Prepare yourself for this week because it is absolutely jam-packed with astrological transits, shifts, and events! There is so much going on that you might feel overwhelmed or overstimulated by all the different energies coinciding. That is why it is necessary to be ready emotionally/mentally in order to have some container set up for yourself to help ground you in the midst of everything.
We start the week on Monday with Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries and the Moon in Aquarius. This is a very mentally active combination. This is a great day for planning and thinking about what you wanna do/pursue intellectually.
Consider: what are the things that engage/stimulate your mind? Get curious about that and make an effort to make them a consistent part of your life.
You could be feeling extra detached as well, which could make for a good opportunity to communicate/share feelings and thoughts with others, as you are less likely to get triggered or in your feelings about things.
On Tuesday, Mercury in Aries is sextile Pluto in Aquarius. This makes a great time to get into having deeper and more profound conversations with your loved ones. It is not possible to have true intimacy within your connections if you are too scared to be vulnerable and share difficult/uncomfortable feelings with one another.
On Wednesday, we start the day with Uranus squaring the Moon in Aquarius. You may experience some unexpected emotional surprises today, so make sure to stay flexible and not be rigid in the face of a situation that could knock you off center. This is a great day to break out of old, and stuck emotional narratives that are outdated and no longer serve you anymore.
On Thursday, Venus retrogrades back into Pisces. Venus is the planet of love and it is actually exalted (at its strongest) in the romantic and sensitive sign of Pisces. When Venus is here, you could be feeling extra romantic, Stronger urge to connect and even merge with your romantic partner or lover. Venus in Pisces is very deep, profound, and spiritual in the way that it recognizes that separation is just an illusion and that on a meta/grand level, we are all connected and one. Allow yourself to relinquish this sense of egoic control and witness the magic that happens when you surrender to love.
On Friday, we continue with a similar energy with the Pisces Moon being in conjunction with Neptune. You could be feeling very sensitive, emotional, and soft today. It is important for you to ground yourself in order to not be completely taken over by your feelings. Also, make sure you are able to distinguish between your feelings, needs, and desires and those of others. It is more likely during this time that boundaries get blurry.
On Saturday, Mercury goes retrograde back into Pisces. As you may recall, Mercury is toits detriment and falls in this sign, meaning it is not at its strongest or most comfortable. Mercury is the planet that rules the mind, communication, and rationale. Pisces is a very emotional, nonrational, nonlinear sign, it is about sensing, feeling, and intuiting. During this period you may have a harder time expressing yourself clearly or verbally. However, it is a great time to pursue creative practices that allow you to express yourself in more artistic and non-conventional ways. Give yourself to daydream and fantasize, there is so much information there for you about what you desire most deeply.
We also have the Aries eclipse on Saturday.
This may confront you with your relationship to your own autonomy, independence, and sense of self. It is important to have the ability to be your own person and not always feel the need to follow others. It is necessary to develop the ability to be your own leader sometimes and be able to self-motivate. It is of course just as important to be someone who knows when to relinquish the role of the leader and be able to compromise within group contexts. If you are lacking in either direction in regard to this topic, it may become more clear to you.
Also, make sure you have a physical practice that helps you remain physically active in order to have healthy and constructive outlets for all this pent-up energy and inner fire.
Finally, on Sunday, Neptune moves into Aries, which is a major shift. This transit is not one that one would feel on a personal level, but rather a collective one.
During this 14-year period, we may start to have a looser sense of what the “self” means and actually realize that these constructed egos, personalities, and identities we all fabricate for ourselves are much more fragile, malleable, and hollow than we think. We are being invited to become more in tune with how we are all connected as a whole, and how affected we are by each other, and how we even shape one another, because, at the end of the day, we do not exist in a void, but rather in relationship to one another.
Planetary Locations During This Week
- The Sun: Aries (March 20, 2025 — April 19, 2025)
- Mercury: Aries (March 3, 2025 — March 28, 2025) Pisces (March 28, 2025 — April 16, 2025)
- Venus: Aries (February 4, 2025 — March 27, 2025) Pisces (March 27, 2025 — April 30, 2025)
- Mars: Cancer (January 6, 2025 – April 18, 2025)
- Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
- Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
- Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
- Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
- Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043)
Daily Astrology Snapshots
Monday, March 24th
Moon in Aquarius – allow yourself to be detached from what is going on around you and indulge in pursuits that stimulate you on an intellectual level.
It is necessary to think outside the box and be your quirky, strange self every once in a while!
Astrological Aspect
Sun in Aries Conjunct Mercury in Aries — This is a great time to start something you can focus on for the next couple of months. Make the most of your energy and second chances.
Tuesday, March 25th
Astrological Aspect
Mercury in Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius — Pick back up old ways of empowering yourself, taking control, and being passionate. If it helped you before, it can help you again, as long as you’re still comfortable with it.
Wednesday, March 26th
Pisces – during these few days, the energy is sensitive, soft, and dreamy. During this lunar transit, it is always a great practice to tend to your inner and imaginary/creative world.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus — Impatience can run high, and you might jump into action with something, but this can blow up. Try to avoid doing that, and be smart.
Thursday, March 27th
Astrological Aspect
Venus Retrograde Enters Pisces — Venus goes backward into Pisces, and this can bring out old issues in relationships, old enemies, and subconscious baggage, and you might feel drained. Try to take it easy on yourself and others without being a doormat—work on releasing baggage and understanding the past.
Friday, March 28th
Aries – the energy is active, fiery, and possibly even feisty these next few days!
You might be feeling more restless and agitated, so make sure to direct that energy somewhere useful and constructive.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces — Emotional focus is directed at all of this strong spiritual and karmic energy, and you can feel motivated to do what you need to in order to release. Be smart.
Saturday, March 29th
Astrological Aspect
The Aries Solar Eclipse — triggers major energy and goes right along with the Mercury and Venus retrogrades in Aries, so they all tie together. You likely need to take action with whatever is happening now but in a smart, thoughtful, and intentional way. There can be something you want to release, and you can take the initiative. You might also focus on a second chance or something from the past with the retrogrades.
Sunday, March 30th
Taurus – whenever the Moon is in Taurus, you are more likely to feel the desire to be chill, mellow, and grounded.
Use this energy to your advantage and allow yourself to relish life’s simple pleasures.
Astrological Aspect
Neptune enters Aries — this is a huge event for the year, with Neptune beginning a move to Aries. Neptune is the planet of spirituality, and Aries wants you to take the initiative and be more active with your spiritual ventures. This might feel difficult for now, thanks to Mercury and Venus retrograde, but those retrogrades are also likely highlighting what you need to work through first and how.
Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.