to be trying to dim your light.

Remember that the spotlight is ultimately yours, and you can choose what to shine it on. If you focus too much on others’ actions, you might miss the shining moment for yourself.


Knight of Swords

Virgo is moving quickly, efficiently, and with a purpose this week!

The Knight of Swords is one of the fastest cards of the deck, and usually, it’s a figure that comes with some kind of mission in mind. For productive-minded Virgo, it’s no doubt that this is likely the case.

Some of you may be literally moving things through location or conversation, but others may simply be advancing their own goals productively and efficiently with this go-getter pace.

Either way, kudos for the effort; this flow is one that any Virgo can appreciate.


2 of Wands

What would you like to venture into, Libra?

The 2 of Wands is not just a card of adventure and new horizons; indeed, this is something you’ve been planning for a while, so this much is obvious!

In addition to broadening your scope, you’re also examining the core of what you really want — what really exists at the core of your desires, your soul. Don’t forget that moving forward is all well and good, but your vision ultimately drives it.

Even as you progress with your dreams, know that it’s okay to still be thoughtful and contemplative about what they are and what makes them truly yours.


2 of Pentacles

Scorpio, you’re juggling your responsibilities in true Libra season form this week.

Right now is all about finding the flow of balance for the contemplative Scorpion. More particularly, the 2 of Pentacles hints that you’re looking at matters of the material — finances, routines, the home, structures, and your sense of stability.

You’re often known as the brooding type, and it’s evident that you’re looking to think and feel your way into balance and order.

But this week, it’s better to find balance through actually practicing and tangibly restructuring these things — you don’t always have to think or intuitively guess how things are supposed to go.


The Hermit

Sagittarius, you’re in a bit of a mood this week.

Let’s be clear, though: the wild, adventurous archer is sometimes known for their philosophical, contemplative streaks too. And this week, it seems like you’re in one of those.

The Hermit for Sagittarius is like a moment of pause and independent reflection, which you already do decently often. But right now, it’s worth considering that sometimes, The Hermit operates best when left idle — you don’t need to busy yourself with distractions or side quests.

This might mean putting down the screens, cracking open a journal… or even just sitting with yourself in stillness intentionally sometime this week.


Judgement (Reversed)

Capricorn is focused on their own perspective and perception (again).

You’ve been in more of a reflective phase lately, although there’s been a bit of a dark cloud looming over it. Right now, Judgement reversed only highlights that metaphorical cloud even more.

Rather than finding answers, it may feel more like you’re overthinking or that the more you ask a question, the farther you get from the answer.

It might be time to put down the pen and paper or the contemplative gaze. The wise goat’s wisdom is appreciated, but so is your presentness in the real world.

Dive deeper: You Pulled The Judgement Card — Now What?


Queen of Swords

Aquarius is slicing through the world with razor-sharp wit and intellect this week.

You may be feeling these Libra transits, embracing the Queen of Swords in her communicative glory.

Now is a great time for taking the leadership role, setting clear expectations, and especially having difficult conversations that may have felt misplaced before but can definitely be resolved now.

Overall, you’re in your element right now, and it’s best to take advantage of it while the flow is here!


3 of Pentacles

Pisces, it’s time to collaborate and connect.

At your core, you do appreciate it when you can connect wholeheartedly with others. In many ways, Pisces is known for being a little bit of a romantic because of this.

This week, the connection on the horizon may not be explicitly emotional or romantic in tone, but there’s still room for a lot of great collaboration here. The 3 of Pentacles is a fortuitous card for deepening existing commitments, work partnerships, and foundational conversations.

How Will You Find Balance This Week?

The name of the game seems to be “balancing” and finding it within ourselves (and the world around us) thanks to the abundance of Libra transits out and about.

How will you incorporate this energy into your approach for the week ahead? And how will you balance that energy with the messages provided in your Tarotscope? Like in life and in ourselves, the information we gather from Tarot, astrology, and more systems of intuitive wisdom can feel like a bit of a balancing act.

We have to find the middle ground, understand where things flow and connect, and then reflect upon where it meets in the most important place of all — ourselves.

Get the bigger picture: Your October 2022 Tarotscopes

About the Author

Picture of Lexi Hikari

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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