Your Weekly Astrology Overview: December 9-15, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings,

After last week‘s rush, we have a relatively calm and quiet week on the agenda this week, folks, and that has you feeling excited as you head into the holidays. With that, you may find that this week has a relatively easy and breezy and beautiful tone to it. The only major change that we have on the forecast this week is that of Mercury leaving passionate Scorpio to enter the Mutable Fire sign Sagittarius.

We already have the Sun in Sagittarius, and as such, you are going to have Fire energy in a double whammy now with both the Sun and Mercury in fiery Sagittarius. It brings lovely energy into the holiday season.

Holiday Lights: Light Your Festive Fire with the Sun in Sagittarius

And that is it for major events this week, folks! You may find that decisions this week are more emotionally based than anything as Moon energy predominates this week. So just follow those emotional feelers, and you win, Friends! And if you need a little extra help in your day to day affairs, keep our Free Tarot reading on standby.

Spidey-senses activate!


Planetary Locations During December 9-16, 2019:

• Sun: Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22, 2019)

• Mercury: Direct in Scorpio (November 20, 2019 – December 9, 2019); Sagittarius (December 10, 2019 – December 29)

• Venus: Capricorn (November 26, 2019 – December 20, 2019)

• Mars: Libra (October 4 to November 18, 2019)

• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019)

• Saturn: Capricorn (September 17, 2019 – March 22, 2020)

• Uranus: Retrograde in Taurus (August 19, 2019 – January 10, 2020)

• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)

Daily Snapshots for December 9-16, 2019:

Monday, December 9

Sun: Scorpio – Follow your emotional intuition to find clues to your next win.

Moon: Taurus – The slow and steady race is the path to abundance.

Tuesday, December 10

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Gemini – Choices and karma go hand in hand.

Wednesday, December 11

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Gemini


• Venus conjunct Saturn – Here we have lover Venus working in concert in a favorable conjunction with Saturn. This means a money bonus might be on the way. Or your may put in some harder work today in a way that attracts some wonderful attention. With Saturn in play here, remember that karma is key here and so is responsibility. With that in mind you can make some delicious wins today.

Thursday, December 12

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Moon enters Cancer – Nurturing others nurtures your soul.

Friday, December 13

Sun: Sagittarius – When you fly by the seat of adventure, your soul sings.

Moon: Cancer

Saturday, December 14

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Moon enters Leo – Take 5 minutes to find pleasure today, just for you.

Read this next: Uplift Yourself: 7 Crystals to Help Your Root Chakra

Sunday, December 15

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Leo

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers!

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